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Kia ora koutou


Like many of you, we were saddened to hear of the sudden death of Green MP Fa'anânâ Efeso Collins this week. Efeso was both an alumni and a former staff member, in addition he was the first Pacific president of the AUSA. Our thoughts are with Efeso’s family and many friends. Read about Efeso Collins’ University connections on our News page.


Eden Park strategic partnership

The University has entered a three-year strategic partnership with the Eden Park Trust to become its exclusive education and research partner. This innovative partnership aligns with our strategic ambitions for engagement set out in Taumata Teitei. We will be working collaboratively with Eden Park on a range of initiatives that directly relate to our core mission of teaching and learning and research. View this notice for further information.


Building 303 power issues

Building 303 (Science) is experiencing intermittent power outages caused by a faulty circuit breaker. The building remains open and operational, however there might be disruption to some activities and areas within the building over the next few weeks while the problem is fixed. More information is available on the Intermittent power outages in Science Centre, Building 303 notice.


New role for Professor Robert Greenberg

Professor Robert Greenberg, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, has been appointed the new Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle, Australia. Robert’s last day with the University will be 20 May. I would like to acknowledge and thank Robert for his outstanding leadership of the Faculty of Arts over the last 11 years. Congratulations Robert!


All-staff forum, Wednesday 28 February

A reminder about next Wednesday’s all-staff forum, which will cover our strategic planning for 2024 and an overview of the external environment.


Ngâ mihi nui



Professor Dawn Freshwater
