From: Scott Cracknell <[email address]>
Date: Monday, 27 March 2023 at 11:58 AM
To: Nicholas Matejka <[email address]>
Cc: Hans Bakker <[email address]>, Rox Pollock <[email address]>
Subject: St Oswalds Rd 9 and 11‐13 and Irirangi Road 28 Greenlane
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Hi Nick,
We undertook the St Oswalds Rd 9 and 11‐13 and Irirangi Road 28, Greenlane bulk and location meeting on Friday.
The draft work order called for 15 one‐bedroom single level units.
The site constraints are worse than initially assumed – in particular: The site slopes steeply from St Oswalds; a row
of large trees to the south side of Oswald street, and a very steep bank that requires geotechnical assessment to the
west side of St Oswalds. Please see attached.
We can achieve a maximum of eleven single level dwellings on the site which does not stack for
feasibility. (See Tests 2 and 3)
We would recommend purchasing the non‐KOHC property off the Irirangi Road driveway. This would unlock
a larger gently sloped site that we consider would be a better development site for the required
typology. (See Test 1)
The other possibility are two storey typologies serviced by platform lifts – we are currently investigating
three level typologies with platform lifts within MBU 2.
Scott Cracknell
Level 1, 326 New North Road
Kingsland, Auckland 1021