PO Box 14001
Christchurch 8544
New Zealand
Telephone (+64 3) 358 5029
8 September 2023
James Kirk
Email: c/-
[FYI request #23802 email]
Dear Mr Kirk,
We write further to our email of 14 August 2023, acknowledging receipt of your email of 12 August
2023 (via the third party public platform fyi.org.nz) in which you requested the following information
pursuant to the OIA:
All research, data, analysis and expert evidence you have on file which shows
1. That Central Otago residents are in support of a new airport at Tarras
2. That Central Otago residents want a new international airport in the region
3. That Christchurch ratepayers approve of CIAL’s proposed airport
4. That the proposed airport makes economic sense
5. That the proposed airport makes environmental sense”
CIAL will provide you with the requested information where it is able. However, it is occasionally
unable to release requested information if it would prejudice or disadvantage CIAL’s commercial
activities or negotiations. Before we answer your specific query, it may be helpful to provide some
context to this.
The OIA permits an organisation to refuse to release requested information it holds if the withholding
of such information is necessary to enable the organisation to carry out its commercial activities or
negotiations without prejudice or disadvantage (s 9(2)(i) and s9(2)(j) OIA) provided that such
withholding is not outweighed in the circumstances by the public interest in making the specific
information available. For example, while it may be in the public interest to understand that CIAL is
investigating the feasibility of establishing an airport in Central Otago that does not mean CIAL must
share every detail of its plans, analysis, work or negotiations within specific work streams.
As you may be aware, CIAL is a council-controlled trading organisation that has been specifically
established to operate and manage its business as an independent commercial undertaking for the
purposes of making a profit, and to follow generally accepted commercial practices and disciplines.
CIAL is not a public body collecting and spending public funds. It operates as a wholly commercial,
standalone entity. Due to the size and scale of those activities it is one of only three major airports
in New Zealand regulated under Part 4 of the Commerce Act 1986.
As an airport, CIAL has a further overriding obligation under the Airport Authorities Act 1966, and
reinforced by the Civil Aviation Act 2023, to act as a commercial undertaking. It does so in a
commercially competitive environment both domestically and internationally, where its competitors
are not under corresponding disclosure requirements. The proposed Central Otago airport Project
Project) is a complex commercial activity, acknowledged as being in competition with the
interests of other airports within New Zealand.
Limbs 1, 2 & 3 of your Request
The Project is currently in the validation and planning phase. While CIAL is under no legal obligation
to consult in relation to the Project or otherwise publicly engage at present, in order to assist public
understanding of the context of the Project and CIAL's decisions, CIAL has committed to respectfully
engaging with the community and proactively publishing information as it completes pieces of work.
This has seen CIAL meet with a number of different individuals and entities, including specific
representatives of community groups, business groups, businesses, and local authorities in relation
to the Project.
In relation to limbs 1, 2 and 3 of your Request, CIAL has not undertaken any formal surveys or data
gathering exercises to calculate or measure precise levels of support or approval among the
community (whether among Central Otago residents or Christchurch ratepayers) for the Project.
CIAL has, however, consistently acknowledged that there is a real diversity of opinion and range of
perspectives among the community in relation to the Project - as noted on the “Engagement” page
of the Project website (https://www.centralotagoairport.co.nz/engagement).
Limbs 4 & 5 of your Request
In relation to limbs 4 and 5 of your Request, it is difficult to identify the information you are requesting
CIAL release given the subjectivity which might be associated with the language in this part of your
Request. Further, as noted above, the Project remains in the validation and planning phase – this is
a long-term project and work is continuing. However, we note that CIAL has published on the Project
website, among other items, the following summary information and documents:
(a) a Preliminary Aeronautical Assessment dated September 2021 for the possible new airport which
shows, among other things:
two options for a single runway on the proposed site;
early analysis on weather conditions; and
an early understanding of noise impacts.
(b) A document titled
“Unlocking Potential: Central Otago’s runway to a future-focussed airport”
dated August 2023 which provides general information on, among other items, the following
work and analysis undertaken (which builds on the work of the Preliminary Aeronautical
a more detailed aeronautical analysis, including flight paths and a preferred runway
CIAL’s developing understanding of the proposed site environment – including weather,
water, landscape, land transport, and ecology – and climate impacts; and
analysis in relation to future passenger demand growth in Central Otago.
(c) information and videos to animate what a conceptual airport might look like in the local
surroundings, and how noise might be experienced with aircraft using the airport; and
(d) information papers about noise, avifauna, climate, land transport, landscape, and tourism.
We trust we have answered your requests for information. If you require any further information or
we have in some way misinterpreted your requests, please let us know.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of the decisions contained
in this letter. Information about how to contact the Ombudsman or make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Email: [Christchurch International Airport Limited request email]