10 October 2023
Barry Murphy
[FYI request #24134 email]
Dear Barry
I refer to your official information request dated 13 September 2023 for copy and count of complaints
about Teitei Drive.
1. A copy and count of all complaints regarding Teitei drive made to either yourself or your partner
kainga ora.
Council would like to seek clarification on question 1. Please can you clarify that the request is for
“complaints regarding the Teitei Drive development”.
2. An official count of how many people attended the public meeting held 31st August in person?
We only keep records of governance (decision-making) meetings open to the public - an unofficial
count of the meeting was approximately 85 members of the public.
3. How many were connected via zoom?
44 unique user ids participated in the meeting by Zoom.
4. What is the highest turnout of people RDC has had to a public meeting before?
We only keep records of governance (decision-making) meetings open to the public of which the
largest turnout was the inaugural meeting of Council last year where 60 members of the public
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
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Yours sincerely
Maggie Flonk
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