This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'The request for funding document supplied by CreativeHQ to WCC Climate and Sustainability fund for $11k for the Clean Tech Summit in June 2024'.
Application Deadline: 28 March 2024 11:59pm
Notes on the Application Process:
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Review budget categories and descriptions closely before creating your budget.
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submitted, please contact us at [email address]
The WCC Funding Team will email the ‘Primary Contact’ on your application if we need any further
information from you.
▶ Table of Contents
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▼ Internal Administration
Funding programme:
Climate and Sustainability Fund
Funding source:
Te Atakura First to Zero
Funding round:
Financial Year (start):
Round close date:
Decision date:
Accountability due date:
▼ Climate and Sustainability Funding Overview
Funding Request Overview - This fund supports communities and businesses to undertake climate action
initiatives that reduce, or support the reduction of, gross carbon emissions.
Please read through the Funding Information here. All bold fields are required to be filled.
▼ Organisation Information
Creative HQ Limited
Primary Contact:
Taani Reihana
Primary Signatory:
Brett Holland
Is this application using an umbrella
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▼ Project Detail
Project Title:
Wellington CleanTech Summit
When will your project be ready to
When will your project end?
Will you be running any event(s)?
Event start date:
Event end date:
Geographic Area – Where is your
Wellington Central, Te Aro
project taking place? :
What percentage of people taking part
in the project live in Wellington City?

Low-carbon food systems, Reducing energy use in premises
and buildings
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Please outline your project plan including the main activities, timeframes and tangible outcomes you
aim to achieve.
Project Plan: CleanTech Summit in Wellington
The inaugural CleanTech Summit, a collaborative effort with WellingtonNZ's tech strategy team, serves as a
pivotal gathering to spotlight both established and emerging technologies in the Wellington region dedicated to
combating climate impacts. This event is set to draw a diverse audience including investors, climate scientists,
speakers from across Aotearoa and Australia, government officials, corporate representatives, and local
community groups. As an annual event, the Summit provides a prominent platform to showcase the progress
and talent of Creative HQ's Climate Response Accelerator, offering CleanTech solutions. Additionally, it serves
as an opportunity to engage investment and raise awareness about the urgent need for climate action,
highlighting innovative solutions aimed at reducing carbon emissions and fostering positive climate impacts.
Main Activities:
May - June: Marketing Campaign
Develop marketing materials and strategies to attract participants to the CleanTech Summit.
Target a minimum of 300 participants to attend the event in Wellington Central.
Utilise various channels such as social media, email campaigns, and partnerships to promote the summit and
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generate interest.
April - May: Runsheet Development
Create a detailed runsheet outlining the schedule, logistics, and responsibilities for the Summit.
Coordinate with speakers, sponsors, and vendors to ensure alignment with the runsheet and overall event
Finalise venue arrangements and technical requirements for the event.
April - May: Guest Speaker Selection
Identify and finalise guest speakers, ensuring diversity and expertise across relevant CleanTech topics.
Confirm speaker availability and coordinate logistics such as travel arrangements and presentation materials.
Provide speakers with the necessary guidance and support in preparation for the event.
June: Event Delivery
Execute the CleanTech Summit according to the developed runsheet and event plan.
Manage all aspects of event logistics, including registration, venue setup, AV requirements, and catering.
Facilitate engaging sessions, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for participants.
Ensure smooth coordination among all stakeholders involved in the event, including speakers, sponsors,
volunteers, and attendees.
End of June: Post-Event Survey
Conduct a post-event survey to gather feedback and insights from participants and stakeholders.
Evaluate the success of the summit based on attendee satisfaction, perceived value, and achievement of
Analyse survey data to identify areas for improvement and inform future event planning efforts.
Compile a report summarising survey findings and key takeaways to share with stakeholders and inform
decision-making for future CleanTech initiatives.
May-June: Marketing Campaign
April - May: Runsheet Development
April - May: Guest Speaker Selection
June: Event Delivery
End of June: Post-Event Survey
Tangible Outcomes:
- Attract a minimum of 300 participants to the CleanTech summit in Wellington Central.
- Develop a comprehensive runsheet outlining the schedule, logistics, and responsibilities for the event.
- Secure a diverse lineup of guest speakers representing various CleanTech topics and expertise.
- Execute a successful CleanTech summit, delivering engaging sessions, panel discussions, and networking
- Gather feedback from participants through a post-event survey to evaluate attendee satisfaction and identify
areas for improvement.
- Compile a report summarising survey findings and key takeaways to inform decision-making for future
CleanTech Summits.
Could your project be replicated or
scaled up to increase impacts?
Please provide details of the scalability. :
The CleanTech Summit in Wellington demonstrates significant potential for scalability based on the outlined
project plan. With a focus on attracting at least 300 participants in its initial phase, the Summit can easily
expand its reach and impact in subsequent iterations. An innovative approach could be to organise trade
shows, career events, and expos specifically targeted towards students. These events could be designed to
showcase CleanTech innovations, career opportunities in the sustainable technology sector, and educational
pathways related to environmental sustainability. The Summit could create engaging and interactive
experiences tailored to students' interests and learning objectives by partnering with local schools, educational

Wellington s calendar to coincide with a CleanTech accelerator programme to drive ongoing engagement,
collaboration, and impact in sustainable technology and innovation. Over time, the Summit will evolve to
become a leading platform for showcasing cutting-edge CleanTech solutions, facilitating meaningful
discussions, and fostering partnerships between industry, government, academia, and the community. The
project will focus on expanding its reach and influence by attracting a growing number of participants, including
businesses, policymakers, researchers, students, and the general public. The summit will seek to deepen its
impact by incorporating educational initiatives, networking opportunities, and capability-building programmes
that empower stakeholders to drive positive change in their respective sectors.
Through continuous feedback, evaluation, and adaptation, the long-term vision for the CleanTech summit is to
become a catalyst for sustainable innovation, driving tangible environmental and social benefits for Wellington
and beyond.
Please provide an example of a project that your organisation has run of a similar budget or scope to
this project. If you’re a new organisation, clearly describe how you would ensure successful delivery
of your project. Upload relevant documents or include links to information.
We have a proven track record of successfully executing projects with a budget and scope similar to the
CleanTech Summit. Our portfolio includes numerous small to medium events, including startup showcases,
pitch competitions, and industry-specific workshops. One notable example is Talk Innovation Leadership,
which targeted 10 senior leaders from various organisations and focused on cultivating leadership skills and
fostering innovation. This event involved expert speakers, interactive sessions, and opportunities for
participants to network and exchange ideas.
How will you measure the success of your project and demonstrate impact? :
Measuring the impact of the CleanTech Summit in Wellington involves a multifaceted approach aimed at
assessing both tangible and intangible outcomes. Key performance indicators would include quantifiable
metrics such as attendance numbers, participant feedback, and engagement levels throughout the event.
Tracking the number of partnerships formed, initiatives launched, and investments secured as a result of the
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summit would provide insight into its tangible impact on driving CleanTech innovation and adoption. Beyond
these metrics, qualitative assessments such as case studies, testimonials, and stakeholder interviews would
help gauge the summit's influence on raising awareness, fostering collaboration, and inspiring action within the
community. By combining the quantitative and qualitative measures, we can evaluate the Summit's
effectiveness in catalysing positive change towards a more sustainable and resilient future for Wellington and
How would your project operate with restrictions imposed by Covid or another adverse event?
In the event of restrictions imposed by COVID-19 or any other adverse event, the CleanTech Summit project
would leverage our extensive experience in delivering virtual events to ensure seamless continuity of
operations while prioritising the health and safety of all participants. Drawing from our track record of
successfully delivering remote programmes of work to international clients, we are well prepared to navigate AND MEETINGS 
challenging circumstances and adapt our approach as needed such as implementing a COVID tracing
process. For instance, when faced with restrictions during the COVID-19 outbreak, we swiftly pivoted day two
of our GovTech accelerator to a virtual format, ensuring the programme's continued to deliver and meet the
needs of participants. This approach would ensure the safety of all involved and maintain the integrity and
objectives of the Summit, allowing us to deliver a high-quality and impactful event regardless of the
Which other organisations or community groups are you collaborating with on this project, if any?
Climate Salad
Climate startups and established companies
Taranaki Whānui
Are there other social or environmental impacts of your project, either positive or negative?
By creating a culture of climate change action in Wellington, the Summit has the potential to inspire individuals
and businesses alike to embrace innovative solutions that drive towards a zero-carbon or circular economy.
This includes the development of products and services that enable Wellingtonians to reduce their emissions
and adopt more sustainable practices in their daily lives. Additionally, initiatives such as waste management,
recycling, and environmentally-conscious catering practices employed during the Summit further reduce
environmental impact and promote social responsibility.
Have you secured, or applied for, any
funding for this project from other
Please provide details including when you expect to hear the outcome:
We have secured funding from Callaghan Innovation to contribute towards this event through the delivery of
our Climate Response Accelerator
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▼ Please indicate if, and how, your project addresses the following fund priorities (Select and
comment on any/all that apply)
Demonstrates equity across
communities in relation to ability take
climate action:
Please provide details of how you will address equity across communities:
Addressing equity across communities in the context of this Summit project involves implementing several key
strategies to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all stakeholders. These strategies include:
Outreach and Engagement: Engage with diverse communities, including underrepresented groups, indigenous
communities, and marginalised populations. This may involve targeted outreach efforts, community
consultations, and partnerships with local organisations working directly with these communities.

Leads towards a zero-carbon economy   Yes
by 2050:
Please provide details how your project will lead toward a zero-carbon economy:
The Summit will showcase the best established and emerging decarbonisation technologies from the
Wellington region (and others from across NZ) to investors, potential clients and members of the public.
41% of our zero carbon technologies need to be new innovations and these need funding. The Summit aims to
bring tens of millions of dollars of investment to these companies to accelerate their businesses and help
create a zero-carbon economy.
Has a plan to be self-sustaining and
financially viable post Council funding:
Please provide details how your project will be self-sustaining.
In future years we will look to increase ticket prices and charge exhibiting companies to cover the running
costs of the event.
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▼ Budget
Please provide a breakdown of the expenditure and income for the project adding new lines by clicking on the
plus sign '+'.

Please make sure you have clicked 'Save and Continue' before starting this section.
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Applicants that ARE NOT GST-registered will need to provide budget figures that include GST.
Applicants who ARE GST-registered need to provide budget figures that exclude GST, we will also ask you to
confirm that the grant will be used for taxable activity.

As you are registered for GST (with number 103-792-029) please confirm that this grant, if approved will be
used in your taxable activity.
Please confirm taxable activity:
Expense Item
Expense Amount
MC / Organiser costs and travel
AV hire
PR / Marketing
venue hire
Staff time
Total Project Cost
Income item
Income amount
Expected ticket sales
Creative HQ programme sponsors
Wellington NZ funding
Event sponsors
Total Income
▼ Project Budget
Amount Requested:
Please include a scan of an appropriate bank encoded deposit slip OR a screenshot of an online banking
statement header showing the bank logo, account name and number. You will need to attach your latest

[email address] [Receives a copy] on 30 May 2024
CHQ Final Financial Statements 30 June 2023 signed.pdf
Financial report
Added by Raven Maeder at 4:14 PM on 9 April 2024
CHQ Financial_Company Setup Details.pdf
Bank account evidence
Added by Taani Reihana at 12:40 PM on 27 March 2024
▼ Declaration
By submitting this application, you indicate that you are authorised to act on behalf of the
organisation/individual named above. The information supplied here and in the uploaded to the application is
correct, and you consent to the information contained in our application being made available to the public.
This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
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▶ Application Check - Internal Only
▶ Message for Applicant
▶ Application Review - Internal Only
▶ External Review - Internal Only
▶ Moderation - Internal Only
▼ Decision - Internal Only
Panel Comments (included in email to grantee):
The Review Panel agreed to recommend this application on the basis that it holds potential for supporting
genuine innovation and provides an important platform for local climate solutions. However, they were clear
that there should be a greater emphasis on including Te Ao Māori and ensuring that this summit is accessible
and relevant to mana whenua and whānau Māori. They recommended funding on the basis that it is used to
facilitate greater involvement in and access to this event, with KPIs around participation and engagement with
Māori. This will be stipulated in our funding conditions. Our Business Events Wellington team are keen to
connect with Creative HQ on this summit, and to work with you to ensure the summit continue to be aligned to
other relevant events and activities taking pace in Wellington in future years, as it is this year.
Final Decision:
Granted amount:
Release of funding subject to Creative HQ and WCC agreeing on KPIs around participation and engagement
with Māori.
We would like to see our funding facilitate greater inclusion of Te Ao Māori and ensuring accessibility and
relevance to mana whenua and whānau Māori. This may be through free tickets, participation in panels and
involvement in shaping the focus of the event.
We would also like to partner with Creative HQ to ensure that the community sector is included in this forum.
▶ Reporting and Payment - Internal Only
▶ Reporting
▶ Communication Records - Internal only