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Our Ref
DOIA 24-138
Wel ington Office
Radio New Zealand House
155 The Terrace
PO Box 5501
11 December 2023
Wellington 6145
New Zealand
T 0800 665 463
F +64 4 472 2244
Matt Zukowski
E [email address]
[FYI request #24842 email]
Tēnā koe Matt
Response to your official information request
Thank you for your official information request received on 23 November 2023 for
information on how Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) shares
property owner data, and any Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) LINZ has with
other departments or commercial businesses regarding property owner data sharing.
LINZ is responsible for administering t
he Land Transfer Act 20171 (the Act). Sections 9 and
10 of the Act require a public register to be kept of al the land subject to the Act and
section 12 sets out what a record of title must contain, which includes registered owner(s).
LINZ maintains the Landonline system, which is a digital platform for registering titles and
recording land boundaries and is the register for al private land in New Zealand. You can
read more about
Landonline2 on the LINZ website.
Members of the public can access records of title held in Landonline data by using the
Land Record Search service, being a registered Landonline user, or applying for access to
the restricted bulk dataset via the LINZ Data Service (LDS). You can read more about the
Land Record Search3 service an
d registering for Landonline4 on the LINZ website.
People applying for access to the restricted bulk dataset via the LDS must provide certain
evidence they wil meet their obligations under the Privacy Act. They must also agree to
licence conditions5 to protect the personal information; this includes taking
measures to ensure the data is not misused, is not provided to third parties unless they
agree to the licence, and not use the data for unsolicited direct marketing. More
information on
accessing property ownership data via the LDS and licence conditions6 can
be found on the LINZ website.
5 6
Outside the above processes, LINZ does not have any data sharing MoU’s or formal
agreements with other government departments or commercial business for property
owner data.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this
decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note, this response letter outlining our decision on your request,
with your
personal details withheld, and any attached documentation wil be published on the
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand website. This is likely to be published by
31 January 2024
Nāku noa, nā
Aaron Jordan
Head of Location Information
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