This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Board meetings'.

Reports Presented to the Board 
Classification Unit Report Tabled  
Classification Unit monthly reports for July and August 2021 were tabled. 
The following specific matters were discussed: 
 July report had been tabled previously
 A Supplementary report of additional activities undertaken during July was
tabled and discussed
 It was agreed that the report would be updating to include a report on CVOD
activities, particularly the number of Assessments undertaken of CVOD

There was a general increase in the number of publications being processed
during August (Wellington went to L3 Lockdown on the 18th August)

While traditional Classification numbers remain low CVOD work (assessments)
filled gap.

Material was received from mix of channels including a mix of objectionable

The Livestream Suicide (Tiktok) decision is due out this week (w/c 27 Sept)

BOR – The Board decision on a range of Manga images was received and
there will be further discussion to regarding the Board’s understanding of
‘promote and support’.

BOR – The Board’s decision on the 20 videos subject to the High Court referral,
is stil  due.
Information Unit Report Tabled 
Information Unit monthly reports for July and August 2021 were tabled. 
The following specific matters were discussed: 

The series of Porn talks with Parents and schools was completed before

Website content loading for the new website is now underway

Complaints reporting has been updated to include the s46 CVOD requirements

July and August showed similar volumes or work

The July and August reports include the new SPE measures and the Targets
have been updated.  This includes Research measure related to performance in
the first quarter following the release of new research).
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Corporate Services Unit Report Tabled 
Corporate Services report for July and August were tabled and the following specific 
matters were discussed: 

September ytd activity was discussed

There is a surplus of $131K against a budgeted deficit of $85K, a budget
variance of $216k.

DIA invoice is due by 19 July; and was paid on 19 August.  This delay resulted in
breaking a term investment and sacrificing the interest earned to ensure we
had funds to pay the July invoices. The Bank waived the penalty charge.

The surplus is largely due the payment of CVOD Levy by a number of providers
who have opted to pay the Levy in a lump sum rather than on a quarterly basis.

Labelling body revenue $9K under budget.

Personnel expenditure is under budget with the recruitment of an SCA
underway and the resignation of the PA mid-August.

Annual leave remains low, while sick leave stable.

EAP usage is stable and tracking well.

Capital Expenditure for the Month 
The following capital items have been approved: 
  2021/22-01 
iphone - 

2021/22-02  TV for Meeting

2021/22-03  Laptops

2021/22-04  Wifi AP x2

Annual Leave Liability 
The Office's annual leave liability as at 17 Sept 21 was tabled and reviewed. 
Total liability is currently $205k. 

Legislative Compliance Framework 
Classification Act and Regs – 
A  line-by-line  technical  review  of  the  proposed  FVPC  Act  regulations  has  been 
conducted to ensure we are able to comply with the new CVOD Regs.  
Urgent Interim Classification Bill – 
The Bill has had its first reading and is being amended at cabinet direction. DIA have 
engaged with the Office about the takedown notice they intend to use.   
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Risk Management Framework  - risk register 
No changes to issues in register. 
Risk Items from the CVOD Risk & Issues Register will be discussed at the next CVOD 
steering committee meeting, with a view to transferring any outstanding Risk and 
Issues to the Office register. 
Review Board Calendar 
Calendar is reviewed every six months and requires updating. 
Management team ful  day Strategy session was held, with the new DCC in 
attendance.  This meeting discussed the year ahead, updating strategy, update comms 
plan, research and key risks. 
Other New Business 
No other business 
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