Attachment 2
Out of Scope
Maryanne Swinburne
Tuesday, 10 October 2023 2:52 pm
Board of the Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
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Tēnā koutou,
Ko Maryanne Swinburne toku ingoa
Ko Taranaki te Maunga
Ko Waingongoro toku awa
No Nga Ruanui toku iwi
E mahi ana au ki Te Puni Kōkiri
I manage the Governance nomina ons and appointments on behalf of Minister Jackson.
Purpose of this request
This e mail is a request for names for possible considera on for the board of a new en ty, the Integrity Sports and
Recrea on Commission (the Commission). Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage (Manatū Taonga) is
suppor ng the Minister for Sport and Recrea on on appointments to this Commission.
What is this new en ty?
The Integrity Sport and Recrea on Act 2023 (the Act) has just been enacted (one of the last pieces of legisla on by
the outgoing Parliament). It establishes the 7-9 person board of the Commission which will need to be in place prior
to commencement of the Act which is due to be on 1 July 2024 or ‘such earlier date to be appointed by the
Governor-General by Order in Council. The Commission is an Independent Crown En ty under the Crown En es
Act 2004 (CE Act). Fees will be determined by the Remunera on Authority and have not yet been set.
The key func ons of the Commission include:
taking over the responsibili es of Drug Free Sport NZ which will be disestablished.
to promote, advise and educate on integrity issues and threats to integrity within the sport and physical
recrea on sector and to develop and issue integrity codes; and
to prescribe policies and procedures for complaints management and dispute resolu on and inves gate
suspected breaches of integrity codes and threats to integrity.
Priority considera ons
Because the legisla on has only just been enacted, we need to wait un l a er the General Elec on on 14 October
2023 and the forma on of a government and the appointment of a Minister for Sport and Recrea on before formal
briefings can be considered by a Minister. The formal appointment process will then be in place. This will be an
appointments priority for Manatū Taonga.
Consul ng with Diversity/Popula on agencies is an integral part of our processes, hence this advice to you about
this new and exci ng en ty and request for ini al names by 17 October 2023 . We do have a reasonable number of
names on our database, but it is very important to ensure an appropriate matchup with the required skill sets and
competencies required to be considered by the Minister in recommending appointments.
Although the new body may not formally commence un l 1 July 2024, it is necessary to have appointments to the
board of the Commission confirmed earlier to enable key decisions to be made.
Key Criteria for Appointments