133 Molesworth Street
PO Box 5013
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
T+64 4 496 2000
6 December 2023
John Luke
By email: [FYI request #24736 email]
Tēnā koe John
Response to your request for official information Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to Manatū Hauora
(the Ministry of Health) on 13 November 2023 for information regarding the Nursing Council of
New Zealand (the Council). You requested:
the current member of The Nursing Council of New Zealand's Professional Conduct
Committees and their term of appointment and expired date of appointment. How did you call for nomination to appoint lay member of the Professional Conduct
Manatū Hauora does not hold information regarding the appointed members of the Council’s
Professional Conduct Committee(s). As per section 71(1) of the Health Practitioners
Competence Assurance Act 2003 (HPCA Act), the appointment of an individual to an authority’s
Professional Conduct Committee(s) is made by the authority itself and these are not
appointments made by Manatū Hauora or the Minister of Health. The Council, as a responsible
authority, is not subject to the Official Information Act. Therefore, your request is refused under
section 18(g)(i) of the Act, as the information requested is not held by Manatū Hauora and there
are no grounds for believing it is held by another agency subject to the Act.
You may wish to contact the Council directly with your request for information, as it is required
to consider requests under the Privacy Act 2020, in accordance with the HPCA Act. A request
can be made by emailing
[email address]. You have also commented in your request:
To ensure public transparency and given these information will be made available to the
public through my OIA request, may I kindly suggest the Board to consider publish the
current Professional Conduct Committees member's list on your website.
During the course of the years, I have encourage many different organisations to be more
open and more transparent.
You may wish to contact the Council directly to make this suggestion. The Council can be
contacted on
[email address].
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request with us, including this decision, please feel
free to contact the OIA Services Team on: [email address].
Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review any
decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be contacted by email at:
[email address] or by calling 0800 802 602.
Please note that this response, with your personal details removed, may be published on the
Manatū Hauora website at:
official-information-act-requests. Nāku noa, nā
Sarah Turner
Deputy Director-General Government & Executive Services | Te Pou Whakatere Kāwanatanga
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