This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Surrender of Licence for Turoa & Whakapapa'.

14 June 2024  
Stephen Prendergast 
[FYI request #26621 email] 
Tēnā koe Stephen 
Thank you for your request to the Department of Conservation, received on 03 May 2024, in 
which you asked for: 
‘Please supply the following info from 1 January 2023. 
1) Al  communication between DOC and PwC or Calibre covering the surrender of the 
RAL concessions for Tūroa and Whakapapa Ski fields. 

2) Al  DOC communications internally, with MBIE or to the Minister covering this 

3) Al  DOC analysis of the impact on the surrender of the Whakapapa concession, 

with or without a new concessionaire.’ 
We have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982. 
On 31 May 2024 we extended the timeframe to respond to your request to 14 June 2024 due 
to the large quantity of information sought. 
Your questions and our responses are listed below: 
  1.  Al communication between DOC and PwC or Calibre covering the surrender of the 
RAL concessions for Tūroa and Whakapapa Ski fields. 
 This aspect of your request is refused via section 18(g) of the Official Information Act 
as the requested information is not held by the Department. For context, we have not 
had any direct communication with either PwC or Calibre Partners covering the 
surrender of either the Tūroa or Whakapapa Ski fields.  
2.  Al  DOC communications internally, with MBIE or to the Minister covering this issue.  
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In scope documents are listed in the table below as items 1 to 13 and accompany our 
response for your reference. Please note that our release excludes the following in 
scope documents:  
•  Correspondence between the Department and MBIE legal representatives (or 
legal representatives contracted to the Department or MBIE) written to advise 
and inform matters concerning surrender of the RAL concessions for Tūroa and 
Whakapapa Ski fields. This information is withheld in full under section 9(2)(h) to 
maintain legal professional privilege. Documentation withheld includes:   
-  Al  email communication internally covering this issue 
-  All email communication with MBIE covering this issue  
•  Documentation that if released would prejudice or disadvantage the Departments 
commercial activities. This documentation is withheld in full under section 9(2)(i) 
to protect the crowns position. Documentation withheld includes: 
-  Attachment B_Treasury template for out-of-cycle Budget request – Ruapehu 
Alpine Lifts – RAL 5 years OpEx. 
•  One document has been refused in full under section 18(d) of the Official 
Information Act. Please note that this document is publicly available on the 
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website at Decisions on the 
future of Ruapehu Alpine Limited in Liquidation and Receivership - Post March 
2024 ( 
3.  Al  DOC analysis of the impact on the surrender of the Whakapapa concession, with 
or without a new concessionaire.  
The draft RAL contingency plan for the Whakapapa Ski field closure is the only 
document within scope of this question. This document is listed as item 14 in the 
table below. This document has been released subject to a number of redactions. 
Please note it is an early draft and any final version may be markedly different to that 
currently supplied 
I have decided to release the relevant parts of the documents listed above, subject to 
information being withheld under one or more of the following sections of the Official 
Information Act, as applicable: 
•  personal contact details of officials, under section 9(2)(a) – to protect the privacy of 
natural persons, including deceased people, 
•  commercially sensitive information, under section 9(2)(b)(i ) – to protect the 
commercial position of the person who supplied the information, or who is the subject 
of the information, 
•  sensitive information subject to a confidence, under section 9(2)(ba)(i) – where it 
could prejudice the supply of information, 
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•  advice stil  under consideration, section 9(2)(f)(iv) – to maintain the current 
constitutional conventions protecting the confidentiality of advice tendered by 
Ministers and officials, 
•  free and frank expression under section 9(2)(g)(i) – to maintain the effective conduct 
of public affairs, 
•  advice subject to legal privilege, under section 9(2)(h) - to maintain legal professional 
•  commercially sensitive information, under section 9(2)(i) - to enable a Minister of the 
Crown or any department or organisation holding the information to carry out, without 
prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities, and 
•  information that is out of scope of the request. 
In making my decision, I have considered the public interest considerations in section 9(1) of 
the  Official  Information  Act  and  determined  there  are  no  public  interests  that  outweigh  the 
grounds for withholding. 
You are entitled to seek an investigation and review of my decision by writing to an 
Ombudsman as provided by section 28(3) of the Official Information Act. 
Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) and attached documents 
may be published on the Department’s website. 
Nāku noa, nā 
Stacey Wrenn 
Director Regulatory Authorisations  
Department of Conservation 
Te Papa Atawhai 
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Table 1 - Schedule of documents  
Document description 

12 April 
Email: FW: Concession 
Released in part 

5 April 2024  Attachment: Deed of Surrender 48601-
Released in full 
SKI (Tūroa)  

9 November  Memo 22-B-0702: Potential liabilities from  Released in part 
RAL ski fields and similar concessions on 
conservation land 

26 January 
Meeting memo: 24-M-0004: Joint 
Released in part 
Ministers meeting on Ruapehu Alpine 
Lifts and Mt Ruapehu 

27 February  Email: 24-B-0109 – Email – Request – 
Released in part 
Cabinet Paper Consultation – Future of 
Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Limited  

27 February  Cabinet Paper Consultation – Future of 
Released in part 
Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Limited 

28 February  Email: Briefing: Approval for out-of-cycle 
Released in part 
funding request to cover RAL 
decommissioning liability 

28 February  Attachment 1 Briefing: 24-B-0019 
Released in part 
Approval for out-of-cycle funding request 
to cover RAL 

28 February  Attachment 2 Letter to Hon Nicola Wil is –  Released in part 
Pre-approval for out-of-cycle funding 
request with financial implications 
28 February  Attachment 3 - Attachment 3: Attachment  Released in part 
B_Treasury template for out-of-cycle 
Budget request – Ruapehu Alpine Lifts – 
Make Good provision 
4 March 
Email: 24-B-0121 Aide memoire 24-K-
Released in part 
0003 – Cabinet memo; Decisions on the 
future of RAL post-March 2024 
4 March 
Aide memoire 24-B-0121: Further 
Released in part 
information on Ruapehu Alpine Lifts 
Limited decommissioning liability 
5 March 
Cabinet paper talking points 24-K-0003: 
Released in part 
Decisions on the future of Ruapehu 
Alpine Lifts Limited (in Liquidation and 
Receivership)(RAL) post-March 2024 
DRAFT RAL Contingency Plan 
Released in part 
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