Aide Memoire
Data analytics on ACC complaints
Hon Willie Jackson, Associate Minister for ACC
[Out of Scope]
Acting DCE Strategy, Engagement and Planning
18 August 2022
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1. This aide memoire provides information on the data ACC collects and analyses on complaints that are raised
through the Offices of the Minister for ACC and Associate Minister.
ACC complaints are all captured in one system and acted on in a consistent way
2. ACC records and acts on all complaints in a consistent manner, regardless of the channel through which they
are received, and all customers receive the same high standard of service.
3. ACC has strong mechanisms to detect and prompt timely responses to early signs of customer dissatisfaction.
This includes increasing the accessibility and visibility of channels to capture dissatisfaction or escalated
complaints such as on ACC’s website, or via Heartbeat (ACC’s closed loop feedback platform), social media
and digital platforms, or the front-line.
4. Most formal complaints are escalated to ACC’s Customer Resolution Services team through the phone or
email complaint contact details on the ACC website.
5. Complaints received through other alternative channels account for much smaller volumes, including those
from the Minister’s office, which on average are less than 10% of all complaints received.
6. Information recorded by the Customer Resolution Services Team within ACC’s case management system to
support with management of complaints (including those from the Minister’s office), includes:
• The date the complaint was received, and date it was resolved
• Whether a Code of Claimant rights was requested, including details of the investigation and the outcome
• Area of the business managing the individual’s claim (if they are a client)
• Full description of the complaint and all correspondence relating to it, including a summary of what has
been taken into consideration as part of the complaint investigation
• The complaint category i.e., the nature of the complaint.
7. As complaints are captured in one system and managed in a consistent way, complaints data is a valuable
resource and regular analysis allows ACC to identify complaint themes, learn from service failings, and make
required operational improvements to prevent the likelihood of reoccurrence.
ACC prepares quarterly reports to the ACC Executive and Board on complaints that are
escalated to the Customer Resolutions Service team
8. Each quarter, ACC prepares a Customer Feedback Report for the ACC Executive and Board, which primarily
focuses on complaints that have been escalated to ACC’s Customer Resolutions Service team.
9. The data used for this report is extracted from the case management system, where all complaints escalated
to the Customer Resolutions Services team (including those from the Minister’s office) are recorded.
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10. The report outlines the volume of complaints received, the ratio of complaints to the number of active
entitlement claims, the key themes, the timeliness to resolve complaints and oversight of the actions being
taken by the organisation to improve its service.
11. As the purpose of the report is to provide an overarching view of performance, and support with identifying
systemic themes, analysis by channel is not the focus. Therefore, analysis and reporting on complaints
received from the Minister’s office is not done separately.
ACC uses complaints data to ensure complaints are resolved in appropriate and timely
manner, and to improve performance.
12. The primary reason ACC collects, and analyses data is to ensure the Customer Resolution Services team has
complete information enabling them to resolve the complaint in an appropriate and timely manner.
13. The second key reason is so ACC can review its performance and identify why customers have raised issues,
which an important part of ACC’s focus on continuous improvement. Ensuring ACC measures, monitors, and
reports on complaints handling performance, also meets an action recommended by the Office of Auditor
General in their review of ACC’s complaints handling process in 2014.
14. Attached is a copy of the Quarter 3 2021/22 Customer Feedback Report for the Minister’s reference.
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