Alison Ayr
fyi -[email address]
Ref: OIA-2023/24-0314
Dear Alison Ayr
Official Information Act request relating to statistics supporting claim that people
don't understand te reo Māori
Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), received
on 28 November 2023. You requested:
“ Christopher Luxon claimed on 27/11/2023 that there are many people that don't
understand the te reo names of government departments. Can you please supply the
statistics on which that claim is based? ”
I have extended the ten working day time-limit available to make this transfer. This extension
was required because of the consultation needed to make a decision on your request. I
apologise for the time it has taken to communicate this to you.
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet does not hold information relating to your
request. I believe that such information is held by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Christopher
Luxon. Accordingly, I have decided to transfer your request to Prime Minister, Rt Hon
Christopher Luxon under section 14(b)(i) of the Act.
The Prime Minister (Rt Hon Christopher Luxon) has the usual timeframes under the Act from
receipt of this transfer to make a decision on your request.
Yours sincerely
Clare Ward
Executive Director
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington,
64 4 817 9700 Facsimile 64 4 472 3181