River Managers’ SIG Champions Group
TEAMS Meeting Follow Up Action Notes
Friday 9 September 2022
2.00pm – 3.00 pm
Present (via MS Teams): Graeme Campbell (Convenor), Leigh Griffiths, Gavin Palmer,
Mark Townsend, Chris Dolley, Ghassan Basheer, Michelle Mifflin,
Apologies: Greg Ryan
River Managers’ SIG Champions 8 July Meeting Notes
Flood Warning Workshop that was to be hosted at Waikato 25 & 26 August has now been
re-scheduled to be held in Feb/March.
Regional SIGs Plenary 7 & 8 September
Graeme Campbell, Gavin Palmer and
gave an update on the helpful insights
from the Plenary. Including insights on what ideal operating models for SIGs could look like
and proposed changes to strengthen and grow the strategic support resourcing for Te Uru
Kahika through Regional Software Holdings Ltd (RSHL).
Rina Douglas returning from leave with Liz Lambert continuing plus recent appointment of a
Science Advisor thus ensuring increased resource.
Resilience to Climate Change and SIG Partnerships were two key going forward themes,
including increased Maori/Iwi Nga Kairapu SIG engagement.
Action: Mark Townsend will provide followup liaison for the River Managers’ SIG with Maori
SIG Nga Kairapu Convenor Kataraina O’Brien of BOPRC.
RCEOs considering future development strategy for the Regional Sector as focus of their
RCEOs Meeting 10 November.
Co-investment Business Case
Graeme Campbell led discussion on progressing the roadmap, including selection of Maven
and Tonkin+Taylor consultants to assist with the preparation of the business case.
Workshops planned for 19 & 20 September including with participation from DIA, MfE,
Kanoa, NEMA, Maven and Tonkin+Taylor.
Discussion included the need for very good collateral and planned meeting with new Minister
Kieran McAnulty.
preparing a response memo on the DIA Vulnerability Report.
Communications & Engagement Update
Gavin Palmer gave an update on progress with finalising the Communications Plan for the
next 12 months, with this due to be ready for the 29 & 30 September River Managers’ SIG
Forum meetings.
Year 5 – Other Key Strategies/Priorities
Policy & legislative reforms:
Leigh Griffiths spoke of latest 3 Waters Stormwater presentation briefing by Phillip Eyles and
getting him to provide an update for the River Managers’ Forum 30 September.
Practices, Methodologies & Standards:
Mark Townsend working on an update for the 30 September Forum.
Discussion of David Bouma ICOLD report back for the Forum, including need to set out
clearly what is expected from support provided for NZCOLD ICOLD representation including
reporting back. Ghassan Basheer following up.
Quality People:
Chris Dolley reported on the recent successful launch of the new Professional Development
Programme that has been organised by
who will be providing an update
for the 30 September Forum while Chris is attending the Lifelines Conference in
Shovel Ready/Climate Resilience Programme:
Graeme Campbell provided a brief update, encouraging everyone to keep an eye out and
provide early alert if any issues appearing anywhere, noting the extra assistance to the West
Coast and Southland to assist them deliver.
Agenda for 29 & 30 September Forum Meetings
Discussed draft Agenda and confirmation of planned speakers.
Need for about six selected council Leads to speak in more depth of their experiences with 3
slides with key deep dive messages on the learnings.
7. Next Meeting Dates
RM Champions Meeting – date tbc
RM Climate Resilience Programme Leads Workshop – 29 September, at Engineering NZ
RM River Managers’ SIG Forum – Friday 30 September, at Engineering NZ
Otago hosted RM SIG Forum – 9 & 10 March 2023