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Tuesday, 23 May 2023 2:31 pm
Mailbox - Nominations Service; Maryanne Swinburne
Event invite - June 6 2023: Leadership and legacy: Celebrating women leaders in
Tēnā koe
Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women and Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa Na onal Library of New Zealand are
pleased to announce our upcoming event: Leadership and legacy: Celebra ng women leaders in Aotearoa, and we
would be honoured if you could a end and join us online.
Event details:
Leadership and legacy: Celebra ng women leaders in Aotearoa
Venue: Online – Zoom
Date: Tuesday 6 June 2023.
Time: Join for a 5:30pm start. Event will conclude by 7pm.
This event will feature inspiring wāhine who are building their own legacies, pushing the boundaries of gender
stereotypes, and demonstra ng true leadership across Aotearoa New Zealand. This event is also part of our
commemora ons to mark 130 years since women fought for, and secured, the right to vote.
Opened by the Minister for Women, Hon Jan Tine , the event will feature inspiring wāhine who are building their
own legacies, pushing boundaries, and demonstra ng true leadership across Aotearoa New Zealand. During a
discussion, moderated by Caren Rangi ONZM, our panellists will share their stories and perspec ves on amplifying
the role of women. We are currently finalising speakers and are excited to announce the line-up shortly!
You can register for the online live stream here: h ps:// ng-
The live stream will be via Zoom, and you do not need to install the so ware in order to a end, you can opt to run
Zoom from your browser.
Contact Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women directly at [email address] if you have any ques ons.
Ngā mihi,
Jasmin Wiki
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