Eli Templeton
No address provided
Via email
: [FYI request #27287 email]
16 July 2024
Dear Mr Templeton
Official Information Act request dated 18 June 2024
We refer to your email dated 18 June 2024 requesting information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act). The answers to your specific questions are set out
Request 1: I am following up my request from 2023 about your editorial processes for
your newsroom … How many of the recommendations in the above review have now
been implemented?
Response 1: Al 11 of the recommendations have been actioned, although note that
recommendations 3, 9 and 10 required consideration only.
Request 2: And I would also like to request, what kind of editorial checks were applied
to the publishing of each of these stories below? Basically, how many and what type
of editors checked these individual stories before publication? And what specific
processes exist to make sure these stories are balanced, accurate and unbiased?
Response 2: Responses are set out in the table overleaf.
Please note that section 28 of the Act sets out the circumstances in which you may
make a complaint to the Ombudsman in order to seek an investigation and review of
this decision.
Yours sincerely,
Official Information Requests Team
Response 2
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