7 August 2023
By email
: [FYI request #23432 email]
Tēnā koe Michelle
I refer to your information request dated 7 July 2023 made under the Official Information Act 1982
(the Act). You have requested information in relation to entry to the 2024 Bachelor of Dental Surgery
(BDS) programme via the Health Sciences First Year (HSFY) General category.
Please see below our responses to each of your questions.
1. The threshold for all 5 sections of the UCAT, specifying the threshold for each section of the
UCAT in terms of percentile and score.
The BDS UCAT criteria is set annually by the University’s Medical Admissions Committee. The UCAT
thresholds for entry to the 2024 BDS programme have not been set yet. They are expected to be set in
December 2023.
In case it is helpful, the thresholds for entry to the 2023 BDS programme were as follows:
• Verbal Reasoning: threshold set at the bottom 22nd percentile.
• Decision Making: score of 630 or above met the threshold.
• Scores for Situational Judgement, Quantitative Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning were not
2. The 7-paper average minimum and median percentage for students who got these offers via
HSFY (not including the subcategories).
To be considered for admission to the BDS programme via the HSFY category, an applicant must be
enrolled in HSFY and pass all of the papers prescribed for HSFY at first attempt, and have normally
achieved a minimum average 70%, with no paper grade less than 65%. Further information on the BDS
programme, including the entry requirements, application process and programme content, can be
found online at th
e Dentistry: Guidelines for Admission webpage. Th
e Regulations for the Degree of
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) are also available online.
Applications for the 2024 BDS programme opened on 1 August 2023, and will close on 15 September
2023. Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application on 18 December 2023, with the
final class numbers confirmed during March 2024 once the 2024 academic year has commenced.
Therefore, we are unable to provide the minimum and median average academic scores of those to
receive offers to the 2024 BDS programme via the HSFY General category as the information is not yet
held by the University. This is pursuant to section 18(g) of the Act.
However, in case it is helpful, the minimum average academic score to receive an offer to the 2023
BDS programme via the HSFY General category was 87.00. The median average academic score to
receive an offer to the 2023 BDS programme via the HSFY General category was 90.86.
3. The minimum and maximum average score of students who were accepted into BDS for the
year 2023 via HSFY.
As noted above, the minimum average academic score to receive an offer to the 2023 BDS programme
via the HSFY General category was 87.00. The median average academic score to receive an offer to
the 2023 BDS programme via the HSFY General category was 90.86.
I trust that this information will be helpful.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your information request, section 28(3) of the Act
provides you with the right to ask an Ombudsman to investigate and review this response. However,
we would welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns with you first.
Yours sincerely
Kelsey Kennard
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator
Office of the Registrar