18 September 2023
Felix Lee
[FYI request #23608 email]
Dear Felix,
Thank you for your email to the NZ Customs of 27 July 2023, requesting information relating
to the Streamlined Travel Trial held around 2017. On 7 August 2023 your request was
transferred from NZ Customs to the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI). Your request has
been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
On 4 September 2023, you were advised of an extension of the timeframe for the request, to
enable additional time for the necessary consultations to take place.
The Trusted Traveller Project (referred to as the Streamlined Travel Trial in June 2017, when
the trials were about to commence) was set up to trial ways to better facilitate low risk travel
across New Zealand’s border, while stil managing risk. The project was a cross-agency
project involving MPI, the NZ Customs Service, Immigration New Zealand, and Aviation
Security Service.
Budget 2016 established the Trusted Border Programme - a two-year programme from July
2016, intended to streamline border processing for low-risk travellers and traders. The
trusted traveller programme would be open to travellers that are low risk and have high rates
of compliance with current regulations.
The trials were not intended to test a full ‘closed-loop’ initiative for its viability or effectiveness
to be scaled up or scaled out. Rather, the project tested some elements or processes for
facilitated border travel, and the intent was to share and apply any relevant learnings to
future border improvement ideas or initiatives.
You requested:
I would like to have a copy of any reports produced that discusses details of the trial,
evaluation of its success, what was learned, any feedback, and any plans to implement this
or similar program in the future.
Please find attached as Appendix One the information requested. Some information has
been withheld pursuant to section 9(2)(a) of the OIA –
to protect the privacy of natural
MPI is satisfied that in the circumstances of this case, the withholding of the information is
not outweighed by other considerations which render it desirable in the public interest to
make the information available.
Charles Fergusson Building, 34-38 Bowen Street
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Should you have any concerns with this response, I would encourage you to raise these with
the Ministry for Primary Industries at
[email address]. Alternatively, you
are advised of your right to also raise any concerns with the Office of the Ombudsman.
Contact details are: Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143 or at
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Andrew Spelman
Commissioner, Biosecurity Intelligence & Systems