133 Molesworth Street
PO Box 5013
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
T+64 4 496 2000
14 February 2025
Catherine Jamieson
[email address]
[email address]
[email address]
[FYI request #27389 email]
[email address]
Request to prioritise requests for official information
I refer to your requests under the Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of Health
– Manatū Hauora.
The Ministry responds to all official information requests made in good faith in accordance with
the requirements of the Act. Our organisation values the importance of transparency and
accountability and remain commit ed to fulfil ing our obligations under the Act.
According to our records, you currently have five active requests, most of which were submit ed
within a short period of time. You wil appreciate that considerable resources, often from the
same area within the Ministry, are required to respond to your range of requests.
For the following requests, we are asking you to prioritise which are of most interest to you
and/or narrow the scope of your requests. This wil allow us to reasonably respond to you
without placing an unreasonable degree of strain on the teams and interfering with the day-to-
day workings of the Ministry.
Please note, the Ministry wil be considering charging you in line with our charging policy,
extending the time to respond to your requests, or refusing your requests in accordance with
section 18(f) of the Act. The Ministry’s charging policy can be found here:
The requests we are asking you to prioritise are outlined in Appendix 1.
We appreciate your understanding during this period. If you have any queries or require further
clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us
([email address]).
Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Of ice of the Ombudsman to review
this decision.
Nāku noa, nā
Elisabeth Brunt
Group Manager, Government Services
Government and Executive Services | Te Pou Whakatere Kāwanatanga
Appendix 1 – List of official information requests for consideration
Reference #
Requested information
OIA20210033 contains an In-confidence Aide Memoire where
paragraph 29 reads:
'There wil be various options available to mitigate risk in each
agreement, ultimately including a decision not to rollout a vaccine for
which we have limited confidence in its safety. There are also likely
to be opportunities for waivers and consent forms, and for monitoring
the impacts of a vaccine's administration with the ability to pull the
vaccine quickly. MBIE wil provide further detail on mitigation options
available in submitted business cases.'
Please provide any documentation, including submitted business
cases, that discussed:
i) a decision not to rollout a Covid vaccine for which their was limited
confidence in its safety; and
i ) ability to pull the Covid vaccines, in what circumstances that would
occur and what group or role would have that power.
Please specify for each company New Zealand has Advance
Purchase Agreements to purchase Covid-19 vaccines:
i)The date the initial APA was signed and for how many doses of
each vaccine; and
i )The date any further APAs were signed or the initial APA was
amended and for how many doses APA/amendment
For each of i) and ii) above please specify whether the
APA/amendment was structured as an option or an obligation to buy
that number of doses. Please also make clear in relation to Pfizer
BioNTech products the vaccine type (eg adult monovalent purple
cap, Adult monovalent grey cap, paediatric, infant, Bivalent, XBB)”.
Please provide documents and correspondence regarding Covid 19
vaccines that discuss serialisation/serialization including but not
limited to any definitions or interpretations of
Thank you for the response H2024046068.
Is the contracted freight forwarder that is referred to in this response
Kuehne and Nagel? Please confirm if that is the case. If there are
multiple contracted freight forwarders transporting Covid vaccines
from New Zealand to the Pacific Islands please list them all.
Does 'global mechanisms' refer solely to Covax or are there other
mechanisms? To what countries has New Zealand donated Covid
vaccines to through global mechanisms?
Has New Zealand has donated Pfizer Covid vaccines through the
global mechanisms referred to in H2024046068 or just other COVID-
19 vaccines products? If so please provide the number of Pfizer
doses by vaccine type (eg adult monovalent purple cap, adult
monovalent grey cap, bivalent, paediatric, infant) that have been
donated through a global mechanism.
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Reference #
Requested information
Where New Zealand donates Covid vaccines through global
mechanisms, does any of the inventory hail from vaccines that have
previously been receipted into New Zealand and not used in New
Zealand? Or have all vaccines donated through the global
mechanisms gone directly to the donee country without being
receipted into New Zealand?
If the answer to the first question in the above paragraph is yes with
regard to Pfizer vaccines, please provide by batch the number of
doses donated through global mechanisms from Pfizer vaccines
receipted into New Zealand.
Please provide any relevant indemnities New Zealand is party to with
regard to both bilateral donations and donations through global
Were the final Clinical Study reports for C4591007 received by
Medsafe or the Ministry of Health as required by provisional consent
conditions for various presentations of Covid-19 vaccines?
If so what date were they received?
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