27 February 2024
Stel a Lynch
By email: [FYI request #25624 email]
Tēnā koe Stel a
I refer to your information request dated 4 February 2024 made under the Official Information Act 1982
(the Act). You have requested information in relation to the Advanced Learning in Medicine (ALM)
Curriculum Realignment Project.
1) When was the ALM curriculum realignment proposed?
The ALM Alignment Project was initial y proposed in 2019 when the attached document ‘Advanced
Learning in Medicine (ALM) Alignment Project’ was widely circulated and discussed at meetings across
the Dunedin, Christchurch, and Wel ington campuses of the Otago Medical School (OMS). This
document was prepared by the ALM Subcommittee and outlined the rationale and overview of the
ALM Alignment Project.
2) What proposal forms were fil ed out (if any) for this?
The Alignment Plan was approved by Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Curriculum
Committee in September 2021, and the OMS Academic and Division of Health Sciences Academic
Boards in 2022. New paper proposal were submitted and approved by Senate in 2022.
3) If no forms were completed in support of this, why?
Not-applicable - forms were completed in support of this.
I trust that this information wil be helpful.
Yours sincerely
Joey Lin
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator
Office of the Registrar