1 December 2023
[FYI request #24644 email]
Tēnā koe Anatoly
Your request for Official information, reference: HNZ00032042
Thank you for your email on 3 November 2023, asking for the following under the Of icial
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
“I am a New Zealand citizen and reside in New Zealand. Under the OIA, I request a copy of
the following
1) A list of Mental Health & Addictions Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience
Roles within Te Whatu Ora Lakes region/locality and a description of what these roles are
expected to provide.
2) A list of Mental Health & Addictions Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience
Roles in the lakes region that are funded by Te Whatu Ora (within the NGO sector)”
Please find below a detailed response to each part of your request.
1) A list of Mental Health & Addictions Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience Roles
within Te Whatu Ora Lakes region/locality and a description of what these roles are
expected to provide.
Several community organisations in the Lakes region are employing Community Peer Support
lived Experience (CPSLE) roles. Te Whatu Ora Lakes does not hold a list of these.
In 2020/21 a business case was written to seek formal approval to invest in a Peer Support Worker
(PSWs) Implementation Programme. The outcome of the business case was for approval to recruit
a Peer Support Lead. This is represented as 0.8 FTE in the
Link People table below. This was
necessary to allow the sector to recruit more peer support workers to ensure there would be
professional support for Peer Support Workers and advice to organisations in how to structure and
support the new workforce.
Within the Lakes region, Consumer Participation and Implementation Frameworks for the Peer
Support Workforce was developed.
2) A list of Mental Health & Addictions Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience
Roles in the lakes region that are funded by Te Whatu Ora (within the NGO sector)
Te Whatu Ora Lakes funds the following roles which are based in NGO providers. These roles are
listed in the tables below under
Link People, Lifewise and
ARC Counsel ing. It is important to
note the following:
• Peer Support Workers have an integral role to play in the Te Whatu Ora Lakes system
transformation as part of Te Ara Tauwhirotanga providing a holistic, highly relational
approach with service users, families and communities as well as being a part of the
integrated team caring for clients.
• Te Whatu Ora Lakes Mental Health and Addiction Service is currently recruiting to 5x Pou
Toko Ora roles (cultural support workers). Advertising has sought people with lived
experience with the option to participate in peer support training. Some of the applicants on
short list have already completed intensive peer support training.
Link People
Family and
Consumer and whānau, family advisory service
• To ensure the perspectives of consumers, family, whānau
and significant others are captured and inform the way local
services are designed and delivered
• To work in partnership with DHB planning and funding and
senior managers to support the consumer, whānau and
family voice in continuous improvement of the service
• Act as a liaison between consumers, whānau and families
and the relevant services within the mental health and
addictions portfolio.
Consumer Leadership, consultancy and liaison service
Service Outline
and Liaison –
Consumer leadership, advice and participation can make an
Peer Support
important contribution to ensuring the Lakes DHB mental health
and addiction’s sector is service-user focused with an emphasis on
recovery and wellness. People with a lived experience of mental
il ness or addiction need to be effectively involved in the planning,
implementation and evaluation of mental health and addiction
services at al levels.
This service provides consumer leadership work in partnership with
other clinical and non-clinical mental health and addiction services.
The role develops and maintains mechanisms, process and tools to
strengthen relationships with other providers in the sector and
support the implementation of the principles and themes of the
mental health and addictions model of care Te Ara Tauwhirotanga.
Peer Leadership 0.8
• Working collaboratively with clinical and non-clinical staff to
introduce Peer Support Workers (PSW) into Lakes Mental
Health and Addictions services across the sector.
• Actively promote and improve awareness and
understanding around the role of PSW’s in mental health
and addiction services by training and providing information
and resources to clinical and non-clinical staff, service users
and their whānau.
• Including providing leadership and support to peer support
workers that provide individualised support to
consumers/tangata whai ora with the goal of engagement,
modelling hope for recovery, encouraging self-awareness
about what works for the person.
• Include role modelling the key principles of respect, shared
responsibility and mutual agreement.
• Help ensure that employment conditions are supportive and
wil have joint responsibility (with the employing agency) for
ensuring the PSWs receive appropriate training, supervision
and ongoing support to maintain their values and unique
way of working.
The Lifewise Trust
Peer Support
Drug and Alcohol Support Taupo Trust t/a Arc Counselling
Address the continuing care service gap that exists in Taupō
Care/ Post
Treatment AoD
- Peer Support
How to get in touch
If you have any questions, you can contact us at
[Health New Zealand request email].
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the
Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
by phoning 0800 802 602.
As this information may be of interest to other members of the public, Te Whatu Ora may
proactively release a copy of this response on our website. Al requester data, including your name
and contact details, wil be removed prior to release.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Michael Cleary
Acting OIA Manager
Government Services