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18 Manuaute Street, Level 1 
Taumarunui, King Country 3920 
New Zealand 
Your ref: 
Teitei Drive 
Our ref: 12509359 
05 February 2024 

Attn: Vini Dutra 
Ruapehu District Council 
Private Bag 1001 
59-63 Huia Street 
Taumarunui 3920 
Teitei Drive Summary of Option Costs 
Dear Vini 
Proposed Teitei Development 
The development proposes a staged subdivision for an initial 46 lot, 44 residential home subdivision in 
Stage 1, with further extension possible if later stages proceed. Entrance to Stage 1 is approximately 25m 
beyond the existing Teitei Drive terminus (see Figure 1). 
Figure 1 
Proposed Teitei Subdivision with 46 lot Stage 1 highlighted 
As part of the subdivision Resource Consent, an Integrated Transport Assessment has been produced. In 
part, this considered the Road Safety Ef ects of the proposed access via SH49 and existing Teitei Drive. 
This found that the proposed development would operate within recognised safety parameters. 
   The Power of Commitment 
GHD Limited       

GHD Limited was subsequently asked to undertake a high level examination and compare the costs of 
providing an access road into the development from the existing Teitei Drive, or forming a new road and 
intersection from Raetihi Ohakune Road. Both options would be constructed within the existing road 
The two options can be simplified to: 
•  Option A: Utilising and extending the existing Teitei Drive by 25m, designed to incorporate 
development such as the subdivision. This option wil  cost approximately $55,000 to join to the 
subdivision; or 
•  Option B: Constructing a new road from the development, extending approximately 455m to 
intersect with Raetihi Ohakune Road. This option wil  cost over $1M, without contingency. This 
option has slight safety disbenefit due to higher speeds and predicted predominant turning 
Teitei Drive and Carrot Park Facility 
Teitei Drive was designed in 2017 and constructed in 2018, specifically: 
•  To provide access to, and provide parking for the Carrot Park; 
•  To provide a slow shared zone in the Carrot Park car park, with a mix of vehicular traffic and 
pedestrians, including a mix of more vulnerable pedestrians of a wide age range profile; 
•  To include toilet and camper waste facilities; and 
•  To enable and provide for future development of the land beyond the facility. At the time this future 
use was stil  being considered, but included potential for a large hotel facility or as a residential 
The road was terminated at its present location to specifically allow and cater for this future development, 
with the curved entry and road width designed to slow vehicles on entry to the facility. 
Teitei Development 
The development proposes an initial 46 lot, 44 residential home subdivision in Stage 1, with further 
extension possible if later stages proceed. Entrance to Stage 1 is approximately 25m beyond the existing 
Teitei Drive terminus (see Figure 1). 
There are effectively two options for entry into Stage 1 of the development: Option A - Extension from 
Current Teitei terminus; or Option B - create new road from Raetihi Ohakune Road. Option B would 
encroach slightly on the rugby grounds, particularly the area currently used for parking. It would also require 
intersection design, intersection lighting improvements, redesign of the entrances to St John and the 
12509359  |  Teitei Drive Summary of Option Costs 


grounds, construction of road through bush swamp land and reduction of the current speed limit on Raetihi 
Ohakune Road (see Figure 2). 
Figure 2 
Teitei Drive extension will require consideration of St John and Rugby Ground entrance 
Figure 3 
Option B would involve the creation of a 455m new road to access the development 
12509359  |  Teitei Drive Summary of Option Costs 


A: Extend from current Teitei Drive  B: Form a new road off Raetihi Ohakune Road 
terminus into proposed 
into the proposed development 
455m (see Figure 3) 
It is presumed the purpose of this option is not to 
connect to the existing Teitei Drive and provide 
sole entry/exit via Raetihi Ohakune Road - 
although it would be relatively simple to do so at 
a later date. 
Intersection  Teitei Drive intersection with 
Raetihi Ohakune Road intersection is complex, 
SH49/Rangataua Road was specifically  with St John Ambulance entry, Rugby grounds 
designed for future development 
entry, and a curved alignment on Raetihi 
including hotel complex and/or 
Ohakune Road. 
residential development. 
Intersection  Current speed limit is 70km/h on SH49.  Current speed limit is 100 km/h on Raetihi 
It is suggested this is reviewed by 
Ohakune Road. Reducing the speed limit 
Waka Kotahi under either option and 
to 50km/h through this potential intersection 
whether or not this development 
would provide safety benefits if this option is 
proceeds - to consider use from 
pedestrians exiting Turoa Drive to town 
or the college using the wider 
pedestrian network- potentially 
incorporating the Tainui St intersection. 
SH49, ADT traffic volumes 
Raetihi Ohakune Road, ADT traffic volumes just 
approximately 2,470 veh/day. 
over 2170 vehicles/day.  Predominant turning 
Predominant turning movement from 
movement from Teitei Drive is expected to be to 
Teitei Drive is expected to be to the left  the right (towards the main attractors of 
(the main attractors of supermarket and  supermarket and commercial centre) - the 
commercial centre) - the predominant  predominant turning movement wil  require 
turning movement wil  not require 
crossing a lane of traffic, increasing exposure to 
crossing a lane of traffic when 
side collisions. 
departing facility. 
Teitei Drive was designed to extend 
Design of the intersection adds some complexity 
complexities  into the proposed development area, 
- currently shared with Rugby grounds entrance 
including appropriate stacking of 
and St John’s entrance. The intersection with 
vehicles at the intersection, confirmed  Raetihi Ohakune Road wil  require modification 
by the Integrated Transport 
and redesign, as well as extensive lighting 
Associated  Addition of a raised pedestrian platform  Wil  require some encroachment into rugby fields, 
near the current terminus would 
area currently used for parking (this area is on 
separate and differentiate the 
Teitei Drive road reserve). Wil  also require use of 
environment of the proposed 
wetland area for road construction. 
development, slow vehicles entering or 
leaving the development while giving 
additional safety benefits to 
12509359  |  Teitei Drive Summary of Option Costs 


A: Extend from current Teitei Drive  B: Form a new road off Raetihi Ohakune Road 
terminus into proposed 
into the proposed development 
development pedestrians and those 
utilising the network from Turoa Vil age. 
Lighting $12,500  
Lighting $100,000  
Kerb and channel $7,200 
Kerb and channel $112,800 
Footpath $6,480 
Footpath $122,120 
Drainage $3,000  
Drainage $48,000  
Earthworks $8,500 
Earthworks $127,300 
Road formation $14,060 
Road formation $225,000 
Sealing $3,600 
Sealing $56,400 
Intersection Improvements and improvements to 
Total $55,340 
St John’s entry $185,000 
Improvements to Rugby grounds entry $62,500 
Additional safety could be provided to    
pedestrians by incorporating a raised 
Total $1,039,120 
pedestrian platform in the vicinity of the 
current drive terminus. This would add    
approximately $65,000 to this option, 
(Note this does not include contingency for issues 
including pedestrian lighting. 
related to work in wetlands) 
Either or both options are achievable, but Option A is overall the safer option for Stage 1, with significant 
cost savings, safety and environmental benefits. 
Stephen Fletcher 
Heather Riches 
Senior Engineer 
Project Manager – Ruapehu Professional Services 

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Copy to:  Dick Scheyvens 
12509359  |  Teitei Drive Summary of Option Costs 


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