27 March 2024
By email:
[FYI request #26014 email]
Kia ora Dan,
I am wri�ng with reference to your request to the CAA under the Official Informa�on Act for the
following informa�on (CAA Reference
24/OIR/268) –
I would like to request the fol owing information about CAA's protocol around runway
1. How often are runway numbers reviewed in response to changes in magnetic north?
2. Is this review the responsibility of CAA or each individual aerodrome operator?
3. Which aerodromes have changed their runway numbers in the last 10 years?
4. Does the CAA publish runway number changes publicly when they occur? If so, where? (other than
the aerodrome charts themselves on AIP being updated)
1. How often are runway numbers reviewed in response to changes in magnetic north?
Aeronau�cal data, specific to magne�c north changes, wil be reviewed as a minimum every
5 years as part of the obstacle limita�ons surface (OLS) surveys conducted by a registered
surveyor on behalf of the aerodrome operator.
2. Is this review the responsibility of CAA or each individual aerodrome operator?
It is the aerodrome operator’s responsibility to ensure all aeronau�cal informa�on is current
and accurate.
3. Which aerodromes have changed their runway numbers in the last 10 years?
As far as the Authority is aware, no runway numbers have changed in New Zealand in the last
10 years at Part 139 cer�ficated airports.
4. Does the CAA publish runway number changes publicly when they occur? If so, where?
(other than the aerodrome charts themselves on AIP being updated)
The AIP Supplement would be used, possibly NOTAM as well as the airport’s own
communica�on channels. As changes to runway numbers will be infrequent any change
could also make for an interes�ng CAA ar�cle, either on our website, in the CAA Briefing
Newsleter which is sent to avia�on par�cipants up to four �mes a year, or via the CAA
Vector magazine.
PO Box 3555, Wel ington 6140, New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 560 9400, Fax: +64 4 569 2024, Email: [email address], Web: www.caa.govt.nz
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available
at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802
Ngā mihi
Talia Rachel Zachariah (she/her)*
Of icial Information Advisor | Kaitohutohu
Legal Services Unit | LSU
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand | Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi
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*If you’re wondering about the use of the pronouns she/her on this signatur
e, read this article about how sharing pronouns
in this way can help create an inclusive and safe environment for transgender and nonbinary col eagues
PO Box 3555, Wel ington 6140, New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 560 9400, Fax: +64 4 569 2024, Email: [email address], Web: www.caa.govt.nz