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9 August 2024
Aaron Goodwin
[FYI request #27552 email]
Our ref: OIA 114059
Tēnā koe Aaron,
Official Information Act 1982 request: security licensing application fees
Thank you for your request to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) of 10 July 2024, under the
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Specifical y, you requested:
1. I would like to know how the PSPLA/MoJ makes its pricing decisions, what factors
are considered, and if third party groups such as the NZ Security Association are
consulted during the process.
2. Further, I would like to know what the PSPLA wil do to address the fact that some
web pages on the PSPLA website stil incorrectly list the 2023 prices for application
fees, while some accurately reflect the changes - with the new, higher fees
requested on the payment screen at the resolution of the online application
3. For clarification and transparency, it would be ideal to have the price setting
process explained, and to have all of the above described discrepancies resolved.
Please note that the relevant supporting documents relating to the above pricing decisions
are publicly available. This part of your request is, therefore, refused under section 18(d) of
the Act.
Fee adjustments to the Private Security Personnel Licencing Authority
Costs for the delivery of courts and tribunal services, including the PSPLA, have increased
by 41 per cent over the past ten years. This is due to factors such as inflation, higher costs
of property and staff renumerations, as well as more demand for services. The fee increase
was approved at a Ministerial level, with advice provided by the Ministry, which identified a
number of regulatory bodies that required a fee adjustment. This includes the PSPLA fees,
which had not been adjusted for inflation since 1 July 2013.
Information on the approach taken in increasing the PSPLA fees is available in the
proactively released documents provided here:
esandCollectionsServices.pdf; and here:
Consultation on the fee adjustment
Due to Budget sensitivity considerations, consultation was limited to Ministers and relevant
government agencies on the fee adjustments. The Ministry has since released information
about the changes to the PSPLA’s fees, which can be found at:
https:/ www.justice.govt.nz/about/lawyers-and-service-providers/budget-2024-updated-fees/
PSPLA website information on application fees
I confirm that the fee amounts that are currently on the PSPLA section of the Ministry of
Justice website are correct. The electronic application fee is cheaper than the paper
application fee. Information about the fees is available here:
https:/ www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/licences-certificates/pspla/apply-or-renew/
If you require any further information, please contact Media & Social Media Manager Joe
Locke at
[email address]. Please note that this response, with your personal details
removed, may be published on the Ministry website at: justice.govt.nz/about/official-
If you are not satisfied with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the
Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the Act. The Ombudsman may be contacted by phone
on 0800 802 602 or by email to [email address].
Nāku noa, nā
Kathy Brightwell
General Manager, Civil and Constitutional Policy