20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph 09 355 3553
Fax 09 355 3550
6 June 2024
Erika Whittome
[FYI request #26625 email]
Kia ora Erika
The information you requested – CAS-905341-P2F4X9
Thank you for your request for information dated 3 May 2024 for rideshare data and feeder
bus to the train station relating to bus 781.
The table below shows the average riders for bus 781 during weekdays and weekends for
the month of March 2024.
Day Type
Boardings per bus trip
Any cost analysis or viability studies on the 781 route.
Your request asking for any cost analysis is refused under section 7(2)(i) of the LGOIMA to
enable Auckland Transport (AT) to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations
with third parties.
AT have not undertaken any viability studies of specific routes. However, one of the metrics
we use to monitor the productivity of bus routes is
weekday-boardings-per-service-hour. To
calculate this, for each calendar month and for each route, we add up the total number of
weekday boardings on the route and divide it by the total number of weekday hours that
buses were in service on the route. The total number of weekdays hours that buses are in
service is a rough approximation for how much a service costs to operate, so
boardings-per-service-hour is a rough measure of how cost effective a service is at
generating custom. We don't usually use boardings-per-trip because this doesn't take into
account how long or how frequent a route is. Using
allows us to make fair comparisons between different routes.
For February, March, and April 2024 route 783 achieved, respectively, 8.6, 8.6, and 7.1
weekday-boardings-per-service-hour. Each route is assigned a target range, according to it’s
purpose in the public transport network; the target range for route 783 is 7 to 17, therefore in
February, March, and April of this year the 783's performance was adequate.
We regularly publish
weekday-boardings-per-service-hour results on our website (please
see the AT Metro bus performance report
here), and periodically review routes which
consistently fall below target.
Should you believe that we have not dealt with your request appropriately, you are able to
make a complaint to the Of ice of the Ombudsman in accordance with section 27(3) of the
LGOIMA Act and seek an investigation and review in regard to this matter.
Ngā mihi,
Phil Wrat
Engagement Manager
Customer Care