15 September 2023
Attention: Josef Strauss
By email only
: [FYI request #24119 email]
Dear Mr Strauss
Official information request
Our Ref: OIA353/1
I refer to your official information request dated 12 September 2023 for:
… a breakdown of costs awards in cases defended by Crown Law in 2021
and 2022.
- In particular, the number of cases in each period where costs were
awarded in favour of Crown Law; and
- the number of cases in each period where costs were awarded against
Crown Law;
- If possible, the total $ amount of costs for both the above requests;
- If possible, the budget Crown Law has to defend claims in court; and the
budget to pay for costs orders against it.
We seek clarification of your request to enable us to respond.
Your request refers initially to “cases defended by Crown Law“. This could be
interpreted in a broad sense to refer to Crown Law’s usual role of providing
representation in the courts for the government. In these circumstances, where
costs awards are made, they are usually awarded for or against the relevant
ministry of department named as a party to the claim.
However, your request then narrows to specify information about “cases in each
period where costs were awarded
in favour of Crown Law” and “cases in each
period where costs were awarded
against Crown Law” and the budget Crown
Law has to manage any such costs. This suggests that you are only seeking
numerical and financial information on any costs awarded against or in favour of
Crown Law, in any cases where Crown Law has been named as a party.
It appears likely therefore that your original request will need to be clarified or
amended to enable us to respond.
Level 3 Justice
Centre, 19 Aitken Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 2858 or DX SP20208, Wellington 6140, New Zealand | +64 4 472 1719 | crownlaw.govt.nz
Please note, any clarification or amendment of a request is considered to be a
new request for the purpose of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for
response—see section 15(1AA) of the Official Information Act.
Yours faithfully
Crown Law
Debra Harris
Crown Counsel