Corporate Services Unit April 2021
Reports Presented to the Board
Classification Unit Report Tabled
Classification Unit monthly reports for May 2021were tabled. The following specific
matters were discussed:
TikTok videos - an extension has been requested following an application from DIA
in May to review the two TikTok videos. The Office classified these as R18 following
a consultation process. The Office’s submission to the Board is due on 01/07/2021.
As part of the interim audit, Audit NZ require more than three quality measures
around measurement of the classification decisions. Management will discuss and
inform Audit NZ of their decision. The group discussed a focus group in which a
sample would be chosen from each channel. Tania to take ownership of this point
with her team while considering sampling with CVoD.
Information Unit Report Tabled
Information Unit monthly reports for May 2021 were tabled. The following specific
matters were discussed:
Select Committee visit
Harmful Digital Communication Act submissions that the office and YAP submitted
C4AD Term 2 - Maggie to talk through C4AD programme with Tania and David
Talks around the country from the team
Teachers Module progressing wel
Busy month for mis/disinformation research
Website – averaging 631 visits per day and 28 on student site. Two OIAs were
published to the website; banned publications and cost of OIAs.
Maggie noted a small number of the InMagic numbers are out due to updating
some enquiries to CVoD enquiries and complaints to CVoD complaints. This decision
was agreed in a project meeting to ensure figures are correct going forward.
Increased engagement on social media – 53 posts were created across Facebook,
Instagram, and LinkedIn with a total audience of 91,910.
Corporate Services Unit Report Tabled
Corporate Services financials for May 2021 was tabled and financial trends were
May deficit was 32k against a forecasted $138k
YTD variance of 155K
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YTD deficit of 372k
Expenditure in May - revenue is up, however YTD Label ing Body revenue 100k less
than forecast, 23% less.
The Office received financial details from Netflix, which enables the Office to submit
CVoD invoices.
Audit suggested we use feedback as performance measure on self-rating tool.
Capital Expenditure for the Month
There were two items of capital expenditure purchased for the month of April:
2020/21-19 Toshiba laptops x 2 - $4532
Annual Leave Liability
The Office's annual leave liability as at May was tabled and reviewed. Total liability is
currently 190k
Legislative Compliance Framework
A line-by-line technical review of the proposed FVPC Act regulations has been
conducted to ensure we are able to comply with the Draft Regs as they stand.
The Holidays Act legislation is changing to increase the number of sick leave days per
year from 5 to 10. While this will not affect the Office (already a 10-day sick leave policy)
there may be other changes we need to be across and communicate with staff.
Risk Management Framework risk register
No issues
Review Board Calendar
Calendar is reviewed every six months and requires updating.
Management team ful day Strategy session is booked for July. This meeting is to
discuss the year ahead, updating strategy, update comms plan, research and key risks.
Other New Business
No other business
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