02 April 2024
Percy Doyle
[FYI request #26055 email]
Dear Percy
Thank you for your Official Information Act (OIA) request, received on 10 March 2024.
You requested:
Could you please provide a copy of your diary entries to date (since entering this
current term of government).
My ministerial diary is regularly proactively released on the Beehive website, at the
fol owing link: https://www.beehive.govt.nz/minister/hon-nicola-wil is.
Accordingly, your request is refused under section 18(d) of the OIA as the information
requested is or wil soon be publicly available.
This reply addresses the information you requested. You have the right to ask the
Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision.
Yours sincerely
Hon Nicola Wil is
Minister of Finance