Te Komiti Ako|
Learning and Teaching Committee
Rā Date:
Friday, 28 April 2023
Wā Time:
10.00 am
Wāhi Venue:
Council Chamber Level 6 Matariki and via Zoom
Tangata i tae mai
S 9(2)(a) OIA
Tangata i tae mai
S 9(2)(a) OIA
In Attendance:
S 9(2)(a) OIA
, Professor C Moran, S 9(2)(a) OIA
Minutes of the previous meeting
Moved by the Acting Chair:
That the minutes of the LTC meeting held on 31 March were a true and accurate record.
Matters Arising
Minute 7: Online Test Problems
S 9(2)(a) OIA asked if there was any update from the discussion at the previous meeting about
an unexpected consequence of an upgrade to Respondus during a recent test. S 9(2)(a) confirmed
that discussion had taken place with staff from Future Learning and the Exa
ms Office. The
problem had been that both Learn and Respondus had staggered the start of the test to avoid
network overload but this had resulted in students not being able to access the test. In future, when
tests were scheduled for over 100 students using Respondus, the course coordinator or Associate
Dean Academic should contact S 9(2)(a) OIA educational technology team to ensure they are
aware of the test and timing and also let Library staff know so that they can provide support if
needed. Contact should be either via an email or Service Now ticket.
S 9(2)(a) OIA noted that recent figures supplied to the AAC about upcoming exams indicated
that most will be conducted face to face and of those which will be online, only around ten would
be using Respondus.
Minute 4: Faculty Learning and Teaching Plans
S 9(2)(a) OIA
said that S had started to make progress on this through initial
discussions with the Acting Executive Dean Engineering. S asked for information on how other
LTC Chairs had approached this work. S 9(2)(a) OIA said that he had initiated the work for
Business, and subsequently taken it to the LTC, whose role was to advise the Faculty Board.
S 9(2)(a) OIA
had circulated t he UC Framewor k and asked departments in Arts for
input. S had then started detailed discussions with a smaller group of staff then expanded to a
larger group, with the ultimate decision on the
direction take
n being made by the Faculty Board
and Executive Dean. This approach had raised discussion on interesting aspects of teaching and
learning which might not otherwise have emerged. S 9(2)(a) OIA
said thatS had
held initial discussion with the Science LTC to ensure their key priorities were aligned with the
UC framework. He had also sent information to School LTCs to make sure they are doing the
same. The next steps would be to identify KPIs, timelines etc across the different prior ities
identified. There would be further consultation and then a final decision at the Faculty Board.
Acting Chair’s Report
Congratulations to S 9(2)(a) OIA
on achieving S 9(2)(a) OIA Fellowship.
The Acting Chair announced that nominations for the UC teaching awards and teaching medal
were now open. S encouraged members to spread the word and ensure that colleagues to
nominate staff.
MHiT Academic Re view – One Year On Report
S 9(2)(a) OIA
from the HiTLab was welcomed to the meeting. He said that the
review had taken place in November 2021 and had made a series of commendations and
recommendations, some of which were already underway by the time the report was published.
He highlighted the following responses to recommendations:
S 9(2)(b)(ii) OIA
S 9(2)(a)
S 9(2)(a) OIA said thatS had found working with an Industry Advisory Board in Business had
been really beneficial and suggested that this might be reconsidered in future. S 9(2)(a) OIA
asked whether there were opportunities for staff and students to work collaboratively with
the programme as the field is interdisciplinary. S 9(2)(a) OIA
gave examples of a research
student completing an internship from Arts and of lectures S had given in other programmes.
Further discussions about spe
cific collaborations were welcomed.
Moved by the Acting Chair:
That the report be received and forwarded to the Academic Board for approval.
Update on DLTP Fellowships
S 9(2)(a) updated members on the DLTP Fellowships. The deadline for applications had now
d, with a total of 12 applications received across two categories with the total number
available sitting at eight. Now that the Bended Learning team had moved to Karl Popper, the
shared space for fellowships had been reinstated. S 9(2)(a) OIA would be looking after the new
cohort who were expected to start in July. There were also plans to reinvigorate the distributed
leadership aspects of the scholarships with an event to bring the scholars together with details to
be released in a future Ako Anamata and reports here.
Update on Curriculum Management Project
S 9(2)(a) OIA was welcomed to the meeting. He said that UC has embarked on a project to
S 9(2)(b)(ii) OIA
S 9(2)(a) was thanked for S update; S left the meeting.
S 9(2)(b)(ii) OIA
S 9(2)(a) OIA
S 9(2)(a) OIA
S 9(2)(b)(ii) OIA
S 9(2)(a) OIA
S 9(2)(a) OIA
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11.10 am.
S 9(2)(a) OIA
(Acting Chair)………………………….. Date…………………