50 Victoria Street
Private Bag 6995
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
T 64 4 894 5400
F 64 4 894 6100
21 August 2023
[FYI request #23627 email]
REF: OIA-13201
Dear Ens-Rationis
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982
Thank you for your email of 28 July 2023 requesting the fol owing information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
Please provide a list of companies, whether private or otherwise, conducting business by
operating road tol services within Tauranga district, and the signed agreements between those
parties and NZTA and other NZ government bodies.
Tolling is a revenue collection mechanism we may establish under the Land Transport Management
Act 2003 which enables users of a road to contribute to its cost over time. Under section 46, revenue
from tolling may be used to contribute towards the ‘planning, design, supervision, construction,
maintenance, or operation of a new road’.
We assess all new state highways and significant upgrades to existing state highways for tolling
suitability. The assessment and approval process is outlined here -
Where specialised expertise is required, we partner with organisations to help us deliver tol ing. This
includes things such as camera hardware, IT services, maintenance, and operations of roadside
equipment, and to help us recover unpaid debt.
The fol owing companies are partnered with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to deliver a range of
tolling services on the Tauranga Eastern Link and Takitimu Drive Toll Road:
Milton Graham
Please note that these engagements are commercial contracts and are covered by non-disclosure
clauses therefore we won’t be able to provide copies of any signed agreements.
I am therefore partially withholding the signed agreement aspect of your request under section
9(2)(b)(i ) of the Act. Section 9(2)(b)(i ) allows for the withholding of information to protect the
commercial position of the person who supplied the information or who is the subject of the
With respect to the information that has been withheld, I do not consider there are any other factors
which would render it desirable, in the public interest, to make the information available.
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision to
withhold this information and refuse parts of this request. The contact details for the Ombudsman can
be located at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz.
If you would like to discuss this reply with Waka Kotahi, please contact Ministerial Services, by email
to [NZTA request email].
Yours sincerely
Robyn Elston
National Manager, System Design