GOV-028422 Attachment
Purpose of quality framework
The overal purpose of a quality framework for any component of the review process is to increase
New Zealand’s trust and confidence in ACC and the independent review services.
Trust and confidence are based on the customer experience and journey. The customer experience
and journey are influenced by both ACC and the Independent Review Services.
ACC has specific controls in place to monitor quality which include:
• Regular quality checks by leaders and Senior Review Specialists
• Regular audits of risk areas by Senior Resolution Specialists
• ACC Heartbeat feedback from customers
• Accountability and feedback from Ministers, ACC Board reporting (i.e. Corporate
Measurements), ACC Executive reporting, Customer Group reporting (including Issues
Management), Client Recovery reporting, Review Advisory Panel, Legal Services.
Suppliers also have controls in place to monitor quality which include:
• Internal peer reviews
• External quality checks or peer reviews
• Key Performance Indicators and reporting on timeliness
• Customer Satisfaction Surveys
• Minimum contractual requirements (i.e. health and safety and privacy)
resolutions Customer
Empathy and
GOV-028422 Attachment
Objective of external quality check
The overall objective of an external quality check for independent review services is to
develop an
objective and external metric to identify, improve, and measure various elements of the review process
to provide a great customer experience while still maintaining reviewer independence.
The external quality check will achieve this by:
• Addressing each of the main touch points in the customer experience and journey
• Basing criteria on what customers can reasonably expect from engaging with the suppliers
• Having an objective set of criteria that is clear and easy to understand to ensure consistency
• Ensuring independence in the process through having an external provider completing the
quality check.
• Promoting learning and growth through feedback and comments.
• Focusing on what the suppliers can directly influence
Assessment and Scoring Guide
The external quality check will assess the process, effectiveness, and efficiency of each major touch
point area that the customers experience: review case management, case conference, review hearing,
and the decision.
The Assessment Guide sets out what major touch points will include to successfully meet expectations.
The Scoring Guide sets out expectations for fair and consistent scoring.
Exceeds expectations
Successfully meets expectations
Meets expectations
Partially meets expectations
Does not meet expectations
The Assessment and scoring Guide will be contained in ACC’s Reviewer Services Operational
Guidelines and may be subject to change in agreement with the Review suppliers.
Category 1 – Review Case Management – 15%
The purpose of assessing the case management of the review by the supplier is to ensure that the
customer is kept well informed of the review process and the progress of the case.
Assessment Guide
Scoring Guide
Review case management that successful y
• 1-2: The customer had to fol ow up with
meets expectations will:
the supplier more than once for
progress on the case or next steps in the
process, or there was a delay to progress
GOV-028422 Attachment
• Have clear introductory communication
the case that was directly caused by the
with the customer within 5 days of the
file being received by the supplier.
• 3-4: The supplier may have missed one
• Provide updates to the customer on the
or two timeframes but overall, the
progress of the review and next steps.
customer had the required information
in time and was informed of the process.
• Ensure that any delays to progress the
The supplier may have missed
case are not caused by supplier or
opportunities to update the customer
Independent Reviewer
on the progress of the review.
• Case information such as minutes are
• 5-6: All timeframes were met, and the
provided within 7 days of the request or
customer was informed of the review
case conference taking place
process. The supplier may have missed
opportunities to update the customer
• Case conference and hearing notices are
on the progress of the review.
provided to the parties at least 7 days
prior to the meeting, where practical.
• 7-8: All timeframes were met, and the
customer was informed of progress of
the review.
• 9-10: All timeframes were exceeded,
and the customer was informed of
progress of the review throughout the
management of the case.
Category 2 - Case Conference – 10%
The case conference is an instrumental piece in the customer experience as it is often the first
interaction with the independent reviewer, and it sets the tone for the rest of the review journey.
Assessment Guide
Scoring Guide
A case conference that successfully meets
• 1-2: Minutes were not supplied to
expectations will:
either party.
• Address the issue at review and explain
• 3-4: Case conference minutes were
the legal test that must be met.
supplied but they did not accurately
capture the issue at review or did not
• Set reasonable expectations for the
record other essential elements of the
parties with timetabling such as
case conference.
obtaining further evidence and setting a
hearing date.
• 5-6: Case conference minutes were
supplied. Al essential elements are
• Identify and address any jurisdictional
captured but one or more elements may
barriers or issues.
be brief or not complete.
• Have minutes that are clear and easy to
• 7-8: Case conference minutes were
supplied. All essential elements are
captured with the audience in mind.
Timetabling instructions are clear.
GOV-028422 Attachment
• 9-10: Case conference minutes were
supplied. All essential elements are
captured with the audience in mind.
Timetabling instructions are clear and
easy to follow. Any jurisdictional
barriers have been sufficiently
managed. The legal test for the decision
has been explained in plain English for
the benefit of the customer.
Note: If a case conference was not booked by
ACC or did not take place because of reasons
outside of the control of the supplier, score this
section 10.
If there were multiple case conferences, provide
a score that assesses al of the case conferences.
Category 3 - Review Hearing – 15%
The review hearing is a fundamental stage in the overall review process. A review hearing that
provides a positive customer experience wil ensure that al parties have the opportunity to be heard
and to present their case.
Assessment Guide
Scoring Guide
A review hearing that successful y meets
• 1-2: There is no evidence that the
expectations will:
reviewer has followed the principles of
natural justice. There may be reference
• Evidence in the review decision that the
to the argument of only one party in the
reviewer has followed an investigatory
decision or a cultural/disability need
approach by capturing the arguments of
was not met to the extent that it would
all parties.
have likely prevented the customer
from adequately presenting their case.
• Follow the principles of natural justice
including al owing customers to be
• 3-4: The reviewer has referenced
heard and to present their case. Any
arguments from the parties in the
adjournment requests are considered
decision but may not have considered
on their own merits and are awarded or
one or both in the overal analysis. An
declined with appropriate rationale.
adjournment request may have been
accepted or declined without adequate
• Accommodate cultural or disability
consideration or rationale.
related needs where identified in the
case conference, supplier engagement
• 5-6: The reviewer has referenced
form, or review application form.
arguments from the parties in the
decision and has considered both
arguments in the overall analysis.
• 7-8: The reviewer has referenced
arguments from the parties in the
decision and has considered both
arguments in the overall analysis.
GOV-028422 Attachment
Cultural or disability related needs have
been identified and met. Any
adjournment requests have been
accepted or declined with adequate
consideration and rationale.
• 9-10: The reviewer has referenced
arguments from the parties in the
decision and has considered both
arguments in the overall analysis with
clear rationale. Cultural or disability
related needs have been identified and
met. Any adjournment requests have
been accepted or declined with
adequate consideration and rationale.
Note: If a review was conducted on the papers
without a formal review hearing, the scoring will
remain the same. Marks may be deducted if the
hearing was conducted on the papers
inappropriately (I.e. by doing so, the customer
was not provided with the opportunity to be
heard and to present their case).
If there were multiple review hearings, provide a
score that assesses al of the review hearings.
Category 4 - Decision – Analysis and Conclusion – 30%
The requirements of a reviewer to issue a decision are set out in Section 144 of the Accident
Compensation Act 2001.
Assessment Guide
Scoring Guide
A decision that successful y meets expectations
• 1-2: The decision fails to state rationales
or applies the wrong law that has a
material impact on the outcome of the
• Identify the issue/s being considered
succinctly and with clarity.
• 3-4: The decision does not adequately
• Clearly identify the outcome reached
state the reasons for a decision or
under section 145 of the Act.
makes minor errors in the application of
law that does not material y impact the
• Address all of the elements necessary to
outcome of the review.
support the decision reached in a logical
way and with reference to specific
• 5-6: The decision adequately identifies
evidence by quote or summary to
the relevant issues and elements of the
support conclusions.
review. The relevant law has been
referred to and applied correctly.
• Integrate the evidence and the law into
the explanation, so the parties can
• 7-8: The decision adequately identifies
understand how the law has been
the relevant issues and refers to
GOV-028422 Attachment
applied to the facts of their case to
evidence to support conclusions. The
reach the conclusion that is reached.
relevant law has been referred to and
applied correctly.
• If it is necessary to prefer one
professional view against another, state
• 9-10: The decision adequately identifies
the reasons for preferring one over the
the relevant issues and sets out the
rationale behind the decision and
conclusions. Evidence and the law have
been integrated so that the parties can
understand how the law has been
applied to the facts of their case to reach
a conclusion. The relevant law has been
referred to and applied correctly.
Category 5 - Decision – Writing Style – 30%
The audience for the review decision is the parties to the review and it is important that the decision
is easily read and understood by the parties.
Assessment Guide
Scoring Guide
A decision that successful y meets expectations
• 1-2: The writing style of the decision is
confusing or is unable to be understood.
• Be clearly structured and adopt a
There may be several structural or flow
logical flow throughout the decision.
• Be written with the audience in mind,
• 3-4: The writing style of the decision
and general y avoid or explain
technical, legal, and clinical jargon.
may be difficult to fol ow, although the
overall premise can be understood.
• Summarise the background to the
There may be use of jargon or extensive
decision in a narrative style, with a
quoting that is not helpful to the
focus on incorporating facts and
understanding of the rationale.
assertions that are relevant to the
issue under review.
• 5-6: The decision has logical flow and is
• Explain the law economically,
structured well but includes jargon or
summarising rather than extensively
quoting that is not helpful to the
quoting the law.
understanding of the rationale.
• Include direct quotations from
• 7-8: There may be some jargon that is
evidence when necessary for the sake
of precision or where the original
not explained but this is not material to
words best convey the professional’s
the overall understanding of the
view on an issue.
• 9-10: The decision is written with the
audience in mind and is structured wel .
The decision is clear, concise, and
written in plain language. Any jargon is
GOV-028422 Attachment
explained, and quotes are used
• 15 files will be chosen each quarter by ACC using a random selection tool and invoicing data.
• Only files that have been to review hearing and received an outcome will be entered into the
selection tool.
• A maximum of one file per Independent Reviewer will be selected for external quality checking
each quarter.
• Each quarter, the suppliers will provide redacted files to the external quality assessor. This wil
contain the case information and decision document as well as any relevant correspondence
with the parties and notices. Internal correspondence between the suppliers wil not be
provided to the external peer reviewer.
• The external quality assessor will complete a quality check using the Weighted Quality Check
tool and the above Assessment and Scoring Guide.
• The overall scoring will be weighted based on the 5 categories:
Category 1 – Review Case Management 15%
Category 2 – Case Conference
Category 3 – Review Hearing
Category 4 – Decision – Analysis and 30%
Category 5 – Decision – Writing Style
• The external quality assessor will send the relevant copies of the Weighted Quality Check tool
to each supplier with comments. ACC will be sent
scoring only by the external peer reviewer.
• If the external quality assessor notes any errors or learnings about ACC’s management of a
review, the quality assessor may (and is encouraged) to send these comments to ACC directly.
• If there is any disagreement about the scoring, the supplier will contact the external quality
assessor to discuss.
• If the suppliers receive any scores below 5, the suppliers wil discuss the reasons for the score
and measures taken with ACC at the relevant quarterly meeting or monthly operational