OIA2024 - 127
Mr James Robinson
Via email:
[FYI request #27618 email]
Dear Mr Robinson
I refer to your request under the Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act) on 15 July 2024 asking:
“The publicly available Kiwirail Board Deep Dive (from May 2023) notes that rail enabled ferries are
expected to have longer loading/turnaround times than RoPax ferries.
I would like to request the following information relating to the irex project under the OIA:
a). Any report/document with modelling outcomes for the 2 scenarios that was used to draw that
conclusion in the board deep dive.
b). Any other reports with modelled loading times for rail enabled or RoPax ferries, received by
kiwirail after 1 Dec 2022.
I understand from media reports that Kiwirail was targeting either a 60, 80, or 120 minute turnaround
time (depending on seasonal demand). Should the modelling suggest these turnaround times could
not be met with either option, I would like to request additional information relating to how Kiwirail
responded to that.
As such, if it exists, I would also like to request:
c). Confirmation of whether or not the terminal design was changed after modelling was received, to
enable a 60/80/120 minute turnaround window, and if so any estimates held by Kiwirail of the cost
implications of the change in design.
D). Confirmation of whether or not the ability to meet the planned turnaround time (and hence stick to
the planned sailing schedule) was accounted for in subsequent NPV calculations used for the
We have considered your request, please see the information provided below and attached.
Question A
Document one: Updated end to end timings (Train to ship to train), dated 16/11/2023. This document contains timetable modelling for rail enabled ships based of KiwiRail and Interislander
rail and fleet plans and is being withheld in full under Section 9(2)(i) commercial activities.
The timetable modelling was conducted to ascertain optimal ship sailing time gates and associated
turnaround times with corresponding train arrival times and the container transfer operations required
for marshalling of road trailers. The modelling identified optimal schedules for two ship and one ship
www.kiwirail.co.nz | 0800 801 070
Wel ington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wel ington 6011
Private Bag 39988, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zealand
The one ship timetable was necessary for when one ship was removed from revenue service for
maintenance. The turnaround time for two ship operations was 80-minutes (2.5 return sailings per
day) and for one ship operations turnaround time was 60-minutes (three return sailings per day).
Question B
Document Two: Summary of turnaround modelling - 21 March 2023
This document is being withheld in full under Section 9(2)(i) commercial activities. This document is a
presentation that summarised detailed modelling for rail enabled ships conducted by the terminal
designer WSPJ.
The modelling indicated that ship operations could meet 80-minute and 120-minute turnaround times.
In order to meet a 60-minute turnaround time during peak season the rail freight capacity would need
to be reduced from six to four rakes (32 wagons). This partial rail load during peak season still
provided a significant increase in rail capacity compared to our current fleet (Aratere).
Question C
The terminal design went through a number of iterations supported by early modelling. Some
changes related to improving the traf ic flow and the processing of freight and logistics through
identified pinch points like rail and vehicle crossings and linkspans. These were not considerable
changes to the fundamental design elements for the terminals. Interislander had commenced further
investigations to review the design and current rail and turnaround procedures with a view to
proposing recommended operational changes that could enhance the turnaround times and safety.
Question D The NPV was calculated for the project as a whole and reflected the timetable modelling.
This decision has been made under the Act. You have the right to seek an investigation and review of
this response by the Ombudsman, in accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. The relevant details
can be found on the Ombudsman’s website:
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz. Yours sincerely
Laura Ratuva
Senior Communications Advisor, KiwiRail
www.kiwirail.co.nz | 0800 801 070
Wel ington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wel ington 6011
Private Bag 39988, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zealand