By email
Shed 39
2 Fryatt Quay, Pipitea
PO Box 11646
Manners Street
13 April 2015
Wellington 6142
T 04 384 5708
File Ref: E/01/05/02
F 04 385 6960
Tony Randle
[FYI request #2578 email]
Dear Mr Randle
Request for information 2015/024
I refer to your request for information dated 12 March 2015, which was received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 12 March 2015. You have requested the following
Can you please provide me with a complete copy of the detailed calculations that were used to
provide the transport rates information in the draft 2015/16 Annual Plan?
…Can you please provide me with a listing of the changes (contributions and withdrawals) from the
Transport Reserve over the past three years including the source for the contributions and the target
for the withdrawals?”
GWRC’s response follows.
Changes to the Transport Reserve
Please find attached information pertaining to changes to the Transport Reserve. The source for the
Transport Reserve contributions comes from savings within public transport. Please note that the
terms ‘transfers to reserves’ and ‘transfers from reserves’ are interchangeable and are used for
internal accounting purposes only.
Detailed calculations used to provide transport rates information
Parts of the document containing this information have been withheld under section 7(2)(b)(ii) of the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the Act) on the grounds that their
release would be likely to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of a person who supplied
or is the subject of the information.
The document will be sent to you when it is ready for release.
We will provide you with this information in two formats:
an electronic copy of the Transport Rating Model (TRM) (with the necessary cells cleared)
an electronic copy of the TRM (with the necessary cells deleted) in a format that gives the
figures but does not give the formulae behind the figures
Please note that with these formats two things will happen to the TRM:
A large number of cells will show the term #DIV/0! or #N/A. This occurs when a formula
relies on information from a cell and the information within the cell has been cleared.
Please note that when #DIV/0! or #N/A show up the formula will still able to be seen in the
formula bar.
The totals and subtotals in various spreadsheets in the TRM will be incorrect as the formula
requires that cells in a column are added. Where information has been deleted from cells
the value of the cell becomes zero.
We have considered whether the public interest in the requested information outweighs GWRC’s
need to withhold certain aspects of the requested information. As a result, we do not consider that
the public interest outweighs GWRC’s reason for withholding parts of the information requested
under the ground identified above.
Please note that we are prepared to release certain cells within the column entitled “Price PA” which
contain tendered contract prices and variations to contract prices reflecting changes to services.
However, in order to do this we would be required to review our contract files for each of the
individual contracts referred to in the column. We anticipate that it will take approximately 15
minutes to review each contract file. If you would like this information we will charge you for the
time taken to prepare the information for release. Please advise us if you would like us to prepare
this information for you.
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Leigh-Anne Buxton General Manager, People and Capability
DD: 04 830 4133
[email address]