Classification Unit Report Tabled
Classification Unit monthly report for December
2021 was tabled. The following specific
matters were discussed:
Numbers were low however this could be explained by the time of year
Although volume is down, revenue is higher than normal. This could be explained
by some high price publications which are more likely to have urgency placed on
Numbers are all tracking as we would anticipate given the time of year
The Board had a general discussion about how items are reported against the
prior month rather than the prior month of the prior year.
It was noted that all waivers have been granted with a large number going through
on 75% fees.
Information Unit Report Tabled
Information Unit monthly report for December 2021
was tabled. The following specific
matters were discussed:
Numbers have been steady
A table has been added to the report to record the distribution of the
Disinformation report to schools
Team are keeping up a good level of content across all channels
Reconsiderations from the new form on the website are coming through indicating
that accessibility to the process is working as intended
Of note: January will be down on Complaints and queries
Website figures will also produce abnormal variance due to the new website
launch. It is anticipated that this will show whether google searches are correct
and auto divert links are working.
Corporate Services Unit Report Tabled
Corporate Services report for December 2021 was tabled and the following specific
matters were discussed:
Of note is that while it was expected that we would have a deficit at this point e are
currently tracking a surplus of $67K
Part of this surplus is the revenue from levies and Labelling Body revenue is
higher than anticipated for December
CVOD is slightly underspent however, this is an accounting issue rather than a
genuine surplus.
Corporate is overspent primarily in LAN IT support and some personal costs
We are underspent on capital budget with on 31% spent at the six-month point of
the year.
Annual leave and sick leave remain low
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Of note, the Heads of HR held a discussion around the utilisation of leave for
those who contract COVID. The advice has been given that people should utilise
current sick leave allocations in the first instance. Appropriate discussion regarding
special leave for those people who may have exhausted their allocation would be
held on a case by case basis
Capital Expenditure for the Month
The following capital items have been approved:
Laptops $33K
Annual Leave Liability
The Office's annual leave liability as at the end of December was tabled and reviewed.
Total liability is up however it is anticipated that this will change after annual leave over
the Christmas period is recorded.
Legislative Compliance Framework
The Board held a general discussion on process and responsibility in relation to legislative
The Board noted that the CVE bill was enacted on 1 February 2022. It was also noted that
systems are compliant to handle these processes and that we are working through
database requirements
Risk Management Framework risk register
No changes to issues in register.
A high level review of the Risk Register will be held later in February February 2022
Review Board Calendar
Outstanding - Calendar is reviewed every six months and requires updating.
It was noted that the Office is to appear at the Governance and Administration Select
Committee tomorrow, 9 February 2022
Other New Business
No other business
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