This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Status citizenship by grant application received June 2024'.

2 August 2024 
45 Pipitea Street, Wellington 6011 
Phone +64 4 495 7200  
Paul via FYI 
[email address] 
Tēnā koe Paul 
OIA request 24/25 0028 Request for Status citizenship by grant applications received June 

Thank you for your Official Information Act (Act) request received by the Department of Internal 
Affairs (Department) on 5 July 2024.      
You requested –  
  Can you please provide further information about the status of CBG applications received 
in June 2024, particularly the workstream to which there are currently assigned (i.e. 
workstream 1-6) 

Your website notes the overall number received and their processing status, but it does 
not detail their workstream
In response to your request, I can provide you with the following information. 
Please see Appendix A attached alongside this letter. 
Please note the following Workstream descriptions when referring to the appendix: 
Workstream 1 – Applications currently being processed; no new applications are filtered here. 
Workstream 2 – All applications start in an initial workstream and are either filtered 
automatically into another workstream (described below) or remain in this workstream until 
they are picked up by staff to assess. The filter is run on all applications weekly to assess 
automated checks. 

Workstream 3 – Online applications that meet all automated checks.  
Workstream 4 – Applications that need to be assessed under the Citizenship (Western Samoa) 
Act 1982.  
Workstream 5 – Online applications that meet all automated checks except the presence in 
New Zealand or the English language requirements. Further manual assessment is required.  
Workstream 6 – Digitised paper applications that meet all automated checks. 
The Department has updated our systems and now has five workstreams. These are defined on 
the Department's website,
Please note that workstream 1 shown in Appendix A is no longer in effect and will be removed 
once these applications have been completed. 
As this information may be of interest to other members of the public, the Department has 
decided to proactively release a copy of this response on the DIA website. All requestor data, 
including your name and contact details, will be removed prior to release. The released 
response will be made available here:  
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602.  
Ngā mihi  
John Crawford-Smith 
Principal Advisor Operations  
Service Delivery and Operations 
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