This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Previous seismic assessments under taken on the Chateau Tongariro'.

22 August 2024 
Ruee Williams 
[FYI request #27865 email] 
Tēnā koe Ruee 
Thank you for your request to the Department of Conservation, received on 31 July 2024, in 
which you asked for: 
“…all reports and any related communications and discussions (eg emails including 
attachments, letters, texts etc) between the owners of the Chateau Tongariro and the 
Department of Conservation specifically pertaining to the structural integrity of the 
Chateau Tongariro in relation to the buildings performance in an earthquake (eg 
copies of all initial seismic ratings and/or comprehensive seismic assessments etc) 
which have been either: 

1.  Proposed by the owners of the Chateau Tongariro and/or the Department of 
Conservation between 1 Feb 2011 and 1 Feb 2020 
2.  Commissioned by either the owners of the Chateau Tongariro and/or the 
Department of Conservation between 1 Feb 2011 and 1 Feb 2020 
3.  Finalised and accepted by either the owners of the Chateau Tongariro and/or the 
Department of Conservation between 1 Feb 2011 and 1 Feb 2020.” 
We have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982.   
Your request for the above information is refused in full under section 18(g) of the Official 
Information Act as the information requested is not held by the Department. For context we 
have searched our systems and determined that we do not hold any documents or 
information concerning the structural integrity of the Chateau Tongariro relating to the 
building’s performance in an earthquake (between the period of 1 February 2011 to 1 
February 2020) that have been proposed, commissioned, finalised or accepted by either Kah 
New Zealand Limited or the Department of Conservation. 
You are entitled to seek an investigation and review of my decision by writing to an 
Ombudsman as provided by section 28(3) of the Official Information Act. 
Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) may be published on the 
Department’s website. 
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If you would like to discuss this response with us, please contact Julie Chuor, Project Lead, 
by email to [email address]. 
Nāku noa, nā 
Simon James 
Director Business Services (Acting) 
Department of Conservation 
Te Papa Atawhai 
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