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Charlotte currently lives in
, Auckland, with her family -
, and golden retriever, Maggie. She is also trustee of the Michael King Writers

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Grant Ellis ED, MBA, B
CFO Restaurant Brands
Born in Wellington, but raised in Auckland, Grant attended Edgewater College where he was Head Boy and
proxime accessit in his final year. After taking a gap year, he attended Auckland University, graduating with
a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting. He later completed a MBA at Auckland, graduating
proxime accessit in his year.
Working almost exclusively in the commercial environment, Grant has held senior finance roles in a number
of corporates. He has recently retired as Chief Financial Officer of Restaurant Brands NZ Limited, a billion-
dollar company, listed on the NZ and Australian stock exchanges. Grant held this role for 26 years and was a
significant contributor to its successful expansion into the US and Australian markets. His work has been
recognised by the investment community, with his being the recipient of the Deloitte CFO of the Year
award in 2019.
Grant has always had an interest in the outdoors and is a graduate of the Outward Bound program. He still
enjoys, tramping, skiing and sailing as recreational pursuits.
Coming from a military family, Grant joined the NZ Army in 1976 and graduated from Officer Cadet School
as a second lieutenant not long afterwards. Most of his military career has been with the 3rd Auckland
(Countess of Ranfurly’s Own) and Northland Battalion, Royal NZ Infantry Regiment, where he rose to
become Commanding Officer before his retirement in 1996. He returned to the battalion some years later
and served a further three years as its Honorary Colonel.
With a continuing interest in military matters, Grant has been an active member of the Auckland Officers
Club and has served as its President. In 2018 he was elected a life member of the club. He has more
recently been appointed to the Ranfurly Veterans Trust Board.
As a chartered accountant Grant has served in a number of governance roles within its professional body,
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ). CAANZ has 130,000 members and Grant is
currently its Vice President, sitting on both the board and Council of the institute. He was elected a fellow
of CAANZ in 2015 and in 2022 was the recipient of its Meritorious Service award.
Grant is married to
and has four adult children (and two grandchildren!).
Two of his sons continue to serve, one in the NZ Army and one in the British Army.

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Director ThinkBird
Shaun is a strategist, leader and communicator and currently supports challenged and aspiring
businesses as
ThinkBird Consultants. He holds private directorships in tourism, forestry, property
and te reo Māori education. Until recently, Shaun was for five years a CEO in Local Government (Far
North District).
In an earlier career, Shaun served in the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) as a pilot, operational
commander and diplomat, retiring as an Air Commodore. The 26 military roles variously held by
Shaun in the Defence Force included: Aide de Camp to the Governor General; Commanding Officer
of Pilot Training Squadron; Senior Commander RNZAF Base Ohakea; Chief of Staff for New Zealand’s
Joint Force Headquarters, and Defence Attaché in Canberra and Delhi. Shaun has worked and
travelled through 49 countries and has led in numerous conflict areas such as Iran, Kosovo and the
Solomon Islands.
Shaun is author of the book ‘Strategy, Air Strike and Small Nations’ and has ten other published
works to his name on strategy, international relations, and culture. He is a Fellow of Australia’s
Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies. He holds Bachelor of Science, Master of Business
Administration and Master of Arts degrees. He is a graduate of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
Staff College; the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF) Air Battle Staff Course; the NZ Institute of
Directors and NZ’s Institute of Strategic Leadership.
In 2004, Shaun was appointed an Additional Officer to the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) for
leadership during the Solomon Islands intervention where he was National Contingent Commander.
Shaun and his late wife,
s.9(2)(a) , raised two of their own children,
, and three
whāngai; all of whom whakapapa to Ngāpuhi. He currently resides in
s.9(2)(a) .

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Jacinda Funnell, Chief
People Officer, NZDF
Patron for C02/23 LSV Cse
Ko Tai o Aorere e mahea nei aku māharahara
Ko tōku ngakau kei roto I a Moutere
Nō Whakatu ahau engari e noho ana ki Whakatiki
Nō Pōrana, nō Peretania, nō Aerana ōku tupuna
Ko tangata Tiirit ahau
Ko Harrison tōku ingoa whanau
Ko Jacinda Funnell tōku ingoa
Jacinda Funnell commenced as Chief People Officer on 7 February 2023. Previously,
she was the Deputy Chief Executive People and Capability for the New Zealand
Customs Service/Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa. Prior to that role, Jacinda held a range of
policy roles in Customs and the Ministry of Transport. In these roles, she led significant
changes to Customs’ and Transport legislation.
Jacinda began her 25+ year public service career in the Ministry of Defence in 1996,
where she worked on a wide range of defence policy issues such as defence policy
reviews, international deployments and development of business cases for military
capability. She also worked as a private secretary to the Minister of Defence and in the
Australian Department of Defence on secondment, and has represented New Zealand
at many international Defence and Transport fora. Jacinda has a Bachelor of Arts
(Honours) in Political Studies from the University of Otago, and a Master of Arts in
Strategic Studies from the Australian National University.
Jacinda is a member of the Zonta Club of Wellington. She lives on a lifestyle block in
Upper Hutt with her husband, two dogs and assorted sheep and chickens. She is a
keen reader and sewer.

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Tui Te Hau
Independent Director
Patron for C01/24 LSV Cse
Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa
Tui is the founder of Bird Island, a consultancy with expertise in the
design and delivery of innovation and entrepreneurial programmes for
corporates, government agencies and communities.
Formerly, the lead of the Māori enterprise team for New Zealand’s
international trade agency Tui supported the export aspirations of major
Maori entities and provided in-market support to NZ exporters as Trade
Commissioner Melbourne. Then she switched to the opposite end of the
spectrum working with start-ups in the business incubation/accelerator
After a stint at Te Papa (National Museum), setting up Mahuki, the
world's first business accelerator for the culture and heritage space, she
led the public experience team at the National Library of NZ. In this role,
she supported efforts to tell our nation’s rich and sometimes difficult
Tui currently works with entities focused on impact investing for an
ageing population, STEM education, student entrepreneurship, a global
knowledge exchange programme in the agritech sector and supporting
the next generation of Maori and Pacific creatives. She holds governance
roles with Dev Academy, Mary Potter Hospice and Endometriosis NZ and
is an Entrepreneur in Residence for the Atom, Victoria University.

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Andrew Stone
GM, +IMPAC VR Competency
+IMPAC VR Competency delivers training solutions to suit their clients’ unique labour needs and
strive to be family-focused, practical, up-front and focused.
I am a 55 year old European male, married to
s.9(2) , mother to two great kids.
s.9(2) is a maths
teacher; the two kids serve in the NZDF. I grew
( u
) p in a rural household that knew
( )poverty, hard
work, severe dysfunction including extreme violence. Primary schooling was normal enough, though
two distinctive memories remain. I was offered the opportunity to accelerate academically to
Secondary School and Massey University with a view to completing a BSc by 14 years old. My
parents declined the opportunity. The small rural school had three distinct race-based groupings, my
first awareness of prejudice. Secondary Schooling was fairly standard, with a student exchange and
some community support, I left town for the University of Canterbury as soon as I could.
I was not a good student at Canterbury, leaving three years later with incomplete Civil Engineering
and Sociology/English Literature degrees and no idea about what I was supposed to be doing. So I
drifted, capably achieving anything I turned my hand or mind to, but never fitting in or having any
sense of purpose.
I migrated to self-employment for most of my working life where I honed not only my business skills
but also my resilience. My wife says I’m a bit of maverick, there are a few who’d quickly agree. My
first working accomplishments were as a consultant chef but I quickly transferred my focus and
intellect to business development. I quickly become a subject matter expert and apply new
information quickly and understand its ramifications. My primary skill set revolves around
developing a network of people to complete a project, forging relationships and building a business.
I maintain a focus on revenue generation and improving EBIT within the business unit.
I have become a subject matter expert in forklift and health and safety matters and was the first to
bring virtual reality training for forklift into New Zealand. This was an outcome of solving a problem
for a large customer, then extending that to a market wide view. For the last four years I have been
developing an expertise in the use of virtual reality technology in the materials handling space, now
expanded to include truck, construction and car simulators. I aim to operate in all business matters
with integrity and have a passion for making a difference in people’s lives, including working with the
Ministry of Social Development to create the Whiti Supply Chain Programme helping the
unemployed and under-resourced access a forklift training programme.
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I have a love of AFL football, classical music and my lovely wife
s.9(2) who I married over 25 years
ago. In my spare time I maintain my small lifestyle block in the Bay of Plenty with
s.9(2) and our six
( )

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Aaron Wright
Aaron Wright is the General Manager, Strategic Growth for Citycare Property with
responsibility for growing collaborative long-term relationships across central and local
government. With a background as an Army Officer with operational service in Sudan (now
South Sudan), Afghanistan and Egypt, including a tour of duty as a leader with the
embryonic Limited-Service Volunteer program in the mid 1990’s, Aaron is passionate about
generating opportunities for youth and young adults across all segments of our society.
Based in Te-Whanganui-a-Tara he has a particular interest in sustainability and how our
decisions and actions impact the natural and built environments for future generations.
With a background in international security, he faces these climate challenges as an
existential crisis.
Proud of the work that Citycare Property has been able to deliver, he is a member of an
executive that is consciously driving organisational behaviours and leading actions such as
the growing mentoring of future workforce, biodiversity, and sustainability portfolios of
industry. In addition to developing relationships with mana whenua, he is pursuing
opportunities to partner with organisations that offer step-changing technologies to enable
replacement or supplementary income streams to mana whenua, landowners, and local
government such as natural composite fibres from harakeke to replace carbon fibre.
Aaron met his wife
s.9(2)(a) hile both were working in Burnham and they have since enjoyed
raising a family (a work in progress), stand up paddleboarding and walking the hills with their

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Ko Jane Gray tōku ingoa.
Nō Scotland, Northern England and Waiwera marae ōku tīpuna.
Kei te oho au ki Ōtautahi
My name is Jane Gray.
My ancestors came from Scotland, Northern England and Little River.
I live in Christchurch.
Jane Gray is an education specialist who has dedicated her life to teaching the youth of
With a long history in Canterbury, Jane studied at Canterbury University gaining a Bachelor of
Science in Chemistry, along with a teaching diploma, and also gaining diplomas in piano and
music theory. Jane has spent the majority of her professional career teaching primary and
secondary school students mathematics.
Along with teaching, Jane has been a long standing member of the community group the
Canterbury Mathematical Association (CMA), serving over 30 years as part of their executive
including acting as their president for a period.
Jane’s commitment to educating children has rewarded with a life membership to the CMA to
acknowledge her services to maths teaching in Canterbury, and a Jim Campbell Award from the
New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers (NZAMT) for excellence in mathematics
After her initial retirement, Jane’s passion for teaching was so strong she returned to the
workforce after just a year to continue helping students with maths and numeracy, this time at
St Andrew’s College.
Outside of the education space Jane has enjoyed travelling all over the world developing her
passion for languages, along with the theatre, music, reading and sports.
Jane’s life passion comes from helping others to develop their confidence and she has a strong
desire to use her skills to enrich the lives of others, specifically the young people of New
Zealand, with her mantra being “How can I help?”
The ability to be an LSV Patron is an opportunity not to be missed for Jane, who is highly
invested in connecting with the trainees of S02/24 and looks forward to being able to ask the
same question to the members of this LSV course.