Via email: [FYI request #24554 email]
7 November 2023
Dear Erica
Official Information Act request dated 27 October 2023
We refer to your email dated 27 October 2023 requesting information under the
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
Your Request: Would you please share whether the $100k prize money on Celebrity
Treasure Island is public money or from sponsorship?
TVNZ’s Response: Celebrity Treasure Island is produced with TVNZ’s commercial
revenue. This includes the prize money offered to the charity nominated by the winner
each year. There is no one sponsor that provides this money.
TVNZ receives “public money” directly for three shows: Q+A and Country Calendar
(NZ on Air funded) and Te Karere (Te Māngai Pāho funded).
We trust this response answers your queries. As you may know, if you are dissatisfied
with this response, section 28(3) of the Act provides you with the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman in order to seek an investigation and review of the
Yours sincerely,
Official Information Requests Team