This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Wellington Zoo side by side costs'.

File ref: IRC-6825 
22 August 2024 
Peter Clarke 
[FYI request #27816 email] 
Kia ora Peter, 
Wellington Zoo Vehicles 

Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings 
Act 1987 (the Act), received on 25 July 2024. You requested the fol owing information: 
•  Were the side-by-side/ATV vehicles at Wel ington Zoo recently replaced? If so, what model 
of vehicles were procured as replacements, and at what cost to ratepayers? 
Whilst your request was original y transferred to Wel ington Zoo for response, on investigation 
and given the information provided below, Wel ington City Council has responded to your request 
made. The Council has granted your request for information. 
Five new Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic vehicles were purchased in late June 2024 as part of the 
Council’s regular fleet asset renewal programme. The new vehicles replaced the old petrol and 
diesel Kubota vehicles – which were purchased between November 2014 and December 2015. At 
the time of purchase, these petrol vehicles were given a replacement age of 8 years, to be 
replaced in the 2022/23 financial year. As Wel ington Zoo continued to maintain the vehicles and 
monitor their condition with an external contractor quarterly, this extended their life for a further 
As part of the Council and Zoo’s continued transition of the fleet from fossil fuel to electric – the 
Polaris Ranger Kinetic model was selected as fitting the requirements of the Zoo the best. The Zoo 
does not own any significant assets, including any vehicles, which are al  owned by the Council. 
The Council had purchased these vehicles using funding from the EV Fleet fund as part of our 
continuing EV First Fleet commitment outlined in Te Atakura. 
The cost of each vehicle is $53,250.00 (GST exclusive) and this includes the fitting of accessories 
and after-market additions. 
Thank you again for your request,  
Kind regards 

Ollie Marchant 
Senior Advisor  
Official Information 
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