This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Numbers of Employees Handling Complaints and Reviews from 01/01/2018 -10/10/2023'.

17 November 2023  
[FYI request #24512 email] 
Kia ora  
Your Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-028562 
Thank you for your email of 24 October 2023, asking for the following information under the Official 
Information Act 1982 (the Act): 
This request is for information from the dates 01/01/2018 to 10/10/2023. Please provide this 
following information as monthly average with standard deviation. For each monthly average, 
please specify the number of days which were used to calculate the average. The number of days 
should be the number of working days per month, non-inclusive of statutory holidays or closures for 
any other reason. If there were exceptional circumstances (such as closures due to mass shootings 
or natural disasters), please specify those exceptional circumstances, including the dates of impact 
and location. 
Topic: Employees authorised to monitor, allocate, investigate, and remedy complaints and requests 
for review of decisions
[1] The name of each team who was delegated to monitor, allocate, assess, investigate, and take 
steps to remedy complaints and requests for reviews. Please specify if the team is delegated to deal 
with complaints or with requests for reviews.
[2] For each team named in [1] above, the average number (and standard deviation) of employees 
who were delegated to register and allocate complaints and requests for reviews received by ACC 
via: (a) email; and (b) phone; and (c) post.
[3] For each team named in [1] above, the average number (and standard deviation) of employees 
who were delegated to investigate complaints and requests for reviews received by ACC.
[4] For each team named in [1] above, the average number (and standard deviation) of employees 
who were delegated to attempt to resolve the complaint or request for review, prior to any 
escalation to external dispute services.
Question 1 
Resolution Services is the team which deals with complaints and reviews. It is made up of 8 smaller teams: 
•  One Navigation Services team who are responsible for the strategic and operational management 
of ACC Navigation Services. 
•  One Triage and Workflow team who are responsible for administration support, triaging review 
applications, and monitoring workflow for Resolution Services.  
•  One Customer Resolution Team who are responsible for the management of escalated complaints. 
This consists of Resolution Specialists.  
•  Five Review Teams who are responsible for the end-to-end review process. This consists of Review 
Specialists. The five Review Teams do not have individual team names, and our data doesn’t show 
the split of staff numbers between these teams. 
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Questions 2 to 4 
We note that your request is prefaced to include monthly averages with standard deviation, and to only 
include working days (excluding public holidays and other closures). We are not able to readily produce the 
averages you have specified from our reporting systems, and we consider it would require some specialist 
input to determine the information requested. Noting this, we would have to create the information to 
meet this part of your request, which is outside of our obligations under the Act. For this reason, we are 
refusing questions 2 to 4, as we do not hold the information requested. This decision has been made under 
section 18(g) of the Act.    
If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch 
You can email me at [email address]. If you are not happy with this response, you can also 
contact the Ombudsman via [email address] or by phoning 0800 802 602. Information 
about how to make a complaint is available at 
Ngā mihi 
Sara Freitag 
Acting Manager Official Information Act Services 
Government Engagement 
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