This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Ensuring alignment of government goals and priorities'.

15 July 2024 
M Williams 
[FYI request #26966 email] 
Dear M Williams 
Official Information Act 1982 request: Strategic directions for agencies 
Thank you for your request to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) of 24 May 2024, under the 
Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act). Specifically, you requested:  
Please provide correspondence issued by MOJ to the Law Commission, Human Rights 
Commission,  Independent Police Conduct Authority and Criminal Cases Review 

Commission outlining the strategic direction and specific priorities, what the government 
expects in terms of performance, governance and accountability for the period FY24 and 
On 14 June 2024, the Ministry transferred your request to my office under section 14 of the 
Act, as my office is responsible for the information you have requested. 
In response to your request, please find attached the Letters of Expectation, released to you 
in full, for the following agencies: 
  1.  Law Commission 
2.  Human Rights Commission 
3.  Independent Police Conduct Authority 
4.  Criminal Cases Review Commission 
If you are not satisfied with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the 
Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the Act. The Ombudsman may be contacted by phone on 
0800 802 602 or by email to [email address] 
Yours sincerely 
Hon Paul Goldsmith 
Minister of Justice