Respondent ID,Collector ID,Start Date,End Date,IP Address,Email Address,First Name,Last Name,Custom Data 1,How satisfied are you with RDC's overall leadership and performance?,,,,,"RDC consults with the public when making decisions, for example when we consult on the Long Term Plan and Annual Plan. Do you feel you are adequately informed on consultation matters?",,,,,"RDC has a statutory responsibility to enable participation of Māori in Local Government decision making processes. Part of this process includes engaging with iwi and hapū. Are you aware of local government’s statutory obligations to Māori as a Treaty partner and the various ways in which RDC engages? if yes, please list examples.",,,How satisfied are you with:,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Do you use the Library services in our District - If yes, answer below, if not please continue to the next question.How satisfied are you with:",,,,,,,,,"Do you use the i-SITE visitor centres in our District - If yes, answer below, if not please continue to the next question.How satisfied are you with:",,,,,"Do you use the RDC administration offices in our District - If yes, answer below, if not please continue to the next question. How satisfied are you with:",,,,"Have you made a resource consent application recently? - If yes, answer below, if not please continue to the next question.How satisfied are you with:",,,,,How satisfied are you with:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,How satisfied are you with:,,,,,,,,,,,,,Do you feel RDC provides you with adequate opportunity to recycle?,,,,,Are you satisfied with rubbish collection services in our District?,,,,,Are you satisfied with transfer stations in our District?,,,,What Ward do you live in or own property in?,,,,What Ruapehu Radio station(s) do you listen to?,,,,,,,What social media platform(s) do you use?,,,,,,What Ruapehu newspaper(s) do you read?,,,Are there any Council services currently not online that you would like Council to put online as a priority?,"Would you use an App that sends you a text message on Council services you are interested in and allows you to report issues to Council? e.g. If there was a water outage or boil water notice in your area, or a change to kerbside collection, etc. you would receive a text notification. Likewise if you had an issue you could text Council sending a photo with GPS coordinates.",,,Additional comments
,,,,,,,,,Very Satisfied,Satisfied,Unsatisfied,N/A,Reasons for your answer,Very Satisfied,Satisfied,Unsatisfied,N/A,Other (please specify),Yes,No,Other (please specify),Council offices in our District? - Very satisfied,Council offices in our District? - Satisfied,Council offices in our District? - Unsatisfied,Council offices in our District? - N/A,Meeting venues in our administration buildings? - Very satisfied,Meeting venues in our administration buildings? - Satisfied,Meeting venues in our administration buildings? - Unsatisfied,Meeting venues in our administration buildings? - N/A,Opening hours of RDC offices and libraries? - Very satisfied,Opening hours of RDC offices and libraries? - Satisfied,Opening hours of RDC offices and libraries? - Unsatisfied,Opening hours of RDC offices and libraries? - N/A,Reasons for your answer (optional),Public Library building facilities in our District? - Very satisfied,Public Library building facilities in our District? - Satisfied,Public Library building facilities in our District? - Unsatisfied,Public Library building facilities in our District? - N/A,Library services in our District? - Very satisfied,Library services in our District? - Satisfied,Library services in our District? - Unsatisfied,Library services in our District? - N/A,Reasons for your answer (optional),The buildings in which i-SITE visitor centres are located. - Very satisfied,The buildings in which i-SITE visitor centres are located. - Satisfied,The buildings in which i-SITE visitor centres are located. - Unsatisfied,The buildings in which i-SITE visitor centres are located. - N/A,Reasons for your answer (optional),The buildings in which RDC administration offices are located. - Very satisfied,The buildings in which RDC administration offices are located. - Satisfied,The buildings in which RDC administration offices are located. - Unsatisfied,The buildings in which RDC administration offices are located. - N/A,The resource consent process - Very satisfied,The resource consent process - Satisfied,The resource consent process - Unsatisfied,The resource consent process - N/A,Reasons for your answer (optional),The presentation of cemeteries in our District? - Very satisfied,The presentation of cemeteries in our District? - Satisfied,The presentation of cemeteries in our District? - Unsatisfied,The presentation of cemeteries in our District? - N/A,The availability and standard of facility of your community hall? (Where applicable.) - Very satisfied,The availability and standard of facility of your community hall? (Where applicable.) - Satisfied,The availability and standard of facility of your community hall? (Where applicable.) - Unsatisfied,The availability and standard of facility of your community hall? (Where applicable.) - N/A,Your feeling of safety when using our parks and reserves? - Very satisfied,Your feeling of safety when using our parks and reserves? - Satisfied,Your feeling of safety when using our parks and reserves? - Unsatisfied,Your feeling of safety when using our parks and reserves? - N/A,The quantity of our parks and reserves? - Very satisfied,The quantity of our parks and reserves? - Satisfied,The quantity of our parks and reserves? - Unsatisfied,The quantity of our parks and reserves? - N/A,The quality of our parks and reserves? - Very satisfied,The quality of our parks and reserves? - Satisfied,The quality of our parks and reserves? - Unsatisfied,The quality of our parks and reserves? - N/A,Other (please specify),The District's sealed roads (excluding state highways)? - Very satisfied,The District's sealed roads (excluding state highways)? - Satisfied,The District's sealed roads (excluding state highways)? - Unsatisfied,The District's sealed roads (excluding state highways)? - N/A,The District's unsealed roads (excluding state highways)? - Very satisfied,The District's unsealed roads (excluding state highways)? - Satisfied,The District's unsealed roads (excluding state highways)? - Unsatisfied,The District's unsealed roads (excluding state highways)? - N/A,Stormwater and flood protection? - Very satisfied,Stormwater and flood protection? - Satisfied,Stormwater and flood protection? - Unsatisfied,Stormwater and flood protection? - N/A,Other (please specify),Yes,No,Undecided,N/A,Other (please specify),Yes,No,Undecided,N/A,Other (please specify),Yes,No,N/A,Other (please specify),Ohura Ward,Taumarunui Ward,National Park Ward,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,Tuwharetoa FM,Trunk FM,None of the above,Other (please specify),Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Neighbourly,YouTube,Other (please specify),Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,Whanganui Chronicle,Open-Ended Response,Yes,No,Other (please specify),Open-Ended Response
1.14596E+11,430860551,5/09/2024 8:00,5/09/2024 8:07,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,This is the place to be.,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,read about it,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,8am is a great time to start.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Finding it spacious & service along with technical equipment is great.,Very satisfied,,,,"Always helpful, especially more on the phone.",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Now that potholes have been attended to.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,None.,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14596E+11,430860551,5/08/2024 16:29,5/08/2024 16:32,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,RDC Leaders very knowledgeable & perform very well.,Very Satisfied,,,,Very well informed.,Yes,,RDC engage with local hapu & Iwi where consultation is required.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Customer treated respectfully.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Prompt & kind service,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Continue with regular maintenance and upkeep. Great job!,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,With LTD budgets RDC are doing a great job in maintaining the roads in our district.,Yes,,,,Taumarunui LTP well run.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,No,,,,Keep up the Good work!
1.14595E+11,430585634,5/07/2024 16:09,5/07/2024 16:17,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Never followed up ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Yes Saturday was good ,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Enjoy the shower 🙂🚿,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Ohura walk way a joke un save to use unless yeant injury's ,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,,No,,,Ohura Ward,,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,Twitter,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,Whanganui Chronicle,Dog control more easily for people in ohura being pushed to mental health workers due to dog's barking ect shitting on main street.,Yes,,,
1.14592E+11,430585634,5/03/2024 18:44,5/03/2024 18:50,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14592E+11,430860551,5/03/2024 13:52,5/03/2024 13:55,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Always need improvement,,Satisfied,,,Don't really know,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Don't use library services unless necessary,,,,N/A,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,No,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,In repair,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,Awa FM (Whanganui),,,,Neighbourly,,"Hui, marae wananga",Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,Whanganui Chronicle,,Yes,,,N/A
1.14591E+11,430860551,5/02/2024 16:08,5/02/2024 16:09,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,,None - Council needs to recognise that we need to be kept informed other than facebook.,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14591E+11,430860551,5/02/2024 16:03,5/02/2024 16:08,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Hierarchy pay rates are exorbitant,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,"Aware yes. But Māori take matters too far. E.g. Denying access to go cart track, refusal to allow bridges being built, refusing to allow farmers to bore for water.",Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,No,,No,,Kerbs are not cleared of weeds. Roadside mowing not done often enough. Graffiti no removed. A priority removal required. Many unsealed local road side. Bells road Manunui e.g. Access road opposite golf road dairy.
1.14591E+11,430860551,5/02/2024 15:54,5/02/2024 16:02,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,Don't believe it is necessary to consent.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Feel more should be done to improve sites mowing lawns does not mean all is good. Visit Old cemetery in gold Rd.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,State highway is a joke. More potholes & patches than should be for a state highway. Ditches should be cleared annually.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14591E+11,430585634,5/02/2024 14:16,5/02/2024 14:19,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,Nothing in raetihi,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,Brian fm,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14591E+11,430860551,5/02/2024 8:31,5/02/2024 8:34,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14591E+11,430860551,5/02/2024 8:25,5/02/2024 8:31,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,Don't care,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Don't use,,,,N/A,Don't use,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Should use gras catchers on mowers at the cemeteries ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Roads are very bumpy lots filled / unfilled holes. Roading staff hard to deal with - don't return calls etc. Not enough stormwater / flood protection maintenance prior to rainy season.,,No,,,No - facility to properly dispose of asbestos material. - Dumping fee's very high - To much rubbish around recycle shop.,Yes,,,,,,No,,Expensive.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,Thank you.
1.14591E+11,430860551,5/02/2024 8:09,5/02/2024 8:25,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Arguing amongst each other,,,Unsatisfied,,Not enough notice,Yes,,Scrap Māori wards! Race based policy is divisive,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Library should be open on Sat 9am - 1pm at least! People who work should be able to access the Library on Saturdays! Like all other libraries. Also kids should be able to go to the library every Saturday to choose books for the week as I worked weekdays. This was over 20 years ago Taumarunui Library lags behind and is a social embarrassment as a result and bad for the town! OPEN SATURDAYS,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Not open Saturdays as stated in previous question,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Customer service is good. Library staff are good.,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Recreational services are doing a brilliant job. They have really made cherry grove look like a park! However, we need more exotic trees such as cherry + liquid ambers as they are dying and not being replaced. Native trees have there place along the river ways + banks however, the huge exotic trees make parks beautiful with there colorful leaves",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Poor people in Totara crescent should not have to suffer the maligned of flooding.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Where does the money go from the dump shop. The income generated needs to be public! The prices are too high price gouging occurs and the prices charged are much higher than other dump shops. They are not a charity and need to stop calling themselves a charity or a 'cause' its a lie,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,Reddit,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Public account of the dump shop revenue,,No,,Thanks for the questionnaire
1.1459E+11,430585634,5/01/2024 21:01,5/01/2024 21:03,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Wasting our money and wanting to raise rates. Yes rates are lower than the rest of the country, but still tighten your belts and start being honest and transparent. This leadership is running their own agenda and [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] are to blame. ",,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Nothing wrong with the current isite, why you spending money (even 50%) when there isn’t anything wrong with it. Get off your high horses and resign [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1.14589E+11,430585634,04/30/2024 06:27:16 PM,04/30/2024 06:29:51 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Still avoiding answering questions on teitei and still telling porkies ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[REDACTED] and [REDACTED] need to leave
1.14589E+11,430860551,04/30/2024 03:14:18 PM,04/30/2024 03:15:20 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14589E+11,430860551,04/30/2024 03:03:29 PM,04/30/2024 03:13:41 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Poor leaders and wasting of money.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,Would like the library open on a Saturday,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Used to but stop because of cut back on some services,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Every time it rains the drain at the corner of the Ruapehu crescent at Tarrangower are blocked up and floods the road going the centre from Hikurangi TSC which runs down to golf Rd. Drain at the corner of Golf Rd. Tarrangower TLC blocks. It must br 3 or 4 years since they were cleaned at bloods feed up with ring the council to have the drain unblocked.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,t time I have notice that rubbish has been dropped on the road by the truck driver but not pick up.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,None.,Taumarunui Bulletin,,Whanganui Chronicle,Don't use the internet.,,,,"Not a happy time to hire and can't walk my dog to town and have a hunch ETC. As in Taupo, Hamilton, spend as much money as I can out of town."
1.14589E+11,430860551,04/30/2024 02:59:55 PM,04/30/2024 03:02:50 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Staff are always very helpful and accommodating.,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Memorial hall needs maintenance and used for events such as ANZAC day.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,Council office staff are very helpful and approachable.
1.14589E+11,430860551,04/30/2024 02:50:05 PM,04/30/2024 02:59:26 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Poor financial management ""operational"" decreasing lack of core services piss poor water services.",,,Unsatisfied,,Nothing changes. The public speak the council goes deaf.,Yes,,Unnecessary burden on ratepayers. Needs to be disestablished.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very helpful staff.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Lack of maintenance on road reserves by mowing and dog shit at every feature on your walk.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Lack of culvert and water able maintenance "" "" vegetation removal after rotary slash operations. Absolute lack of common sense in maintaining flood water drains. Why employ an engineer then who has to employ a consultant?",Yes,,,,RDC doesn't. The contractor does.,Yes,,,,The reason it works is that the contractor employs local staff.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,The Rock,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Get your head out of the sand and show some financial acumen. Get rid of under performing group managers Don't employ idiots.
1.14588E+11,430585634,04/29/2024 09:02:25 PM,04/29/2024 09:09:35 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Tei Tei Drive debacle - enough said,,,Unsatisfied,,Again Tei Tei Drive. I don't like being lied to or mislead intentionally as to our elected officials intentions.,,No,I know they have to but not sure how they do this.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,"Unecessary amendments for relatively minor works (cutting some floor drains) which have led to cost blow outs and huge scale backs to the project. Asked to put massive concrete slabs in and anchoring of containers, which I know the council does not follow as I have seen unanchored containers on gravel on their sites. Seems to be a matter of do as I say not as I do. ",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Somewhat satisfied on all three counts,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 12:02:05 PM,04/29/2024 12:05:49 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Inconveniently located,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Our road is full of pot holes & corrugations. Consequently we don't pass a warrant & then need a wheel alignment. The juddering is very hard on vehicles.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,,,None,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,,No,,
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 12:00:05 PM,04/29/2024 12:02:02 PM,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,,,
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 11:56:25 AM,04/29/2024 11:59:42 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,I have seen overseas visitors trying the door on the weekends.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Yes at last a smooth ride going down the main street soon.,Yes,,,,Yes. People are just lazy.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,Nil,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Nil,,No,,
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 11:48:50 AM,04/29/2024 11:55:57 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Lack of follow up!,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Not checked as frequently as in the past for rubbish!,Yes,,,,Costs for getting rid of electrical goods very high!,Yes,,,,"Sometimes drop when place way in truck, don't pick up!",,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,"The present Antenno is far too small, council expand writing?",Yes,,See above remark!,Appears to be lack of follow up with submission!
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 11:39:36 AM,04/29/2024 11:48:27 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Town and district seem to be running smoothly,,,,N/A,"I don't really know. As I see it, if its not broken, don't fix it. There were water in Taumarunui issues a year or two ago but these seem to have disappeared.",,No,I thought Māori wards are up for referendum and personally don't like race based politics where a person has greater say because of their DNA. Politics should be color blind.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I have no issues with current policies,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I don't use it but my wife does and she enjoys reading books for free,,,,N/A,I never use it,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,It would be nice to have more rural roads sealed but I guess with a low population base funds are limited,Yes,,,,Vey good recycling of most household waste containers.,Yes,,,,Reliable every Thursday,,,N/A,I have never used it.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,Radio Rhema and Southern Star,Facebook,Twitter,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Not aware of anything,,No,,
1.14588E+11,430585634,04/29/2024 10:46:33 AM,04/29/2024 10:50:30 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"[REDACTED] needs to be fired and [REDACTED] too, both have failed us",,,Unsatisfied,,"So called consultation, I have no trust in this council. An independent review should be done into you and the actions of this council over teitei drive. ",,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"RDC need to make a public apology and front up so you can start building trust with your ratepayers, until then no one’s going to trust you"
1.14588E+11,430585634,04/29/2024 10:22:22 AM,04/29/2024 10:28:37 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Lacks transparency and good governance, further there is a lack of separation between governance and management ",,,Unsatisfied,,RDC fails to communicate directly with remote ratepayers ,,No,Document and make up those conversations and agreements ,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very helpful library staff in Ohakune ,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Ohakune centre is great - good service helpful staff,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 11:57:17 AM,04/29/2024 09:41:37 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Allowing central govt to bombard our people with electromagnetic radiation is failing in your duty to protect us. The standards used to justify it is 20 years + old and has never factored in 3, 4, 4lte, 5g, Wi-Fi, smart meters & phones cumulative effect on us, plants, trees + animals, not to mention our bees we need for food. Thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies prove that it harms us and our government. If you want to be seen as good leaders, you have to be good kaitiaki, you are failing due to lack of knowledge. If you really care you will go to and go see for yourself how bad this really is. Central Govt is controlled by Biotech. That is why they allow this assault on our whenua. Has to stop like the incessant ringing in the ears and tiredness everyone is feeling. Our bodies were never created to deal with these levels of radiation. Please do something. You have to as a council call for an investigation based on the facts on the environmental health trust website ( RDC has a statutory duty to protect the people.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Manunui is neglected,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Matapuna flooding unacceptable,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Need discussion on noise control levels. Not fit for purpose currently,,No,,"Council needs to do a better job at noise pollution. After hours are very poor at resolving ongoing issues. Staff are very poorly trained and communication with ratepayers is a joke. Makes me wonder why I pay rates as the level of service is a joke when it comes to ensuring the peace in the community. Communication regarding air pollution complaints is very poor too, as is response on behalf of Horizons. Council as a duty to protect its ratepayers from electromagnetic radiation which is increasing rapidly, safety standards are 20 + years old and do not factor in 3,4,4 lte, 5g, wifi, smart meters + phones + the internet of things. Informed consent has never been asked for nor given. Precautions principle has to be applied to ensure safety. The buck stops local."
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 08:30:58 AM,04/29/2024 08:35:21 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Rates are way too high for what we get,,,Unsatisfied,,I've never received any forms to do with planning.,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Absolutely despicable especially Ngatai Rd & off streets.,Yes,,,,,,,Undecided,,Should be free. We pay more than enough in rates.,,No,,Green waste should be free. After all it rots down.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,Do something about the water. It's disgusting and tastes of mud.
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 08:24:06 AM,04/29/2024 08:30:55 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,No engaging with Māori. Hadley-chase too racist.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,"Road access not good enough, to rough to many pot holes, water can't get away Owhango transfer station",,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,Neighbourly,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Over all council is going backwards. Rates are getting out of hand.
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 08:17:40 AM,04/29/2024 08:22:59 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Keeping invisible infrastructure working.,,Satisfied,,,Facebook info needs boosting.,Yes,,- Check list on council papers - Māori wards,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,Theatre bookings visitor information when friends come,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,We visit cemeteries in other towns & ours our good.,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Totora cres is a fixable problem,Yes,,,,Better than AV.,,,Undecided,,Urban fringes could be improved.,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,We would use for road issues,1 On line version 2 Bigger boxes for this document. 3 Don't think I received this.
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 08:15:26 AM,04/29/2024 08:17:20 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,Magic 89 Taranaki,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,
1.14588E+11,430860551,04/29/2024 08:12:06 AM,04/29/2024 08:15:17 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Alot of waste on projects that are not necessary,,,,N/A,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Stick to the basics. Not the time for frills. Amount of pensioners who can't afford rate rises: Stop wasteful spending of our money.
1.14586E+11,430585634,04/26/2024 02:44:54 PM,04/26/2024 03:06:36 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Dishonesty ,,,Unsatisfied,,Very shallow one sided and leading,Yes,,I believe they have shallow meaningless so called consultations or morning team.,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Pleasant operational staff always willing to help,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I think it adequate ,Very satisfied,,,,Generally helpful and well informed with good visitor openings time and days I hope they work closely and honestly with PTL,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,The Indians are doing a great job. [REDACTED] management and councillors require a Luxton Appraisal and Action.
1.14586E+11,430585634,04/26/2024 09:37:03 AM,04/26/2024 09:48:25 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"You dealt with teitei so badly and still continue to ignore the residents of ohakune and haven’t given answers nor apologized for what you did. Until such time as you take ownership of your fault, we cannot trust you",,,Unsatisfied,,"As council has shown, the LTP consultation is merely a requirement and they say they consulted but did not. If you take ownership and listen to your people you may gain trust back, but until then, your every move will be watched. Bring back the [REDACTED] that advocated and got elected on the premise of transparency and honesty. Sack [REDACTED] for all his wrong doings, including giving incorrect advice on September 27th regarding standing orders to let the matter lie ",Yes,,"I believe we should all be consulted and engaged, not one type of people. Sure if it comes to matters such as DOC or iwi land, engage, but do not forget the people paying the bills to provide your salary. ",,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"Council staff, probably under the direction of [REDACTED], have been very unhelpful and hidden facts from the public and withheld information regarding teitei. Staff are thus untrusted until a change of leadership ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Considering carrot park is all from donations from our community, our other parks are good and spacious, but let’s not forget the debt we are in, tighten belts and reduce rates increases ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Unfortunately until such time as leadership take ownership and front up to our community and apologize, there will be angst and distrust. Many of us don’t speak out about this publicly because we are a small town and don’t want to live in fear or rejection. We thank the Ohakune society for being our voice and hope you will work with them to allow our views and voices to be heard. "
1.14586E+11,430585634,04/25/2024 04:39:15 PM,04/25/2024 04:48:16 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Half a job done and no follow up after that. ,,,Unsatisfied,,"Council does what it wants and its consultation process is usually after the fact when things are ‘past the point of no return’. Case in point - new Housing Development which was very poor consultation, decisions already made before the consultation, thankfully because Council could over-commit our ratepayers locals had a chance to force the issue to stop their ridiculous decisions!",Yes,,"Housing Development, water issues, Waiouru playground ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,They meet my needs. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,Waiouru is still waiting on our Main Rd playground/park which has been dragging on for a number of years. ,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14585E+11,430585634,04/25/2024 12:29:01 PM,04/25/2024 12:35:50 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Average at best. Too many anecdotes in the community about friction and funds being allocated without due diligence. Small town, too many stories to be all untrue",,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Don't recall ever turning up having it open ,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,"Flood protection has been deemed inadequate by respected insurance companies, insurance has doubled accordingly",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14585E+11,430585634,04/24/2024 02:24:29 PM,04/24/2024 02:30:31 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Housing project recently abandoned wasted a lot of rate payers' money and council time. ,,,Unsatisfied,,"Housing project recently abandoned, Councell consulting with rate payers was extremely poor.",,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Use a lot,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,,Whanganui Chronicle,,Yes,,,
1.14585E+11,430585634,04/24/2024 12:11:29 PM,04/24/2024 12:15:24 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Tei Tei Drive development ignored the wishes of Ohakune ratepayers,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14584E+11,430860551,04/23/2024 02:03:31 PM,04/23/2024 02:15:00 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"In response to Q1, I'm confident that most of RDC's leadership & performances are good. I do however have to rate Q1 as being unsatisfied. (one bad experience affects the other ratings). My bad experience is with [REDACTED]. I submitted an application last year & after several weeks hadn't had a reply so I went in to RDC to see if I could speak to make an appointment only to be told that [REDACTED] is very busy. I accept that but asked the RDC counter person if they could look to see if my application had been received (which it had). A few weeks after I got a message on my phone from [REDACTED] saying that my application had been received & that I was 80th in line for a flat in Taumarunui. I rang her a few days later to be told that there was a 2 year waiting list that I was 127th in line. I have received no email to this effect so am finding this system very stressful (scared to ring RDC as I maybe 200+ on the list by now). I accept the 2 year waiting list which gives me time to rearrange my living arrangements but fear I maybe on the street living with the system that [REDACTED] runs (no communication). No idea where I am on the list.",,Satisfied,,,,,No,Unaware of local council participation with local iwi.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,Twice within the past 12 months my recycle & pink bag have been missed despite having them out by 8am. No reason was given when reported to RDC.,,No,,The costs are getting unaffordable for a pensioner.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14583E+11,430585634,04/22/2024 07:50:50 PM,04/22/2024 07:58:13 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I feel there isn't enough of an effort to reach out to the younger families in the community.,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"The kids books need a bit of an update, there aren't many suitable to unders 2's.",,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,It would be nice to have emails sent out to customers who are in credit with their rates. It's hard to keep track of rates increases when you don't know it's happening.
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 01:21:19 PM,04/22/2024 01:24:13 PM,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Very pleasant staff, helpful with advice i.e. Train stop.",Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,"Council land with two strips of concrete. For a drive to provide homes. Drive under cut with water, fix it please.",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,T.V,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 11:48:51 AM,04/22/2024 11:56:47 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 11:38:34 AM,04/22/2024 11:48:16 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,"The covid response was excellent. However, we don't hear much else other than rates increase notices.",,Satisfied,,,I'm not sure how it could be improved but consultation is very minimal.,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,"The Taumarunui council offices are very tidy and the staff are welcoming. Having the library smack-in-the-middle of the entrance way is not a great look. Also doesn't offer that quiet, intimate space of a traditional library.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"As mentioned, placement of the library in Taumarunui is a dumb choice.",,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,"The local community halls in town - e.g.: Miriama Hub + War memorial Hall are in a terrible state and need a good clean, tidy up + general maintenance. They are such great community assets being let go to wreck and ruin. They are both filthy and outdated, and lacking modern amenities. I believe the public Toilets in Taumarunui town centre are very nice. Hopefully they are clean.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,R.D.C are well aware of the state of roads and storm water run off in Taumarunui. It's evident each time it rains.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,None. I don't listen to radio.,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,An online facilities booking option An online portal to report things (e.g. stock on the road),,,,Thank you for this opportunity. It will be good to see the collated responses.
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 11:36:55 AM,04/22/2024 11:38:19 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 09:54:00 AM,04/22/2024 09:57:46 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Too many members on Council. Cut to half + free more money for important projects like health + transport.,,No,We are all one people ,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Easy access.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,,,,Neighbourly,,Messenger ,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 08:54:24 AM,04/22/2024 09:02:33 AM,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,Parks & Walkways being maintained on a regular basis.,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,"Equality and inclusivity when addressing the well being of our communities, awa, conservation, whenua & maunga.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Walkway from Eels clubrooms - along Ongarue river heading towards Hakiaha St. Needs a massive upgrade to enable access for mobility scooters, disabled & elderly. Pathway is unsafe and sinking. Very narrow.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,Lots of work & infrastructure needed to get roads up to standard.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,Tuwharetoa FM,Trunk FM,,,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 08:47:43 AM,04/22/2024 08:53:48 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,work load not being completed properly.,,,Unsatisfied,,Cost are extravagant for the actual jobs being accessed! ,Yes,,"Again too extravagant for Māori needs. Our dramatized little issues made into big issues, tasks etc.",,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,I feel council could be financially run better. Administration costs are too high and should be budgeted better!!,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,More computers available and photocopying facilities better.,,,,N/A,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Many areas need readdressing and budgeted better.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Better drainage in prone wetland areas. Better culverts, drains need clearing.",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Excellent setup!!,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,All good.,Yes,,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 08:34:35 AM,04/22/2024 08:46:59 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"No visible services or improvements in Rangataua ( other than rubbish & recycling ). No pavements, dangerous ditches, unmowed verge, no public water, no ultra fast broadband connection - Rangataua was ignored, lied to during this process. Incl no consultation re whether people needed it for business purposes. where are our rates going? Are they going to Taumarunui? No improvements to Rangataua hall - left to the community to do!",,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Deep ditches in Rangataua are incredibly dangerous & it is only a matter of time before someone falls in and can't get out.,Yes,,,,The recycling centre is great.,Yes,,,,see above &,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 11:06,04/22/2024 08:34:17 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Money is not distributed properly,,,Unsatisfied,,Rate payers need to see an open book on work that is done and proof of exactly where and what was charged.,,No,Too many resources are wasted on trivial issues with Iwi. Problems and practical jobs are not being done because of stupid iwi rules aren't practical and the job ends up being more expensive that it needs to be.,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,In experience people in administration whom do know what their talking about and the actual cost of projects.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Photo copying.,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,,,,Neighbourly,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,Yes,,,Council needs to be able to email invoices if that is what the customer requests.
1.14583E+11,430585634,04/22/2024 08:14:12 AM,04/22/2024 08:28:08 AM,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 08:24:00 AM,04/22/2024 08:26:06 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Do not use above facilities so cannot comment.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 08:19:30 AM,04/22/2024 08:23:41 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,No specific reason.,,Satisfied,,,I am aware of LTP & AP consultation I have personally not attended.,Yes,,To some extent I am aware there is iwi and hapu consultation.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,My grandchildren are active users of our library. I am happy there is a good facility for our community to access.,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Aware water system upgrades in progress.,Yes,,,,Happy with the re-use shop which diverts waste / raises funds.,Yes,,,,Pricing expensive for rubbish for household rubbish over weighbridge minimum $20 load.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,N/A,Yes,,,
1.14583E+11,430860551,04/22/2024 08:15:16 AM,04/22/2024 08:18:50 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,"Great people, great service. always helpful.",,,,,Not sure what they are.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So far so good.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,?,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,No radio/classic nat.,,,,,YouTube,"PH, Text. Gmail, etc.",Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,Not sure,Yes,,What is there?,This takes more than 3 minutes.
1.14582E+11,430585634,04/21/2024 07:06:04 PM,04/21/2024 07:10:47 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,"No council is perfect but overall, I am happy with the council leadership and performance.",,Satisfied,,,"Public consultation is a great idea but it needs to be in simple plain laymen's terms. This makes it easier for the ""average joe"" to understand.",,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,N/A,Yes,,,
1.14582E+11,430585634,04/21/2024 05:25:46 PM,04/21/2024 05:50:29 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Increasing rates so much people are struggling is theft not answering my questions, spending money on things that don't need doing implementing agenda 2030, climate change bollocks the list is endless ",,,Unsatisfied,,No I feel there should be monthly meetings on the same day at the same time that the whole town can attend ,,No,No I do not accept co governance and unelected consultants is this costing rate payers money ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I wish you would stop spraying chemicals weed killer around ohakune it's a national park and everything looks dead please hire people to weed eat the edges instead,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,Talk around town is people are dissatisfied and disappointed with this council such a shame please start working for the people the ones who pay the rstes
1.14581E+11,430860551,04/19/2024 11:24:31 AM,04/19/2024 11:29:28 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Good Council.,,Satisfied,,,Annual Planning (very good),Yes,,Very Good,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Satisfying good work by Council,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very good for all those who use these.,,Satisfied,,,Important to bring visitors to the area!,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very important,Yes,,,,Very good much improved,,,Undecided,,Very hard to get help when unwell as Neighbours are older people too!,Yes,,,Very much so!!!!,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,None,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,N/A ,,No,No thanks,Very happy thanks
1.14581E+11,430585634,04/19/2024 10:46:32 AM,04/19/2024 10:54:24 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,You only tell part of the story and go ahead and do what you want not the town - you are supposed to be doing what the majority want but you never do,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Thank goodness for the growers, really putting our carrot park on the map and the up keep and growth with what they have developed and continue to develop, ",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,Facebook,,,Neighbourly,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.1458E+11,430585634,04/18/2024 08:22:50 PM,04/18/2024 08:38:41 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,"There are some good team members within our Rdc. I do see some of the hard mahi being done but I definitely there is always room for improvement, as with anything. ",,,,N/A,Im not sure where we're meant to be getting informed but I guess this is my fault as I dont read the paper. ,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Council building are the flashest in our town haha love our library. Opening ours are as most buisnesses in town. Be great if the were open longer for access to those who work full days but cant complain.. ,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"So peaceful in there, everything i require really. Love the children's section too. So cool",Very satisfied,,,,"Its like a town attraction, neat in there",,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,We have beautiful well kept areas in the nui,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,I live on a hill so water doesnt really affects us,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Our dump is awesome,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,N/a,Yes,,,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:47:30 PM,04/18/2024 01:48:42 PM,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,Brilliant idea!,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:45:53 PM,04/18/2024 01:47:08 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Poor roading,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,No glass recycle bins in Matiere,,,Undecided,,,,No,,,Ohura Ward,,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:44:20 PM,04/18/2024 01:45:36 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,,None.,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:39:20 PM,04/18/2024 01:44:00 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Need younger people on council to implement new ideas & drive, nothing never seems to be taken care of when requested either but rates still get increased, go figure",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Playground in main street total waste of money hardly ever used,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Some properties consistently flood when its stormy E.G. State highway 1 south,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,"Some berms are left too long to be mowed if the home owners don't do it. Some footpaths are broken & cracked, nothing has been done to fix the problem after consistent reporting's (2012)",Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,,,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:38:03 PM,04/18/2024 01:39:18 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,Peak FM,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,,,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:34:43 PM,04/18/2024 01:37:58 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,We don't get recycling here. We pay for it but don't get it.,,No,,,We don't get it here. We pay for it but don't get it.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Metal Roads need to be graded properly so metal is not on the sides or in the drains.
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:30:39 PM,04/18/2024 01:34:38 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Staff in Taumarunui library are very friendly & knowledgeable & helpful.,Very satisfied,,,,Easy to access to stuff helpful & knowledgeable.,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I am very impressed with the walkway from cherry grove along the river towards Manunui. Great walk!,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,unsealed roads - too many corrogations sealed roads too many potholes,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,No,Yes,,,
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 01:27:55 PM,04/18/2024 01:30:19 PM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very obliging ,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A Don't have a cellphone.,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,water outage. I will notify Council.,
1.1458E+11,430585634,04/18/2024 11:53:41 AM,04/18/2024 12:09:48 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The council does nothing for this town. They spend taxpayer money without consulting the public eg bailing out sky waka Blow out budget on the Main Street toilets area, our roads are a disgrace, the town shops look miserable and the rents are sky rocketing due to city folk buying up large and charging what they want! To name just a few things!",,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,"VERY UNSATISFIED. The I-SITEs were ticking along very nicely for YEARS until the arrival of [REDACTED] who systematically ripped them and the staff to shreds with her lack of knowledge, lack of management and lack of interpersonal skills. She is gradually destroying the isites, firing all amazing staff and now it is near impossible to get anyone to work with her, so the isites are no longer open 7 days. (Taumarunui) And my ruapehu has been closed completely. She is not a manager and should be removed from the position but the council is too weak to do so. ",,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Our roads are DISGUSTING! The council will put a skim of stones over the top which all end up in the gutters and drains anyway. So we end up with potholed skidding flying stones because everyone speeds through town. ,,,Undecided,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,Tik tok,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,Get rid of Clive Manly. He’s useless.
1.1458E+11,430860551,04/18/2024 11:58:52 AM,04/18/2024 12:02:02 PM,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,Seems to be plenty of consultation,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Haven't used a venue,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,Always had what I needed,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Pleased with the process,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,Neighbourly,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,Probably as long as not too often.,
1.14579E+11,430585634,04/17/2024 10:38:41 PM,04/17/2024 10:39:39 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Spending spending spending, wasting ratepayer money and not listening to the community",,,Unsatisfied,,So called consultation my ass,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1.14579E+11,430585634,04/17/2024 07:45:19 PM,04/17/2024 07:49:17 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 03:25:25 PM,04/17/2024 03:26:42 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 03:22:59 PM,04/17/2024 03:24:58 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,There is so much work to do on the 3 aspects.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,It is too expensive. People just throw rubbish over nearest bank.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 03:21:24 PM,04/17/2024 03:22:54 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Wards,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 03:19:11 PM,04/17/2024 03:21:22 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Roading network has gone backwards.,,,,N/A,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 03:11:50 PM,04/17/2024 03:18:52 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Having to have Māori wards is the most racist this country changed. (I hope) We should be all ONE PEOPLE. All treated equally.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Central. Stars are harder on older people. Great to have town showers. Not as many souvenirs as there used to be.,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"There should be more freedom camping spots around our town, There is a sign saying it is a motorhome friendly, but they can't park up for the night unless in clubs or camp grounds which is too expensive for most.",,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,"All roads are a disgrace. The unsealed are almost beaten, that they're sealed because they don't have as big a potholes. The share of seal is atrocious. St Highways are worse.",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 03:06:05 PM,04/17/2024 03:11:44 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Dissatisfied that all employees do not work in Ruapehu area, supporting the team.",,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,I am aware of the treaty partnership - aware that there is a Māori representative at the council,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Stormwater always flooding with the region - not cleaned enough over Autumn leaves not picked up enough. Unsealed roads just going back to spec now, were horrid, sealed roads are disgusting.",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,,,,,,,
1.14579E+11,430860551,04/17/2024 08:09:38 AM,04/17/2024 10:25:21 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Have a query re Rlectoral signage still hasn't been answered.,,Satisfied,,,,,,Sort of aware about Māori wards. Co governance issues and iwi/Māori representation on council and youth affairs. The recent announcement by Gov't do re examine Māori rep's and a vote to be done casting council or funded by council s not a good idea as it's not actually needed and certainly not by RDC. It is being forced by Gov't (in fact by 2 partner in the coalition) Act and NZF. I disagree with this coercion by central Gov't and want RDC to say 'no' - not happening on our watch',,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Nga Huinga was promised security cameras to deter our catch offenders riding / driving vehicles around the fields. Dogs still being brought onto the fields and then pooping! Also the football fields are uneven and in desperate need of a roll by a light roller. The gateway into the area is still not fixed years later.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,"Generally yes, but costs of green waste are still high and to dump in main dump area is putting low income earners off. Also why can't we buy bags of compost from the green waste as the car in Hamilton?!",Yes,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14578E+11,430860551,04/16/2024 02:20:27 PM,04/16/2024 02:24:59 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Māori wards,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Knowledgeable, friendly staff.",,Satisfied,,,"It would be great to see the railway station upgraded, refurbished with a food outlet open.",Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"A permanent, dedicated farmers market in Taumarunui doing the grass reserve would be damaging, once a month would be perfect.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,The green compost bin is excellent the resource/recycle center at the waste transfer is amazing.,Yes,,,,Very good service.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,Breeze,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14578E+11,430585634,04/16/2024 01:19:06 PM,04/16/2024 01:27:20 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The streets are disgusting and not maintained. The gutters need spraying and cleaning and the drains need to be cleared also. ,,,Unsatisfied,,It is so hard to read and not basic English to enable everyone to understand it,,No,As I am not Maori I have no input,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Don’t use the office or the library which does not cater to the working people with their hours,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Answer above ,,Satisfied,,,It is accessible for all except for disabled people,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Nothing is maintained to an acceptable level ,Yes,,,,,,No,,,"The bags are useless, expensive and rip easily. Just a money making exercise for the council ",Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,Tuwharetoa FM,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14578E+11,430860551,04/16/2024 08:39:54 AM,04/16/2024 08:42:55 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,You gave me this form 2 fill out Dur.,,,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,,,Need new toilets in car park in Miriama St
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 15:55,04/16/2024 08:10:45 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Barking Dogs (O'Reilly Cres) I can NOT open my windows to ventilate because of this Noise! Get [REDACTED] to witness this. It Is his JOB.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,I have suffered auto damage from pot holes. FIX THE ROADS!!!,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,,,
1.14577E+11,430585634,04/15/2024 06:12:16 PM,04/15/2024 06:24:00 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Kainga ora mess,,,Unsatisfied,,"No, you did not consult us!!!",Yes,,"Im Māori but I don’t expect to be treated any different from others, stop making us look like useless people that always need help",,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"Good offices, useless people running the place",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Don’t use the library much but its got what I need,,Satisfied,,,"Tourism is our jobs, the isite is ok, but mostly people know the area already so don’t waste more money on it",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Our parks are great in Ohakune, just need our people to use the binz more",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"We’ve had flooding when it rains lotz, council don’t do anything about it",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,"It’s a bit expensive nowadays, would be good if we had some free days every month, maybe it will stop people dropping bags of rubbish in the river and forests ",Yes,,,Great staff and love the second hand store,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,,,"We need council to stop spending money where it’s not needed, and we need to stop the division of our people by making it look like we have special needs. We all need to come together and be New Zealanders "
1.14577E+11,430860551,04/15/2024 02:01:20 PM,04/15/2024 04:18:35 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I will put together comment on a number of issues of concern over the next few weekds.,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,I was an elected member from 1956 until 2007. I was a member of the Iwi liaison working party of council for much of this time. It was a very difficult issue as decisions took so long to arrive at. We run into problems when we start giving people status to rivers and land forms.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"As they should be accessible, compatible, convenient.",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,"Convenient locations. Polite, helpful stall",Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"My experience is that council does not embrace keen volunteers who could be a very valuable resource for council to work with. Not sure why?? 1) This question could have been included into sports fields, regularly maintained by contractors, 2) natural reserves and gardens, 3) reserve areas, 3a) not cared for by council contractors, but to some extent by volunteers with some council supervision or support. 3b) Cared for by volunteer groups with little or no support from council ",Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"No apparent outgoing care programme of drains, pipes etc with climate change flood events the whole of Taupo Road Bell road and Matapuna are increasingly at risk of serious flooding in future.",Yes,,,,"More education is needed on how to identify recyclables, the presentation of the materials cleanliness and to chase up manufactures who do not show a clear number on the product. ",Yes,,,,But needs to be more education on how ruybbish should be presented e.g. a heap of card boxes not dismantled and flattened. Containers in recyclables not cleaned or squashed.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,Star radio Rhena.,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,N/A,,No,,There should have been an opportunity to share any problem area that you could consider as being major to any person or group in a our community.
1.14577E+11,430585634,04/15/2024 02:49:09 PM,04/15/2024 02:54:24 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Neither satisfied not dissatisfied ,,Satisfied,,,Neither satisfied not dissatisfied ,,No,Keen to understand more and see stronger on this by Ruapehu DC,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,I would like to see more done in this space. Particular pest control ,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,Twitter,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,"Seismic strengthening requirements, strategies, information sharing and support.",,No,,
1.14577E+11,430860551,04/15/2024 02:27:58 PM,04/15/2024 02:35:20 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,It's doing ok I think we never get told anything so have to guess,,,Unsatisfied,,When are we told about the Long term plan. What's in it or the Annual Plan? Haven't had anything in the post about either. Don't follow F/Book.,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Don't use them,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The new contactor should be sacked. They do only the bare minimum.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Again these are a disgrace,,No,,,#NAME?,,No,,,"Most times it all goes in the same bin, not recycled. I sort my stuff into seperate bins.",Yes,,,[REDACTED] does an awesome job at the recycle centre. - [REDACTED] is very helpful.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,The sound,,,,,,Try not to use anything. F/Book if have to but prefer not to.,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14577E+11,430860551,04/15/2024 01:54:55 PM,04/15/2024 02:01:05 PM,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,"Lawns not mowed now, drains coming in to town. From Manunui is a mess downs did a belly foot paths, over grown all over Manunui",,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,I ring every year about blocked drains.,,No,,,More bins ,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14577E+11,430860551,04/15/2024 01:52:04 PM,04/15/2024 01:54:51 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very little maintenance done in the Manunui area,,,Unsatisfied,,Not informed until decisions are made,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,Peak FM,,,,,Manunui,,,,Neighbourly,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Alot of elderly people don not have on line or email.
1.14577E+11,430860551,04/15/2024 01:45:55 PM,04/15/2024 01:51:58 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,There are a lot of changes for the new mayor to make from last incumbent. ,,Satisfied,,,,,,Don't believe that it is necessary. Why is small percent of population able to dictate.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"Council office is readily accessible,",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,All good with library. Helpful & self service options are good.,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very helpful & follow through was good.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,More work needed to fit road surfaces & surrounding areas. Too many slips occur.,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14577E+11,430585634,04/15/2024 08:17:58 AM,04/15/2024 08:19:00 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"council have not shown leadership, have withheld information and continue to do so, are not working in the best interest of ratepayers",,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1.14577E+11,430585634,04/14/2024 12:48:28 PM,04/14/2024 01:01:23 PM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Areas could be improved - ie. less focus on tourism and more on locals and infrastructure.,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,The front of house staff at Council and the library are always welcoming and efficient. Building is good.,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,As above - don’t use it much but staff are always helpful.,,,Unsatisfied,,Opening hours are random due to staff turn over. Always seem to be advertising for staff - is there a reason for that? ,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Some of the sealed roads leave a bit to be desired. Golf Road roundabout for one.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,Yes,,You mean Antenno?,"Reading the paper, there seems to have been a lot of workshops to bring councillors up to date. Wonder the cost of those?"
1.14576E+11,430585634,04/13/2024 03:02:59 PM,04/13/2024 03:10:47 PM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Feel like the way the council are handling the Teitei drive development terribly creating unease around the lack of transparency and real consultation. No listening, very little communication and looking like they think they are experts and everyone else is thick.",,,Unsatisfied,,I feel like you can get in touch with me when you want money but not when there is important information that I should hear direct from the council as a ratepayer and not via others.,Yes,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Great selection of books and lending conditions,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Outstanding recycling facilities - you do lead the way here,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,I used to love living in Ohakune and thought the council was great. I have a very sour taste in my mouth after the Teitei Drive development malarkey and it is such a shame. I am disappointed in the way the council has held itself and not been forthcoming with involving the community. I am also recently disappointed with the lack of communication.
1.14576E+11,430585634,04/13/2024 09:21:47 AM,04/13/2024 09:29:39 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Lack of community consents or transparency ,,,Unsatisfied,,Feel we het a loose knowledge of happenings around the town and decision making ,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Lack of maintenance and work been done in timely matter and done to a decent standard and often back to the corrugated potholes within the week .. grading of unsealed roads are poor and care from the office is nil . Regularly report roading and seems to not get through . ,,,Undecided,,,,No,,,Paying high rates and still paying for rubbish bags for collection is not ok.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,We only get cruise which is not great ,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14576E+11,430585634,04/13/2024 08:54:03 AM,04/13/2024 09:05:59 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Dont live in Taumarunui,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,"I enquired about why the group of houses my home in in at [REDACTED] Road is not connected to the town sewage collection. The answer i was given is that council was not looking to extend this to us. But with the age of the treatment plants on each property, combined with the sandy nature of the surrounding soil i would suggest there is a lot of raw sewage leaking into the surrounding land and down into the Whanganui river. At Benndale several years ago they had the same issue with leakage going into the local stream and Waitomo removed the septic tanks, reinstated the land and connected all of the properties to the town treatment station for free. Are you going to consider this at any stage in the future please."
1.14576E+11,430585634,04/13/2024 08:35:11 AM,04/13/2024 08:49:48 AM,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Don't agree with special treatment and definately don't regard it as a statutory right. Maori have as much chance as all ethnic groups to be democratically represented. Hope this representation is put to a referendum. ,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"Wish there was a completed dedicated shared pathway all the way to Manunui bridge from Cherry Grove. Even better, if it was continued on to Kākahi to join the 42 Traverse - would be a game changer and attractive to tourists - cafe at Kākahi, campground. Plenty of volunteers would put there hand up for this. ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,Radio New Zealand,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14576E+11,430585634,04/13/2024 08:33:03 AM,04/13/2024 08:49:48 AM,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Absolute rubbish, consulting but not listening. Informed correct but why ask you don't take the opinions onboard.",Yes,,But also time you ditched Māori wards that we never wanted...again 0 consultation.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Pathetic. As a business owner I have not had one referral or booking via the I-site in 15 years. It operates on a favourites basis, always has.",,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"I try not to apply for any R-consents, the whole system needs a rewrite. Oh and council needs experienced onsite consent officers not people based out of district.",,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Whoever gave Rec services the contract should be fired. They should be monitored for the job the6 do half assed.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Take a look around National Park on a rainy day, the drains are blocked, kerbs are not flowing, footpaths are a mess, mowing is a joke, council verges are cluttered with objects. Council is oblivious to it otherwise something would be done about it. Starting with planning, design and lastly a decent contractor. Sole contracts to the likes of Downers is unacceptable, they are incompetent, expensive, overstuffed, slow, average product and not experienced. Just look at the numbers standing around.... This is speaking as a ex contractor for roading, where is councils team that ensures works are completed to a high standard or is average ok?",,No,,,"3 half days and one full day per week, what do you think.",,No,,,We don't have any. Stupid question.,,No,,Why is it commercial and residential need sealed surfaces and water regress when Council transfer stations are a abysmal sight. Double standards (or no standard at all),,,National Park Ward,,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,I wouldn't clutter my feed with RDC.,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Too many incompetent under qualified wannabes at council.
1.14576E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 15:58,4/12/2024 16:21,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,"However, items that ratepayers and the public are not eligible to attend R.D.C meetings. In Wellington, our Parliament has a public gallery - why not the R.D.C The public understand they cannot participate, but at present R.D.C governance seems rather secretive! Perhaps, consider showing the full agenda prior to monthly meeting, in the Ruapehu Bulletin and Taumarunui Bulletin both. - as well as a public gallery at the meetings for those who wish to attend and question?",Yes,,- refer survey question 2.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,1. Library hours should include Saturdays 10-2pm. 2. The library should be in central - mainstreet - Library at memorial hall 3. Saturdays will help (a) workers Mon - Friday (b) school age young people.,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,, 1. Staff are excellent. 2. The public would be far better if library was moved to main St. (or a side street) - Memorial Hall,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,#NAME?,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,#NAME?,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,No.,
1.14576E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 15:54,4/12/2024 15:58,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Still Waiting for an out come for go kart club & why they should set it above footpaths for pot holes,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,But now we are going to get a say as government is now saying that we do.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,We used to have a place to recycle in town as not all of us get out to the dump to recycle.,Yes,,,,,,No,,Used to have some where to recycle in town,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14576E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 15:47,4/12/2024 15:53,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Library should be open Saturdays,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,TMN I-site is very old and needs a revamp.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Sub standard road surfaces - never repaired. Drains never checked or unblocked.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/12/2024 14:54,4/12/2024 15:02,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I've had to makeshift a fix to my own kerb after 3 years of asking for it to be done. ,,,Unsatisfied,,I think consultation is a tick box exercise and the entire process is a waste of time and money. You will do what has to be done for whatever plans you have.,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Raetihi needs a couple hours on a Saturday.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,I get heaps of books from you guys and it's great. I'd love to have a spot on your site to make suggestions.,Very satisfied,,,,They're great and have cool gifts too ,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Sometimes in Raetihi the roamers can be creepy.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I take most of the storm water from George street into my front lawn. Have fixed my kerb using left over cement and that has fixed it but it won't last forever. I gave up asking for help because no one bothered to even give me a copy of the 3rd party report which said the kerb needed fixing. ,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,Getting current rates balance,Yes,,,[REDACTED] Street please fix my kerb.
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 13:58,4/12/2024 14:01,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Advertisement in Taumarunui Bulletin council news letters.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Family + children use library.,,Satisfied,,,Railway station building needs a clean up,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,dump been closed on Thursdays is often a problem.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,,,,,,Nil,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,No,,,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 13:47,4/12/2024 13:57,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Too much time spent on meetings not doing much.,,,Unsatisfied,,Information is provided to us but we don't believe for a second that Council taken any notice or [REDACTED]. Decisions are clear made before its consultation process when it begins.,Yes,,Māori ward representation,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"OPEN LIBRARY, ESP IN TAUMARUNUI, ON SATURDAY MORNINGS. (WE'VE ONLT MENTIONED THIS A MILLION TIEMS BEFORE)",,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,I-site itself is good but its toilets there are often not working.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Soft plastic recycling needs to be introduced ASAP,Yes,,,,But the bags are very expensive,Yes,,,But it needs to include soft plastic recycling.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,"But why??? No one listens to us! Every time I fill one of these in, I remark that I bet no one ever reads it. I ask someone to email me saying they've read it. No one ever does. Does anyone really read them ???? Have jolly day :)"
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 13:46,4/12/2024 13:47,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 13:29,4/12/2024 13:46,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,No reason to raise any issues so have not had any recent dealings with the council,,,Unsatisfied,,Did not know this was happening. We used to live in Taumarunui but now own property in area. Do not receive any mailed information other than rates demands so have no idea of RDC consultants. We should not have ti seek this out. The information should be readily provided. Even if you don't choose to send regular mail about various ways we can keep up with RDC would be helpful.,,No,Appreciate all sectors of the community should be engaged where possible by Council but no idea how they do this or whether it actually happens.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,The actual location of offices + facilities such as library seem adequate. However have not had to use them personally.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Always used to use library services when we lived there & thought they were good for a small community - pre 2007,,,,N/A,Last time I went to the I-site it was in the Railway station - not sure where it is located now.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,No need to as have not had any reason recently to contact RDC However several previous issues indicated the admin services were not fully engaged in what they were doing e.g. verandah work in main st for beautification - a flurry of emails about verandahs that were fine but must be fixed + then no further correspondence. ,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Taumarunui is a pretty rural town with some good facilities for its size that seem to be adequately maintained.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Can't comment as don't travel in area that much any more other then state highways.,,,,N/A,Used refuse facility when cleaning out after a tenant last year - has improved in terms of recycling since we lived there pre 2007.,,,,N/A,Tenants have no issues with refuse collection.,Yes,,,Taumarunui has improved a lot in 17 years. Not sure about others.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,None of the above,Find reception tricky when we do visit Taumarunui ,Facebook,,,,,For personal use not in relation to property owned in the area. There is too much reliance on social media for communication with the community.,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,If you tell us what is available online then maybe we can tell you what might be missing.,,No,Mainly because we don't live in the district,Yes would like lots more information sent about what RDC is doing!
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 13:22,4/12/2024 13:29,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Can't get a response from [REDACTED], [REDACTED] or[REDACTED] even tho polity tried for 3 years. And local Councilor took no action.",,,Unsatisfied,,Very rarely receive any correspondence from RDC & nothing on LTP or AP.,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Good selection, good quality, good staff",Very satisfied,,,,"Helpful, clear English speaking staff.",Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Please do not waste money on flood protection works other than urgent mapping of all public drains and resolving existing stormwater issues. ,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,"Your [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED] need to take responsibility, address issues + serve customers"
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 13:20,4/12/2024 13:22,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,STAR,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,,No,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/12/2024 8:51,4/12/2024 8:52,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 19:39,4/11/2024 19:58,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Services neglected,,,,N/A,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Poor maintenance on unsealed roads causing extensive damage to cars. A specific example is Totika Road, Kakahi 3989, the hedges, trees and other plants(blackberry) were left out of the usual trimming and maintenance. This caused scratches and other damage to cars. It also becomes a safety risk due to visibility issues round corners. When questioned as to why they did not trim the entire road the operators explained they had been advised to only do a small portion of Totika Road. Confusing as the majority of the land owners are located at the very end of Totika Road.",,No,,,"No rubbish or recycling collection on Totika Road, despite there being a minimum of 3 permanent residents living in this area. ",,No,,,"No rubbish or recycling collection on Totika Road, despite there being a minimum of 3 permanent residents living in this area. ",Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,,,,,No,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 17:18,4/11/2024 17:23,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I don't believe you are working in the interests of locals. Continuous lying and deception.,,,Unsatisfied,,Again just lies,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,"Due to high cost of compliance, unable to use resource consent. Contradictory findings when council is doing things we were told were not allowed.",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,No,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 17:00,4/11/2024 17:05,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Ratepayer queries left unanswered ,,,Unsatisfied,,When is consultation?,,No,It would be good to know more,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,They are good,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,LinkedIn ,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Resource consent applications,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 16:51,4/11/2024 16:59,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No. ,Yes,,,Please think and work on the side of the citizens.
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 16:03,4/11/2024 16:09,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Grossly over paid CEO,,,,N/A,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,,,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 16:00,4/11/2024 16:03,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,Staff are excellent.,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,"A collection of bigger stuff every 6 months would be good. Not everyone has a car, trailer or truck.",Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 15:58,4/11/2024 16:00,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,No reason not to be,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Word of mouth,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Suit me ok.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Suitable for me.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 15:02,4/11/2024 15:14,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,"[REDACTED] rule Māori have more opportunities and get looked after better. Sick of it. They owns WINZ, should look at the ACT party. Māori have too much say and power. They stop progress and have many finger in pies, Māori bowls, Rugby, Māori wards etc. and they call us white men racist HAHA! If it wasn't for the Māoris bleeding the country dry we would be like Switzerland, very rich nation. ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,3pm. Got to think about the worker give them time to get there 4:30pm maybe.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Tongariro crossing can do with some maintenance,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Para St South end looks like the moon craters needs repairs,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Vegetation shouldn't be so expensive,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,Email?,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 14:55,4/11/2024 15:01,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Look at Auckland ,Very Satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Always have had good service,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,"Exceptional maintenances and management. I took a visitor to show how well our waste station is managed, He was impressed.",,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 14:49,4/11/2024 14:55,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,You need to continually go back and ask the same questions over and over again as nothing gets done,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Best library ever.,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,They could do with a bit attention to detail rather than just a mow,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14575E+11,430860551,4/11/2024 14:52,4/11/2024 14:54,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14575E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 12:50,4/11/2024 13:04,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 11:36,4/11/2024 11:42,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Water is still an issue and it still tastes horrible from the tap.,,,Unsatisfied,,"It doesn't really matter what you decide, it seems to focus more on tourism rather than the local community. ",Yes,,Cultural decisions with the whenua and actions that the council may overlook and proper tikanga processes with any cultural events. ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 9:05,4/11/2024 9:09,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 8:32,4/11/2024 8:45,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,As a previous councilor I wasn't happy with the representation then and still aren't happy with representation,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,"generally I'm happy with the cemeteries but we let ourselves down on long weekends holidays etc when they get a lot of visitors and haven't been mown, there should be strategic times of the year that they have to look at their best not just a mowing cycle, Taumarunui memorial hall needs sorting.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,the maintenance of our stormwater system needs addressing and a regular cleaning regime adhered to.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Yes but it should be open on Thursday!,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/11/2024 6:15,4/11/2024 6:19,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Leadership needs to be replaced,,,Unsatisfied,,"Consultation may happen on non controversial items, but council has proven on multiple occasions that they just do what they please",Yes,,"Include everyone, policy shouldn’t need to state that you should consult pakeha, or do people need to lobby for this too?",,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 21:35,4/10/2024 21:42,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,I dont use the organic food collection bin because I put my scraps into my garden compost.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,Whatsapp,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 21:02,4/10/2024 21:06,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 20:54,4/10/2024 20:59,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 20:46,4/10/2024 20:58,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Not setting out a strategic vision with solid data to back it up. Seems to be driven by potential opportunistic behaviour rather than what's best for the long term ,,,Unsatisfied,,Refer q1. Totally kept in the dark ans even raising questions went unanswered. Noting that horizons were responsive but not rdc.,,No,"Not aware but totally supportive of engaging with Maori as treaty partners. I'd also like rate payers and community to also be engaged with, which hasn't occurred regarding teitei drive.",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Happy to play an active part in our community to remove pest and exotic plants. Council do keep rubbish and grass level at superb levels.,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,"Roading is great. Don't know about stormwater, haven't experienced any problems ",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,Brian fm,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 20:03,4/10/2024 20:06,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Have tenants in area and they never complain.,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 19:29,4/10/2024 19:48,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Welcoming and helpful staff, cozy environment for reading.",,Satisfied,,,Cool that it's at the train station. Does feel like it's a bit out of the way and a little secluded (not much front windows). ,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Had recently work completed through MOH and no one seemed to have any issues with council work or plans. ,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Would be nice to put some more effort into our walking tracks around town, more maintenence of overgrowth.",Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Another of the gravel roads do get potholes but with a phone call they are dealt with quite quickly. ,,No,,,Getting large bins like other cities and maybe charging a little more for rubbish collection in the rates instead of paying for bags would provide easier disposal especially for people who have limited mobility. ,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,The rock & the edge,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,"Dog patrol, to report roaming dogs with photo.",Yes,,Would be very handy rather than trying to find it on a website,"I would like to note I am pleased you are adding more pathways to manunui, that would help keep everyone able to access our immediate area. On that though there are properties with overgrown trees and shrubs where the pedestrian has to leave the footpath and step off the curb onto the road leaving people with limited mobility or walking aides in a dangerous position. "
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 18:38,4/10/2024 18:45,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,RDC refuses to be open and honest with the public.,,,Unsatisfied,,RDC tends to have closed door meetings about important decisions affecting the community. RDC also prefers to refuse to impart information even when officially required to do so.,,,"Recently, RDC appears to favour Maori over other ethnicities when it comes to deciding what happens in the community. Race and ancestory should not be part of any decisions...",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 17:24,4/10/2024 17:33,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,, They have secret meetings they fail to consult they work in closed rooms ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,The library is a fabulous gathering place full of information and well resourced. The staff knowledgeable and friendly ,Very satisfied,,,,Always keen to help ,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Would love too see More local engagement in activities to attract visitors to the area local bike tracks etc . ,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,The recycling depot is amazing ,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,,Ski FM,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,Whanganui Chronicle,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 16:57,4/10/2024 17:00,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,not happy with the way our community has been treated over teitei and the still continuing unanswered questions. Council has not been transparent and did not uphold their commitments to meet with us after 31st August meeting. Our council has treated us so badly and made us out to be the villain
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 15:07,4/10/2024 15:12,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Lack of transparency, deals done behind closed doors, not listening or working on behalf of the ratepayers ",,,Unsatisfied,,"Again, consultation doesn’t actually happen ",,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,It’s a brilliant facility ,,,,,Cruise FM,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 14:57,4/10/2024 15:05,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Raetihi is still being treated as though it doesn't exist. How much longer can you delay the Revitalisation instead of getting on with it?,,,Unsatisfied,,"Consultation for the sake of it, doesn't make for good governance ",Yes,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Raetihis park needs an upgrade,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,The constant resealing of the same stretch of roads is a joke,,No,,,"The range of recycling has diminished, so how does that help with the zero waste by 2040 vision ",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Neighbourly,YouTube,Tic toc,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Why have a request for service if you are going to ignore one that has serious health and safety issues being raised
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 14:41,4/10/2024 14:56,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Recent attempts to engage with RDC [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and Board members has raised serious questions about the Councils ability to listen and lead.",,,Unsatisfied,,RDC has shown recently that they do not place any value on the concerns of the Ratepayers. RDC see the Consultation process as a tick in the box and the [REDACTED] has zero intention of listening and representing based on the strong feedback from large numbers of the community.,Yes,,I am not aware of specific ways in which RDC engages with Iwi and Hapu but I know they do a great job at engaging and from my view there is a strong mutual respect between all parties.,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,"Overall, the Ohakune Office is functional and the Counter staff are friendly and accommodating. The only Meeting I have attended at the administration buildings was standing room only with only a d few dozen chairs for the 120+ ratepayers that attended.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Good selection and well managed,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,The Carrot Park continues to be the jewel in the crown for Ohakune through the Summer months especially. It is well managed and is a great example of how a community trust can create safe and fun space for all ages.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,Neighbourly,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,The recent Teitei Drive fiasco has drawn a deep divide amongst the Council and segments of the Ohakune community. Despite that particular project being shelved there is now a severe lack of trust that will not mend anytime soon.
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 13:56,4/10/2024 14:02,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,n/a,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 13:39,4/10/2024 13:40,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 13:28,4/10/2024 13:35,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,RDC seems to have become untrustworthy,,,Unsatisfied,,Too many half truths…and besides RDC seems oblivious to the existence of Rangataua. ,Yes,,And Iwi and Hapū have overreached in relation to the percentage of the population they represent (or purport to represent). The new Government recognises this and will be compelled to change the law to clarify what was/is intended.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,The website is clunky and clumsy. The process is over bureaucratic. Having said that the staff are very helpful.,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The open drains in Rangataua are an embarrassment and all councillors should be ashamed.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Excellent facility,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,Newstalk ZB,,Twitter,Instagram,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 13:04,4/10/2024 13:21,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I'm annoyed that Council have spent heaps on assessment of the RSA wall as being earthquake non compliant and it must be vacated. What proof have you got that other bldgs.evencthe RDC office and homes are compliant will be safe? No proof. Look at the destruction in Chch and Turkey. The RSA is important just fix it. But not vacate ,,,Unsatisfied,,As written in the latest Bulletin the public are not admitted to your workshops which are only for RDC.,,No,All I know you only engage with Ngati Haua,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,The staff are most obliging in assistance with queries and obtaining books from our of the area. Always a pleasure to deal with the staff.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,Undecided,,,,No,,,You don't care about rural and yet charge for non service.,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,What significant outcome is coming from the Ohura Community Board. Shld they not look after Manuate Street. What are their targets if any?
1.14574E+11,430844048,4/10/2024 13:12,4/10/2024 13:13,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,none,,,,,,No,,Happy!
1.14574E+11,430844048,4/10/2024 13:10,4/10/2024 13:12,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,Neighbourly,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 12:50,4/10/2024 12:53,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 12:39,4/10/2024 12:44,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Lack of communication with ratepayers, main information is from local paper, which seems to have to go looking for info. Lack of input from [REDACTED] & [REDACTED]",,Satisfied,,,"We are consulted, but decisions are normally already made.",Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Only go when need to see someone.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,On going funding issues. Possible contractor issues as well.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 12:21,4/10/2024 12:27,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 11:59,4/10/2024 12:10,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Increased costs for ratepayers, less maintenance work being carried out by council RDC needs to cut its budget focusing only on maintenance then stick to it The rest of us are cutting costs while you’re increasing ours",,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,You are required to hold a referendum on maori wards We are all one race New Zealanders,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Scrap it we don’t need the cost ,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,The Waipuna rd is the worst it has ever been ,,,,,,,No,,,,,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Lower your budget and work within it like the rest of us have to do
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 12:01,4/10/2024 12:10,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very poor response to and communication with the public on the Teitei drive development in partnership with Kainga Ora.,,,Unsatisfied,,You must be joking!! Consult with the public?? Council tried to avoid consulting and were blatantly withholding information and communication.,,,No experience with this.,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 11:37,4/10/2024 11:42,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 11:04,4/10/2024 11:07,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 10:26,4/10/2024 10:33,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,"Raetihi library could use some upgrades, and not be left out of holiday programmes ",,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,"Please do not take away the recycling station in Raetihi, as residents unless we need to go to the chemist we do not need to go to ohakune. The vet, daycare, doctor etc is all in Raetihi. Taking away the recycle station would mean an extra trip that does not need to happen and I think would create lots of illegal dumping. ",,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 10:08,4/10/2024 10:17,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 10:09,4/10/2024 10:14,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,"Generally ok except over the performance by Council in terms of consultation and responding to questions on the Teitei Drive proposal. [REDACTED] in particular has failed to keep the public informed and provide straight answers. However, having seen [REDACTED] past performance and actions at FNDC and AC, this is not surprising.",,Satisfied,,,"Yes, except in terms of investment decisions Council is making.",Yes,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,Brian FM; RNZ,,,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 22:58,4/10/2024 9:22,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,Nga Tangata Tiaki Te Nehenehenui Tuwharetoa Ngati Haua Uenuku Hapu in this town,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,Meeting places in the rear could be privacy covers on glass walls including library meeting room or blinds ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,as above,Very satisfied,,,,"Public toilets away from the centre of town, isite very informative but could do with an upgrade to what is available in the region, staff need to be more receptive, helpful & cheerful",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,bigger recycle bins kerbside,,No,,,Mixed pick-up times no set time frame,Yes,,,Rubbish is dumped on roadsides because they can not afford the costs like pink bags,Ohura Ward,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,"None online is more proficient, when service is disrupted by weather.",Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Iwi / Hapu consultations,Yes,,This was thought of in the pass but not alll locals have a mobile,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 8:53,4/10/2024 9:20,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,RDC needs to understand is responsibilities when enabling participation of Maori in Local Government decision making processes. They appear to be unsure of whom they should be consulting with or lack the confidence to consult with Maori.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Location for Library is not easily accessible.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,"Too much red tape, however, building inspector is very helpful.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Reserves to need to be maintained better.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,Extend opening hours.,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,Taranaki Magic 89.2FM,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,Text notification,
1.14574E+11,430841431,4/10/2024 9:07,4/10/2024 9:08,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,satisfied
1.14574E+11,430841431,4/10/2024 9:03,4/10/2024 9:07,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,National Radio,,,,Neighbourly,,None Don't know,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 8:30,4/10/2024 8:57,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Teitei Dr fiasco . Lack of communication re questions about costs to the community via rate increases thru the spendings on Teitei Dr.etc,,,Unsatisfied,,You dont communicate on sensitive issues. Say nothing and hope questioning will go away.,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,Cant cope with a large turnout as shown by the Teitei Dr meeting last year. ,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,When its open its fine but has been closed in the past which is /was not good for passing tourists etc.,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,"Town hall ,is there one ?",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Goldfinch Rd near Shannon St is in poor condition with dips and dives etc .Not safe .,,,Undecided,,"Need large wheelie bins ,not plastic bags and bins that roaming cats and dogs can get into easily.",Yes,,,,,,No,,"A bit of a bun fight getting in and out. Needs to flow better, maybe a in and around the back to exit might work",,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,"1zb, Brian FM, ",,,,,,Avoid social media were possiile.,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,"Rates , Horizon rates would help",Yes,,,Junction rail corridor is a health0 and safety issue New fencing is better but not 100% as locals still cross tracks by walking around eastern end near gravel pit.Someone will come grief at some stage. Not sure if its a council issue.Lot of broom growing wild near Rail Offices Railway row and by Ohakune Club paddock Goldfinch St needs to be removed.
1.14574E+11,430841431,4/10/2024 8:52,4/10/2024 8:57,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Overall good,,,Unsatisfied,,"Apart from local newspaper, we are told little",,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,, Build is always clean and tidy and staff always very helpful.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,My business cards are usually on display staff good.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Not enough maintenance on walkways etc. Excellent to have item.,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Too many heavy vehicles using side roads MIR st is good example.,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14574E+11,430841431,4/10/2024 8:49,4/10/2024 8:52,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,I have always received help when I have asked for it.,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,Neighbourly,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,,No,,
1.14574E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 8:47,4/10/2024 8:50,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"[REDACTED] secretive, unhelpful and should be sacked ",,,Unsatisfied,,No consultation ,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,No chance for a say at public meetings ,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RNZ,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 8:32,4/10/2024 8:37,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,In housing and community upgrades/projects,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,"Collection services are good - but we need to move away from pink bags in Ohakune! The amount of rubbish that ends up strewn across the streets b6 cats and pests getting into them; then when the collection people come, half of it gets left behind. Especially when holiday makers leave it out for days on the side of the road. Not good enough",Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,Dog registration is not good enough. I've been penalized and then not received my dog tag in the mail. Super frustrating.
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 8:07,4/10/2024 8:11,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,They are unable to deliver any results with resource consents for years - growth and productivity has stalled - RDC has weaponised incompetence,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,It is pathetic and unacceptable,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 7:37,4/10/2024 7:41,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The council isn't proactive and doesn't want to see us griw,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Rubbish absolutely rubbish,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,Honestly you need more passion and we need more stores and more things for kids and teens. Please get it together
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 6:53,4/10/2024 6:59,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Your involvement in the Teitei development and how you mislead ratepayers over it. ,,,Unsatisfied,,Teitei development. Lack of consultation ,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 4:27,4/10/2024 4:30,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I came into an office and was told to fill out an official information request even after telling staff it was a RMA matter,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Outstanding second hand shop and staff,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/10/2024 2:05,4/10/2024 2:10,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,What was promised in the elections have sadly fallen short,,Satisfied,,,,,,"Somewhat known but if I have any questions, I jnow exactly who to ask ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The comparison between Taumarunui and Ohakune is quite large, Ohakune is awesome yet Taumarunui is sadly lacking",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,Cruise FM,,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 21:29,4/09/2024 21:33,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 20:42,4/09/2024 20:50,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,This Council is not open. Closed off. Hiding the truth. Vote of no confidence is in order.,,,Unsatisfied,,To date this administration is closed of and self servicing. The community is secondary ,,No,Not being truthful ,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,Pay rates for rubbish removal. But have to pay privately to rubbish removed.,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 20:14,4/09/2024 20:19,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Poor decision making on the Teitei drive development,,,Unsatisfied,,Lack of consultation on the Teitei drive development,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 20:06,4/09/2024 20:12,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] have to go for the pour decisions made regarding teitei. The few councilors that attended the August public meeting at least voted to put a stop but didn’t do enough, the councilors that didn’t bother to turn up to the meeting but voted for the project to continue should also be sacked. ",,,Unsatisfied,,"Your consultation process is a joke, you try make it look like consultation, when it’s just smoke screens to tick a box. ",,No,Shouldn’t you have a responsibility to everyone? Including residents and ratepayers?,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Council need to front foot and restore trust and transparency as our family has had enough of the deception
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 19:28,4/09/2024 19:52,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I feel that the Ruapehu District council has failed in it obligation as a PCBU under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 to ensure safety of the employees of its contractors while working on Council contracts. ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"As a worker and ratepayer I am unable to access the library due to the limited opening hours as I am working, I feel that the library should open on Saturday morning or a late night, maybe once a month or fortnight.",,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"As a worker and ratepayer I am unable to access the library due to the limited opening hours as I am working, I feel that the library should open on Saturday morning or a late night, maybe once a month or fortnight.",,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Manunui is unique in Ruapehu in that it has no public playground for children. I feel that a playground for Manunui is long overdue.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Surface flooding on most roads every time there is heavy rain,Yes,,,,,,No,,,Too expensive ,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,"The Dog control is out of control, not responding to reports of roaming dogs and then putting up ""dogs not allowed"" signage in on-leash exercise areas. Seems like they targeting responsible dog owners while ignoring the unregistered roaming dogs."
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 19:38,4/09/2024 19:43,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,I don’t even know where I’m suppose to dump my bins in Ōwhango ,,,Undecided,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 18:56,4/09/2024 19:29,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I feel alot of money has gone into making the township of Taumarunui look pretty but could have been better spent on helping the actual inner workings of the town eg. The price of the wooden TAUMARUNUI sign opposite farmlands was crazy expensive yet we don't have enough dog catchers in town to address the numerous amount of dogs roaming around. Also council pay big bucks for contractors to fix problems like water issues or foot paths etc and the contractors alot of the time are doing bainaid fixes not long term waste of money. Downers did simmons rd foot path and left so much loose gravel behind every time it rains the water pools flooding our driveway and only half of it is concrete the other half uneven gravel so people are walking on the road anyways.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,The library staff are lovely and helpful. I like how they sometimes organize someone to come in and read to the kids. The public computers and printers are extremely useful. ,,Satisfied,,,Staf are always helpful and full of knowledge. Can't say anything bad about them.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,I love our parks in taumarunui. They're usually pretty clean tidy and well maintained. ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Our roads are shocking. Uneven full of pot holes. At the end of Katrina Street turning onto huia Street is a fine example. You cannot drive on any road in Taumarunui without hitting a pot hole. ,,No,,,In the city's you get a small to medium sized rubbish bin. Then you get a massive recycling bin. In Taumarunui you can put out upto 5 rubbish bags but only 1 blue recycling bin. It seems stupid. You want to minimize rubbish yet you only allow for 1 tiny blue bin and ample amount of rubbish bags. The recycling rules keep changing so its also confusing what can be recycled and what can't. And there was no info handed out to know what's what. ,,No,,,I'm satisfied with the actual company who do the collection the staff are awesome. But the expense that comes with shipping it out and the stupid tiny blue bin for recycling is unsatisfactory and stupid. ,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 19:06,4/09/2024 19:17,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Shady dealings with Kainga Ora about the Teitei Drive project, dodgy undeclared personal relationships, nonexistent consultation process. NB going through a process with the intention of ignoring ratepayers is NOT A CONSULTATION! Intention to make Ohakune a dumping ground for those desperately needing decent housing is unfair on both the community and those needing housing and employment. ",,,Unsatisfied,,Secrecy regarding the Teitei Drive development. ,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,,,Undecided,,,,,N/A,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,Minutes of meetings including meetings with Kainga Ora,Yes,,,"I would like to be advised about what is happening with the Teitei Drive development, and to have copies of documents relating to anything that has happened since 5th March 2024. "
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 19:01,4/09/2024 19:11,,,,,,,Satisfied,,, There us still room for improvements. ,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Consulting with local iwi.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,Yes I use it to buy gifts fir my overseas friends.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,"Cameras need to placed around these places, I think it would stop alot if the dumping of rubbish, also the kids park needs few.. ",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,These all need to be upgraded.,Yes,,,,,,No,,,I would like to see wheelie bins brought in.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Yes great idea!,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 18:54,4/09/2024 19:02,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Jobs seem to get done mo problems ,,Satisfied,,,,,No,Glad we still have Maori wards...hope this remains so,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,I can get round after work and still open,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Keeping us updated re rates due mainly yearly accounts and expected or anticipated costs,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 18:13,4/09/2024 18:43,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"New construction in the township goes ahead unchecked, ie: sewerage facilities, property boundaries, water usage and compulsory rate levies mismanaged. Community usage of the only public facility in the main street. Poorly managed grass cutting contractors in streets. ",,,Unsatisfied,,Lack of communication with community.,,No,"Maori should not have any statuary obligation regarding negotiation of my rate contributions. One nation, one vote, surely.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Flooding and logging truck devastation endured on the entrance and exit roads leading to Ohura, for many years. In a first world country, the size pertaining to a vehicle would govern the use of our roads. Paved or otherwise ,including Waitantanga Pass.",Yes,,,,"At the discretion of the current recycle transfer station manager, which could vary from day to day.",,,,N/A,,,No,,Depends on the day.,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,None that occur.,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 18:33,4/09/2024 18:35,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,No ,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 18:22,4/09/2024 18:25,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Lot not out yet,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,Not received at home,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 18:01,4/09/2024 18:06,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Transfer stations need to be open earlier in the day,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,They need to be open earlier,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 17:56,4/09/2024 17:58,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Very upset with council and councillors, filling out this survey to reflect my disappointment after the teitei issues, one that doesn’t appear to be closed yet and no word from council on the future of teitei"
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 17:45,4/09/2024 17:49,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,No cell coverage,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 17:07,4/09/2024 17:28,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"RDC would have to be the most ignorant, arrogant, unprofessional, non law-abiding TA that I have encountered in my 50 years of professional involvement with NZ TAs. It is no excuse to say they are small and hard to recruit proper staff, they have the opportunity to seek alternative independent professional input rather than think they are ""god"". RDC should amalgamate with others to provide a decent ratepayer base to provide competent service to its ratepayers. Also suggest the number of EMs be reduced with better renumeration per person to get a better business/accountability approach to an organisation that is clearly in need of an overhaul.",,,Unsatisfied,,"The Teitei Development is a clear example of the ratepayers not be consulted with ""its land"" through ""back room"" deals with KO. As to the LTP, there is no point in submitting as the decisions are not based on their statutory obligations.",Yes,,This question is biased. I have no problem with Iwi being consulted on matters which directly involve them but not carte blanche as is the common case omongst TAs and to which there is now a negative reaction as a result of change of Government.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"RDC has a statutory obligation to ensure its Public Drains are maintained, it fails miserably such that it could be liable for damages. The problem appears to be a lack of funding in the LTP and AP.",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 17:04,4/09/2024 17:12,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Not consulting with the community before making hugh decisions ,,,Unsatisfied,,"No consultation, not listening to the community. Wasting Rate payer money when the rates in ohakune are already very expensive.",Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 16:38,4/09/2024 16:50,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Our family is very concerned and unhappy with the way we were treated after the 31st August public meeting. We are yet to hear from council directly on the learnings from this ordeal, councilors should be ashamed of what they did to try and push teitei drive through. ",,,Unsatisfied,,"Our family disagree. After what has been highlighted over the last year, all the evidence shows that council word surveys and consultation ideas around preconditioned outcomes. It’s disgusting and shameful that you would take items to consultation with an established outcome, not listening to ratepayers!",Yes,,"It would appear that council has rather caused a divide between iwi and hapu, rather than strengthening of living together. The way iwi was consulted on matters leaving out the rest of New Zealanders because they are not part of an iwi is disgraceful. Our family is respectful to our country, but all you are doing is creating division. This was not because of policy, this was because you only chose to consult with one race because policy said you have to!",,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Our parks are great in Ohakune, with carrot park being mostly of donations, other parks of ratepayer money (many of which are holiday home owners rates). As local residents we are not happy with the division you create between locals and ratepayers. ",Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,"We have seen reports where some areas have been neglected, when highlighted to council the whole idea is brushed off. Many of the items ORS highlighted to council with regards to teitei consent went ignored, some to do with transport and roading, again ignored, until nzta gave you stick about it. Listen to your people and stop ignoring them",Yes,,,,"Recycling and transfer station is one of the most amazing things of Ohakune, the second hand store we use all the time and find it amazing. ",Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Amazing staff and second hand use. ,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 16:04,4/09/2024 16:20,,,,,,,,,N/A,It is not really possible to give a grade on leadership and performance in the same question there are many things we are happy with for example the transfer station supurb service and personnel on hand. On the other hand we do not see a lot that we could regard as leadership to give a measure or degree of feedback to.,,,Unsatisfied,,The consultation seems to be more about what we are going to be getting rather than what are your views. ,,No,Am aware of obligations in some parts of legislation but the notion of partnership is a skew and interpretation. The Ruapehu District Council is mandated to represent all of the people in Ruapehu District.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,There is nothing negative about its location or its contents we always have a good experience and there and it is easy to access.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,"RNZ, ZB, COAST ",Facebook,Twitter,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,Please become better listeners and totally transparent when your constituent rate payers raise concerns about social issues.
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 16:01,4/09/2024 16:08,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I follow council on facebook and get little info. I contacted council and asked for the long term plan for Rangataua and told there wasn’t one?,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Undecided,,Ruapehu council have no program to return green waste as compost. Why not?,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 15:56,4/09/2024 16:02,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"It seems when the building inspector takes annual leave, the consent process grinds to a halt. (Applications for Solid Fuel Heater consents for work)",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430827284,4/09/2024 15:44,4/09/2024 15:54,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,No,"There are no pure Maori people in NZ There are some part Maori but no 100 % Maori I have no objection to a person 1/8 Maori calling themselves Maori, that is a cultural matter It does not give a ticket to preferential treatment.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,The library hours seem to be made for the convenience of [REDACTED] Please remember it is people who use libraries and many people also work 9 to 5. Libraries should be open at weekends and some evenings You should also set up a table and bench outside for use of internet when the library Bis closed. ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"There are no proper facilities and the internet is poor There should be a table and chairs and a fast internet to use when the library bis closed The internet in town is slow, little coverage and has not been configured properly and does not allow downloading e mails from an e mail server IMAP",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The open pool times seem to be set for the convenience of the Pool Manager This year the pool closed 13 March !! Have we not had glorious days in April What about weekends when it is sunny where can the children go The pool should be open all week days 9 months of the year and weekends 12 months of the year Do not suggest the High School Pool, it is claustrophobic and smells of Chlorine Not the same experience as an open air pool where a family can have a picnic.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Inadequate supervision of operatives. Unskilled labourers are sent out to fill pot holes without knowledge or training. In particular see STATE HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGN MANUAL SECTION 5: VERTICAL ALIGNMENT There is testing apparatus on the deviation of a pavement road level But this testing apparatus is not used and hence roads have hills and troughs,,No,,,I have never received a Recycle Bin,,No,,,I have never had my rubbish or recycling collected When I lived in town and if I put out a lot of paper / card it was not collected There seems to be a limit as to how much you are allowed to recycle,,No,,"This is a very fluid situation. The situation is changing monthly as it is in all countries. What can and what can not be recycled differs not only from UK AU and NZ but also region to region The technology used also differs widely We just have to keep up to date with the changes This is a very fluid situation. The situation is changing monthly as it is in all countries. What can and what can not be recycled differs not only from UK AU and NZ but also region to region The technology used also differs widely We just have to keep up to date with the changes SINE-AGE could be better IE The sign states ALL PLASTIC then states NO PLASTIC BAGS Be precise what kind of plastic Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) – water bottles and plastic trays High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – shampoo bottles - milk bottles ? Polypropylene (PP) – margarine tubs and ready-meal trays - milk bottles ? Are these recycled: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) – piping Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) – food bags Polystyrene (PS) – plastic cutlery Are these not accepted for recycling Soft plastics, crisp packets, salad bags, plastic wrap, blister packaging, polycarbonate {nasty stuff} What about beverage cartons, gable top cartons, waxed cartons, some places do recycle them The Sign says TIN CANS but why cant I drop in rusty nails without having to drive across the yard GLASS Why do you make people segregate green brown clear glass To my knowledge all the glass is mixed and goes to make glass fibre Because of the energy used heating glass and the impurities it is cheaper to make new glass. The motto is Recycle what we can, with the ultimate aim of zero to landfill RE USE SHOP This is getting bigger and bigger Stuff goes in but I wonder how much goes out. Prices are too high Other councils manage Re Use via a Charity but the Charity sells what makes money quickly and has little incentive not send the rest to solid waste. However better that Te Kuiti",,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,"On Line Put everything you possibly can on line, there is no limit, you do not need to ask But do not expect 100 % coverage Allow for those who use paper Allow for those who only use e mail. Allow for those who are deaf, blind, cantankerous. They are all ratepayers",,No,,"21 Additional Matters 21.1 WI FI I have no WI FI I also have no Mobile Phone coverage at my house, except if I stand on a chair on the front veranda I have taken the matter of Fibre Optic WI FI with the council but they shrug their shoulders and say t is a Federal Matter Yes if may be a service rolled out by the Government but there are Ratepayers who have no means of communication Why not take up matters with the Government on their behalf. 21.2 Communications All your customers / clients are different Don't treat them like banks treat their customers, making them all use a smart phone and download apps. or like a supermarket making them all do their own check-out. Some people only want to communicate by post Some On Line Some via their smart phone Sone via e mail Rhetorical Question - Why did you cut down another tree and send this paper questionnaire to every ratepayer by post Why not send it out by e mail Why make people scan a QR code, that cannot be done from a lap top Treat all your customers differently"
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 15:41,4/09/2024 15:51,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Since we moved here we have been subjected to illegal searches of our property, deliberately waiting a month or more to respond to emails ignoring my request for invoices until we end up being penalized for being ""late"" paying it. Absolutely traumatized by animal control officers showing up doing illegal searches of our property and threatening us, claiming they did a registration check on our dogs which never occurred, and now seeing what is going on with Ohakune and the development that was clearly vetoed by council members and the illegal pushing through on things which was clearly should not have been done. The constant refusal to show the public documents that should be made public that is a legal requirement. Over all the experiences we have had with council have been Absolutely terrible, caused significant amount of stress and violation and money on us. We have Absolutely no trust or faith in this council and our over all experience has been beyond upsetting for us. The level of illegal behaviour, fobbing off and blatent disregard for the people they are supposed to be supporting is off the charts. We are dissapointed and very let down and feel a huge change is needed for this council to gain any sort of trust or respect from us! ",,,Unsatisfied,,See past comment.,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,"We pay a huge amount of money per year in rates and get NOTHING for it! At all. No rubbish pick up, no recycling, nothing. ",,No,,,,,No,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 15:30,4/09/2024 15:47,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The roads in this district are embarrassing to say the least. If there was a competition on the most potholes, this district would win the big Golden Pothole Award",,No,,,What's the point in recycling when you watch the contractor on rubbish day putting everything in the same part of the truck or leaving dropped recycling on the road instead of picking it up.,,No,,,As above.,,No,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,What's that got to do with a anything?,,,,,,Again what's that got to do with anything?,,,,,,No,"We have antenno, people should learn to use it.",
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 15:36,4/09/2024 15:41,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 15:18,4/09/2024 15:36,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Woeful leadship and performance as illustrated by your handling of the social housing debacle - you lied to the public and continue to keep us in the dark. I would like to see an independent enquiry into this affair which ultimately removes [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] who are the main protagonists. ,,,Unsatisfied,,"Your 'consultation' is a sham - just like you so-called 'consultation' on the social housing scheme at Teitei Drive - There was none! As [REDACTED] pointed out, council lied to the public! Are you going to try and sneak in more unpopular proposals like social housing into this LTP and say you ""consulted"" the public? ",Yes,,"A Treaty partners, though I understand the government is repealing the requirement for councils to have maori seats. ",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,"1. I would feel incredibly unsafe in the Carrot Adventure Park if your planned social housing scheme goes ahead in Teitei Drive, as would the tens of thousands of tourists who visit the site. Proposing a social housing scheme next to the town's leading tourist attraction is shortsighted and idiotic! 2. The council land at Teitei Drive should be reserved as a recreational reserve and potential future growth of the Carrot Adventure Park; unlike a social housing scheme, this would bring more people into Ohakune and more business. ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Best in the country! Great staff!,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,RDC needs effective professional governance and it is clear this is currently lacking - I would like to see appointed governance professionals if not administrators. - Seek an independent review of council's handling of the Teitei Drive social housing debacle - specifically whether the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] acted within the law and their statutory requirements.
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 15:08,4/09/2024 15:15,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The new housing development was atrocious. Misleading and secretive and extremely poor communication with residents. Council did not listen to the community at all. ,,,Unsatisfied,,What consultation? I received one update in our letterbox which was total propaganda. As a permanent resident I expect more. ,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,I’m a permanent resident. ,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:46,4/09/2024 14:56,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,[REDACTED] and [REDACTED] need to go. Trying to railroad a housing project through that’s not in a suitable location. Avoiding answering direct questions as to why. Overstating the actual need in Ohakune by stating numbers for the Ruapehu area. ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:52,4/09/2024 14:56,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,You are lying to us,,,Unsatisfied,,You are not consulting with the people,Yes,,You are not fulfilling your obligations,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,Please be honest with ratepayers regarding the Teitei Drive proposal. It's disgusting how you are lying to ratepayers.
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:52,4/09/2024 14:55,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:48,4/09/2024 14:54,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Lack of accountability, poor grasp on wants of community, lack of financial control.",,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,You have staff who are employed as Iwi and hapu liaisons ,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Library staff are knowledgeable, helpful and committed to doing the best for library patrons. They hold events for children on a regular basis and are always looking to improve their services.",,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:32,4/09/2024 14:42,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,"But you need to mindful when setting that refuse disposal is very expensive compared to other council. The price of refuse bags tell me that RDC is making them so we don’t put out rubbish in a bag on collection day,",,No,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,Don’t know why you ask this question as I never see or hear of any station other than Cruise,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,No,Support the radio station as we don’t need to listen,None of the newspapers you mention in question get delivered to my address in Manunui. Newspapers are history
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:30,4/09/2024 14:38,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"You are leaving ratepayers in the dark and are secretive about your conduct, remember that the council is the employees of the ratepayers not their overlords ",,,Unsatisfied,,you have shown inadequate public consultation and have no regard for the community especially around your secretive actions ,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,all physical locations are fine and no additional funding is required ,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,all physical locations are fine and no additional funding is required ,,Satisfied,,,have used once and was useful ,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,an app would be fine however there is no need to develop one as there are plenty around available for very small fees,"in all seriousness, the council needs to get their act together when it comes to their conduct, i have no issue with the physical assets however the conduct of the council is terrible, if you were a formal employee of mine i would have grounds for instant dismissal due to your gross negligence and other behavior, a council needs to remember they are the employees of the ratepayers not the government so the ratepayers should be the priority "
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:31,4/09/2024 14:38,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"As a rate payer of over twenty years, this whole Teitei Drive issue has been a disaster.",,,Unsatisfied,,As above. The Teitei Drive proposal has not been a good example of consulting.,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:29,4/09/2024 14:32,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:19,4/09/2024 14:21,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,I believe that everyone should be consulted ,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:04,4/09/2024 14:15,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Unbelievable you would even ask refer back to ratepayers emails which you never answer.,,,Unsatisfied,,Can the ratepayers have a meeting and discuss our issues? Or are you going to continue to ignore us.,,No,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 14:02,4/09/2024 14:07,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Part of Ward Street Raetihi has no storm water our storm water is expected to run around onto Grey Street opposite Nancy Winters hence the massive flooding tgeir when it rains,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 13:53,4/09/2024 14:04,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Communication and community engagement is non-existent. This is a democracy so we request you treat it like a democracy and be transparent. ,,,Unsatisfied,,"Not at all. Sadly, for want of a better phrase, it's all secret squirrel, trying to control the situation the impacts the day to day lives of others.",,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,,Undecided,,,,No,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,,YouTube,,,,,Community board detail important plans decisions ,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 13:53,4/09/2024 14:00,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,Ohura Ward,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,My rates bill. Not sure if that's set up. ,Yes,,,"Need a rates bill whether in credit or not posted regularly every 3 months. I bought a house in Ohura and have never received one apart from when I went in and asked. No payment history on it, nothing apart from how much in credit. "
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 13:42,4/09/2024 13:48,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Kainga Ora visited Ohakune, specifically Teitei Drive, then Council offices. We requested information on what the meeting was about and what is going on with Teitei; they are refusing to respond. This sort of stuff is disgusting",,,Unsatisfied,,There is no point consulting of you ignore the public opinions and hide information from them,,No,Lets do a decent job of our core responsibilities befoe putting distartion in our surveys,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Who is going to invest in your district while you have secret meetings with Kainga Ora,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 13:03,4/09/2024 13:15,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The library is excellent. The tip and rubbish collection are also very efficient. Every other area of RDC we have asked for help has been sub-standard. Calling council 99% of staff are amazing, empathetic, friendly, trying their best. After that the next steps vary but usually result in a lack of ownership of situations, a comparison of another area where dog barking is much worse intimating we should 'get over it and stop bothering us'.",,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,"Library staff, building, stock and access to other libraries' stock is/are excellent. Printing and scanning is quick and helpful. Website and app great.",Very satisfied,,,,"Used the shop and info desk, both good.",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Safety is not council's fault really. More the population and gang presence in town.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Flooding in Matapuna needs to be fixed ,,No,,,Recycling is good and has improved. It would be great to see soft plastic packaging and tetra pack collection points in town,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,I realise some laws make it difficult to police noise and dog situations. Any influence you can bring to bear on that would be useful. We've become apathetic about contacting you on these topics because nothing is resolved. Roaming dogs and feral cat colonies are big issues in Matapuna.
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 12:48,4/09/2024 12:59,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 12:27,4/09/2024 12:36,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,You don’t listen to what your Ratepayers want. ,,,Unsatisfied,,"Teitei development had no consultation, you lied to ratepayers, dismissed all requests for information.",,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,"Bags are not practical with so many rodents ie stray cats, stray dogs magpies etc. always see animals getting into the pink bags. ",Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430825900,4/09/2024 12:26,4/09/2024 12:28,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,2896.4,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,,No,,None.
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 12:13,4/09/2024 12:18,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,No consult for in appropriate kiangaora housing ohakune,,,Not sure,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Not permanently in abode,,,,N/A,As a local ratepayers have no use of them,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 11:54,4/09/2024 12:05,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Have not received answers to many questions, the delays in responses and secrecy from council has been astonishing. Council have still not held a public meeting with the community of Ohakune after promising one, and even after Teitei has been cancelled, council have still not fronted up ",,,Unsatisfied,,"No, we believe council is very deceitful in their consultation on some matters, going into a consultation with an already established outcome, just ticking a box and asking questions in such a way they do not divulge in the actual intent, rather a broad open ended question. ",Yes,,"We are aware that policy includes hapu and iwi, however we believe all residents and ratepayers should be consulted not just a singular party or race. ",,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,Twitter,,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 11:36,4/09/2024 11:41,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,[REDACTED] and [REDACTED] lie and lie again ie ohakune social housing lies,,,Unsatisfied,,They just do what the want break there own rules in district plan no one else can break them but they do ,,No,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 11:24,4/09/2024 11:31,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Get rid of [REDACTED] and deadwood who take enormous salaries and do nothing for this district. Time to step up and make change.,,,Unsatisfied,,The council only consults what they want us to see and manipulate it in their favour. Everything else is hidden from the public.,Yes,,But RDC only does this when they have to,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,The buildings were purpose built to suit the council at an enormous cost to the ratepayer,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,They’re dirty and old,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,P&R needs to step up and do their job properly ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Need an area for soft plastic recycling ,,No,,,They drop rubbish and leave it,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 11:02,4/09/2024 11:07,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The whole Teitei Drive saga was very badly handled and people weren't listened to, including councillors. There is not much trust left in the ""leaders"" at the helm of the ship.",,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,,YouTube,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 10:30,4/09/2024 10:33,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 9:24,4/09/2024 10:06,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,[REDACTED] telling me that council would not be following legislation and is ignoring the boil water notice in kakahi as in his words his mates were in charge of it ,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,We should vote on removing maori wards ,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Boil water notice for 8 years and council staff stuart watson says im talking out of my arse when i mention taumata arowai saying council had obligations under legislation to fix the issue Still not fixed after [REDACTED] had said he was going to get veolia involved,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,An unnecessary relic of our childhood save some money ,,,,N/A,More unnecessary waste let the tourists operators who are proffiing from them fund them ,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Could do a lot more to help streamline the process for the people who are building the region,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Been here 20 years and see so little improvement compared to other regions i have visited Our hall is mostly unused and it causes problems in our community I think halls and community resources would be better managed with a more central approach as opposed to small clicks who exclude most of the community ,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Worse now than when i moved here 20 years ago,Yes,,,,Too much again we now know what happens with the majority of recycling ending up in landfills here and overseas It appears to be a feelgood exercise that costs ratepayers ,,No,,,Too expensive it was included in our rates now you charge us extra ,,No,,Why export our rubbish problems to others rather than being responsible for it in our own district ,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,,,,None of the above,,,Twitter,,,,I try not to ,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,All complaints and feedback so everyone can see what is wrong along with their results finding outcomes so everyone can see that when they engage there are visible outcomes and accountability for abusive staff and we can get rid of the old boys club who seem intent on stopping progress ,Yes,,Only if it leads to actual actions in realistic time frames,Focus on your core objectives Water waste infrastructure and growth not pandering to groups that refuse to honor their duty
1.14573E+11,430823630,4/09/2024 9:31,4/09/2024 9:35,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Flood control + road maintenance still need urgent attention ,Very Satisfied,,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Use computer + printer very convenient,Very satisfied,,,,Helpful + willing to find out more.,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430585634,4/09/2024 9:30,4/09/2024 9:33,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14573E+11,430823630,4/09/2024 9:25,4/09/2024 9:31,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Lot more can be done on what we pay.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Treaty should be finish and all ale one,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Having to buy bags and Road side service where others don't if they rent.,,No,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14573E+11,430823630,4/09/2024 9:16,4/09/2024 9:25,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,"good supply of books in, staff always helpful.",,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,"More plastic choices to recycle. No one can manage, not even [REDACTED] which is nonsense.",Yes,,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,88,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,,No,Put it on Taumarunui FB page,
1.14573E+11,430823630,4/09/2024 9:09,4/09/2024 9:16,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,The council needs to watch spending on non-essential items - amount of cars travelling between Taumarunui and Ohakune. Do staff not speak to one another and rideshare. I understand the catering for meetings is over the top with very luxurious food purchased. Many low income families can not even afford the basics.
1.14573E+11,430823630,4/09/2024 9:03,4/09/2024 9:09,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The staff are undertrained,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 20:52,4/08/2024 21:03,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"More native plants needed, less reliance on spraying of weeds.",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Taumarunui recycle shop does a good job. The idea of weighing everything sold was good but is it necessary to keep proving that recycling keeps a heavy load out of land fill?,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 19:25,4/08/2024 21:00,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The leadership is non existent. The Waitomo Mayor does a weekly FB update each week, on what they have attended/upcoming consultations/meetings/requests for feedback on proposals etc. Why can't [REDACTED] do something similar. There is no 'face' for RDC. Why is RDC scared/hide from the public? They always take an army of staff to any public meeting. If they are challenged on a subject it is disregarded and shutdown. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. With the cost of living crisis/ recession where is the comms showing how you are cutting back? Time for a new CEO, with all the long serving staff leaving, something is not right inside the RDC. If there is a topic which affects the community e.g. the Stubbs ambulance being taken from the Taumarunui community, [REDACTED]/RDC are always on the back foot to support the community and appear to only act due to the community pressure and to try save face. Why aren't you at the front of these matters from the start. What's with councillors not attending meetings. You are voted on to represent the community. If you cant make it a priority why bother standing for election. ",,,Unsatisfied,,Is any of the feedback taken onboard? A lot of decisions are already signed off and consulting with the public is just a tick box exercise. ,,No,Where is the [REDACTED]? I see him driving around with [REDACTED] in the RDC car. What projects / engagements can he account for ? Ngati Haua do more engagement with the community and get things done. Where has the sunshine track got to? What's the Maori Council RDMC upto? ,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The library and customer services should be open on the weekend. People work Mon-Fri, how can they utilise the library. How can we purchase rubbish bags (without the mark up). Not community focused with the hours, more staffing focused, as dont want to work weekends. Not everyone like to use the online library service. What's wrong with being able to get a real book. ",,Satisfied,,,,,,,See above,,,Unsatisfied,,"Where are the questions about tourism promotion, economic development, business development? ",,,,N/A,,,,N/A,"Work mon- fri, cant get to RDC building. ",,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"The Bowling Club is being utilized more than the memorial hall. The taumarunui park needs more shade sails - over the pool, and main playground. More bbq areas required so more individual groups can use them. Behind the senior citizens club, the creek needs fencing. All basic things ",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,Totara crescent should of been dealt to years ago. Is the silt going to be removed from beside the railway line?,,No,,,The recycle rubbish bins on the street are too small to put items in. Only designed for cans or paper. ,Yes,,,,My bin gets emptied. ,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,Ski FM,,Trunk FM,,"They all go off air at times, arent reliable. Dont have strong signal. Cant get them passed town",Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,Why does this matter. With algorithm and my own interests you wont be on my feeds. ,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,"Putting this survey online would be a good start, instead of wasting money posting it out. ",,,Isnt this already installed - antenno. You need new questions. Do you think we are dumb. Don't you enjoy your job to not care what you are asking.,"Overall very unsatisfied with RDC at the moment. Where are the questions on other core council functions Dogs, liquor, finance. Why is this survey posted out, with the cost of postage. Let alone the paper and printing costs. Where is RDC cost saving? Why do you need so many RDC vehicles, surely not all managers require a vehicle to drive to and from work/ home for lunch/ and pick the kids up to and from school, tow the boat in the weekend. With the cost of gas, the vehicles should be parked in the depot at the weekend. Where is the accountability and thought of who is paying the bill at the end of the day. You are not all working out in the field and your vehicle is your office like a linesman or stock agent. Just a have. Need to smarten up."
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 19:47,4/08/2024 19:56,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,I have not seen the consultation documents,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Don’t currently live in the area although expect to on retirement,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Have used halls sporadically. Assessment potentially a bit dated. ,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,Canoe hiring companies using Oio rd should be required to utilise Centrel Tyre Inflation technology to reduce washboarding. ,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,,,,,,Yes,,,Deteriorating railway carriages a disappointing look. Https link for this survey did not work.
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 19:26,4/08/2024 19:53,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Where are the plans on line. I would like to see the submissions too,,No,I often wonder why we can’t be one people and have to identify by race. Why do we need Māori wards. What do other nationalities think of this,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,I love on line access to books,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,I would like to have wheele bins. I need to be able to dispose of green waste. Could we have a big bin for green waste,,,Undecided,,,,,,What about disposal of chemicals or batteries etc. ,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,Good idea,I like to see Council meetings on Facebook. The quality of the sound is poor. I would like to see and hear meetings more easily. Can we have the agenda items they are discussing available for us to read too. Is this a problem. The agenda sent on line has no details. Just the format of the meeting with previous minutes.
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 18:03,4/08/2024 18:06,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Over promise. Fail to deliver.,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,Iwi liasion officer Meetings,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,The Coast FM,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,No,Yes,,,
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 17:39,4/08/2024 18:03,,,,,,,,,N/A,I’ve been out of the District for a long time. I can’t comment.,,,,N/A,I can’t comment on this.,,No,This should be ongoing & never stop,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,Monday to Friday is sufficient.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,I live out of the District.,,,,,I have not used this Service.,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,I recently made enquiries to partition my Section in Kakahi to gift to My Sister. I’m not sure why I was told let’s see if it’s doable??. ,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,I live in another part of the Country so there are a lot of questions I can’t answer.,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,"Where I live @ [REDACTED], it’s still Metal Road so I can’t really comment. ",,,,N/A,I have been out of the district for 25 years. I can’t answer this.,,,Undecided,,As above,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,"I would like all My correspondence email to Me, unless the Internet goes down.",Yes,,,Can I have My Rates emailed to Me plz.
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 15:24,4/08/2024 15:28,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,Yes,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,We can take our recycling to the centre but extending it to end of rural roads would be fantastic. ,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,Online forms for food stalls etc. ,Yes,,,
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/08/2024 13:30,4/08/2024 13:43,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Condition of our roads.,,,Unsatisfied,,Insufficient details.,Yes,,I am aware.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Undecided,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,,,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/07/2024 16:49,4/07/2024 16:57,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,Don't have knowledge to comment,,No,Don't have knowledge to comment,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Haven't visited these as not a permanent Ruapehu DC resident,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,Haven't visited these as not a permanent Ruapehu DC resident,,Satisfied,,,Taumarunui iSite in a good position in township and staff were very helpful the time of our visit.,,,,,,,,,Haven't visited these as not a permanent Ruapehu DC resident,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,,,,, We take our own rubbish back to our main home as we are not around midweek for collection day,,,,Haven't visited these as not a permanent Ruapehu DC resident,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,Peak FM,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,Neighbourly,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,Not sure,Yes,,,Thank you for the opportunity to comment
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/07/2024 16:42,4/07/2024 16:48,,,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Excellent service from congenial staff,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,Do consultants fees really give value for money?
1.14572E+11,430585634,4/07/2024 15:10,4/07/2024 15:18,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,Ish,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,Aware but not about details,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,"Obviously being open outside of nine to five Monday to Friday would be preferable, even occasionally.",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,Staff of friendly and helpful and the library has all the essentials. Good selection of books for such a small town.,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Are Council supposed to maintain bush reserves eg Te Peka and Rangaroa? And what about Sunshine track...? Flat grassy areas are usually well kept.,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,As this is a national scheme now should this question be removed from your questionnaire?,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,Reuse shop is great,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,Peak FM,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,I said yes to this question last time too...,
1.14571E+11,430585634,4/07/2024 7:29,4/07/2024 8:16,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,"I know, but i do not know the various ways in which RDC engage with iwi and hapù.",,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Not enough updated resources especially in the Màori section.,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,"In some instances e.g heavy rainfall, we are seeing that the same roads/areas are flooding everytime, namely Tòtara Cres, O'reilly Cres, Manunui Highway by the Manunui Service Station. ",,No,,,,Yes,,,,"I am satisfied, however, could the cost of RDC bags be reassessed? or allow us to put out blackbags alongside the RDC bags or provide wheelie bins or something? ",Yes,,,"I am satisfied with the TMN transfer station, however again, could costs of taking black rubbish bags be reassessed? I guess its better for customers to take their black bags to the transfer station than to see rubbisg bags tossed in the parks or in the bush or on the side of the roads.",,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,"Is there any room in the parks and reserve budget to put shading over all the TMN playgrounds and have more shaded picnic tables placed around the playground areas? Especially more shaded picnic tables at the Mòrero reserve playground. So that families are not confined to or have to wait for the one space provided? As sometimes we have arrived to use the provided facilities, but they are already pre-occupied and so therefore we have to either wait or find somewhere else for our family to sit, especially our elderly, which is on the seats under the trees by the bball courts. "
1.14571E+11,430585634,4/07/2024 7:53,4/07/2024 7:57,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,One time i needed to enquire about public transport services staff were very helpful,Very satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14571E+11,430585634,4/07/2024 7:39,4/07/2024 7:46,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,Recycle shed as too much rubbish in and around it needs a good tidy up and clean up,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.14571E+11,430585634,4/06/2024 10:01,4/06/2024 10:21,,,,,,,,,N/A,"Not a good question - are we talking about elected councillors and their mahi, or the organisation (ie the CEO and their team)?",,,Unsatisfied,,You have not come to talk to individual hapū on the LTP and AP.,Yes,,"Yes I am aware of the obligations. As hapū members, am yet to experience any engagement with RDC. ",,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Matapuna Tuku St is underdeveloped and could be better utilised.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,#NAME?,,No,,,Bins are too small,,No,,,"2 weekly pick-up of scrap bins is too long - maggoty, stink bin",Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,Awa FM,Facebook,,Instagram,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14571E+11,430585634,4/06/2024 8:20,4/06/2024 8:28,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Overspending if rate payers money,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,No,,"Recycle shop too expensive, considering items are given to the shop for free.",,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,Trunk FM,,,Facebook,,,,,,,Ruapehu Bulletin,,,Yes,,,
1.1457E+11,430585634,4/05/2024 20:36,4/05/2024 20:57,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,Unsatisfied with the quality of parks and reserves because: I am a regular runner around the local walking tracks and would like to see the walking path between Eels Clubs Room and Miriama Street maintained to allow the track to have clear access - a bit of spray would stop it from being overgrown. The newly upgraded part of the walking track from the BMX track to Matapuna is great and I have seen many users on the track while out running. Would it be in the Council's plans to continue the work on this track by linking it up with the Manunui track. It's great to have these tracks available for those out getting their daily exercise.,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,,,,N/A,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,Ski FM,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.1457E+11,430585634,4/05/2024 14:05,4/05/2024 14:10,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Undecided,,,,No,,,,,,N/A,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,Tuwharetoa FM,,,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,Would you consider bringing a pak n save or a woolworths to town to taumarunui instead of us travelling out every week to do grocery as many of us do it will still keep tax in our town as well as create more jobs for the community. It is so hard looking for a job in our community without having the experience
1.1457E+11,430585634,4/05/2024 11:26,4/05/2024 11:34,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,"Our library is too small. As a result, they dispose of books, based on how long they have been kept in the collection, that should be kept, based on their litarary value.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,,,,,,No,,
1.1457E+11,430585634,4/05/2024 11:04,4/05/2024 11:21,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,I find that the RDC finds it easier to create difficulties than solutions.,,,,N/A,My input will have no affect.,,No,I am not certain that this statement is actually correct. I am not aware where in the Treaty that it states that the RDC must engage with Iwi. I am also a firm believer in one man one vote.,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,I try to have as little as possible to do with Council and have therefore had little use for these facilities. I do see Council as an expensive commodity.,,,,,,,,,No I have not used them,,,,,"No I don't use the facility and I am constantly concerned at the level of advice given out by some under the belief that they are experts. Simple advice like ""the mountain is closed today"" and ""No shuttles are running"".",,,,,,,,,No I don't if I can avoid it that is the RDC Admin Offices. And No I haven't sought resort consent recently,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,"Never use any of these facilities or services. We get water from you and you dispose of our sewer waste and our rubbish for which you charge us a small fortune and you continued to do so right through Covid when we were using about 10% of our normal. Do you think the the RDC offered us any discount in our rates, no they ran for cover anytime we raised it, I imagine that they would have watched us going broke without giving a shit.",,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,Have you had a look at the roads and repairs in our district?,,No,,,And it is very expensive to process our waste. Anywhere else in the country that paid our level of rates would expect that our rubbish was collected and our mail delivered.,,No,,,We don't have any service,Yes,,,,,,National Park Ward,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,No,,
1.14569E+11,430585634,4/04/2024 20:11,4/04/2024 20:14,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,Not a heavy user ,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,Household Battery waste needs recycling opportunity. Other than that okay.,,,Undecided,,Would prefer a fort nightly wheelie bin collection than the bags.,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,YouTube,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14569E+11,430585634,4/04/2024 17:53,4/04/2024 17:56,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,Nt open on weekends and more new books,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,N/A,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,,,No,,,We need big wheelie bins so animals can’t open the bags. Bags are do expensive ,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,Cruise FM,,,,,,,Facebook,,Instagram,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,,No,,
1.14569E+11,430585634,4/04/2024 15:51,4/04/2024 16:08,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,Iwi liaison staff,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Unsatisfied,,The Library needs to be open on Saturdays for those of us who work,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,The Library needs to be open on Saturdays for those of us who work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,,,Unsatisfied,,"Overall the standard of our cemeteries, parks and reserves has dropped considerably since the change in contractors. The lawns are hardly mowed, the gutters are full of weeds, the graffiti in the subway is appalling and never seems to be panted over. ",,,Unsatisfied,,,,,N/A,,,Unsatisfied,,,,No,,,The little blue bin seems to be a waste of time as the collection truck seems to just throw everything in to one compartment. It would be nice to have the big wheelie bins that loads of other towns have.,,No,,,The council rubbish bags are far too expensive and difficult for me to procure as due to mobility issues I shop online. ,Yes,,,,,Taumarunui Ward,,,,,,,,None of the above,,Facebook,,,,,,Taumarunui Bulletin,,,,Yes,,,
1.14569E+11,430585634,4/04/2024 14:45,4/04/2024 14:50,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Very Satisfied,,,,,,No,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,Very satisfied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Satisfied,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,,,,,,,Waimarino-Waiouru Ward,,,Ski FM,,,,,,,,,YouTube,,,,Whanganui Chronicle,,,No,,