1 August 2023
By email
: [FYI request #23357 email]
Tēnā koe J
I refer to your information request dated 3 July 2023 made under the Official Information Act 1982
(the Act). You have requested the cumulative GPAs of all LAWS 400-level students for 2023.
Subject to the following comments, please see attached the information you have requested.
• the data is correct as of 13 July 2023.
• the first table in the attached spreadsheet is the cumulative GPA of students enrolled in one
or more 400-level LAWS papers in 2023. This data is calculated based on all results to date as
of 13 July 2023 across all years of enrolment. This includes results from any non-LAWS papers
or LAWS papers from other year levels.
• the second table in the attached spreadsheet is the cumulative GPA of students enrolled in
one or more 400-level LAWS papers in 2023, but with any non-LAWS papers excluded. This
data is calculated based on all results to date as of 13 July 2023 across all years of enrolment
for LAWS papers only.
• the data includes all students enrolled in one or more 400-level LAWS papers in 2023. This
includes Summer School, Semester 1, Semester 2, and Full Year papers. Therefore, the data
includes students who have not completed a 400-level LAWS paper yet in 2023, e.g., they are
only enrolled in Semester 2 or Full Year 400-level LAWS papers.
I trust that this information will be helpful.
Yours sincerely
Kelsey Kennard
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator
Office of the Registrar