Homemade firearm seized
Hot Debrief tool updated to allow drafts, call for LL ideas
Human Source Confidentiality
ID holder knife, Damaged ammunition
Importance of Debriefing
Importance of thorough search when clearing an address
Inadequate Service/Failure to Investigate and Cunning Concealment Countered
Investigative Interviewing for Identification
It shouldn't happen...
Key knife and searching detainees
Lifecard folding pistol
Limited powers to deal with mental health inpatients
Lithium battery disposal
Long hair - officer safety
M4 training ammunition risk identified
Maglite torch shotgun
Mandatory reporting of empty-hand tactics in TOR
Medical care vs custodial risks
Miniature cell phone
Misunderstanding and misuse of TASER contact stuns
Modified torch firearm
Money Laundering/Asset Recovery Unit advice, Taser "show", De-escalating a
situation by preventing it from becoming a "situation"!, Failure to search fol owing a
pursuit, Dangers of fatigue, The ful weight of the law
Nex of kin emergency contacts
No such thing as road speed
No such thing as routine
NOT aggravated robbery
Operation order templates
Photo setting for iPhones
Photographing people
PNT, S8 Search and Surveil ance Act, Inventory seized vehicles
Police parking at crash scenes
Police Property and Exhibit handling
Post-fire safety at arson (and other fire) scenes
Pre Deployment Checks
Preventing unwarranted criticism by ensuring clarity of language
Prisoner search (and pre-deployment check) complacency
Proximity awareness – push-button start systems
Query Location (QL) Awareness
Radio discipline
Radio discipline—Situational awareness
Redaction/Disclosure Error
Responding to "hate crimes"
Responding to Head Injuries
Retention and Control of Tactical Options and Avoiding Friendly Fire Situations
Right to refuse medical treatment
Risk associated with attaching additional items to BAS
Safe TDD deployment
Safety at Fire Cordons
Safety when deploying TDD
Safety when deploying TDD
Safety when deploying tyre deflation devices (TDD)
Section 118 and Fleeing Drivers, Disclosure and the Privacy Act
Section 168A Criminal Procedure Act 2011
Seeking a Warrant to Arrest in lieu of 'Required to Arrest' alerts, or in lieu of summons
Shift log on and radio emergency button
Shift log on and radio emergency button
Shooting at moving vehicles
Situational awareness - radio eavesdropping
Skoda child locks
Skoda window opening and closing
Specialist skil s login
Staff member assaulted when starting video interview
Strip searches
Submissions to Lessons Learnt
Successful Police use of social media
Sumps and bumps and DAS-SAM
Suspicious item
TASER carriage
Taser Holster Clips
TDD Safety
Teamwork around Threats, Risks and Safety
Tenancy Tribunal Orders, Trespass, Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages
TENR Tactical Communication - and inaccurate evidence
The dangers of complacency
The importance of the Dynamic Risk Assessment (DRA) questions in family harm
Thorough search by authorised officer
To forbid or not to forbid (expired driver licence)
Tourniquet and training saves another life
Tyres and pre-deployment checks
Unconventional homemade firearm
Unit log-on log-off - a critical safety risk
Unlawful detention during search
Unsafe handling of explosives
Unsupervised dispensing of medication by prisoner
Use of force reporting
Vehicle security during disorder events
Water rescues
Water rescues part 2
What is Lessons Learnt
Whiteboard markers for roadside briefings
Wider availability of Lessons Learnt via KAI
Your stories make a difference
Youth Bil of Rights
(ach of the many rounds ¿red at this moYing Yehicle had the potential to either ricochet or penetrate and cause unintended harm to innocent people.
1one of the rounds incapacitated either the Yehicle or the driYer.
The aYailability of ¿rearms, T$6(5 and 2& spray should
neYer obscure the fact that the most effectiYe tactical
options aYailable to you to Neep yourself safe, are
communication and MudJement $pply T(N5 particularly
“necessity” &ommunicate effectiYely—with each other,
This is particularly
as well as with offenders and, wheneYer possible, maNe
true when it comes to shootinJ at moYinJ Yehicles,
decisions that will put time and distance between you
where—upon reÀection—it can nearly always be seen
and the liNely need to use force
that there would haYe been better alternatiYes
Justifying shooting at moving vehicles
If you eYer ¿re shots at moYinJ Yehicles, expect to haYe
The decision to carry ¿rearms cannot be made
to Mustify your decisions in a number of obMectiYe and
on the basis of a Jeneral perception of risN <our
independent forums that Musti¿cation will haYe to counter
perceiYed cumulatiYe assessment P&$ relates to
not only the hindsiJht that will be aYailable to reYiewers,
your reasonable perception of a speci¿c threat and a
but also, the siJni¿cant weiJht of international eYidence
reasonable and Musti¿able belief that you are liNely to
and adYice aJainst the practice
face a situation inYolYinJ death or *%+
Lessons Learnt
Akoranga kua akohia
Shooting at moving vehicles
In 2018, we published an item relating to shooting at moving vehicles (Link here: Shooting at
moving vehicles.) It is timely to republish that article as it has become even more relevant in
recent times with increased gang tensions and media speculation and sensationalism
around police actions.
As our 2018 publication outlines, international and local evidence, international research,
and policy in some major US states – as well as our own policy – make it clear that police
should almost never consider shooting at moving vehicles. Not only do shots at vehicles
seldom achieve a practical purpose, but also, the risks to innocent people are extreme—as
highlighted in the article.
Situations in which terrorists use vehicles to run down and kil people might justify shooting.
However, even then, unless the driver (the actual threat), can clearly be targeted for
incapacitation, there is lit le point in just firing at a vehicle.
In any other situation, shooting at moving vehicles is dif icult to justify and the risks are
simply too great.
Please—keep yourselves safe; keep the public safe; don’t shoot at moving vehicles.
Keep your colleagues safe; share your experiences.
Submit your debriefs and lessons here or on Checkpoint, (Search “debrief”).