7 October 2024
Shailaja Patel
By email: [FYI request #28203 email]
Tēnā koe Shailaja
We refer to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) received 26 August
2024, in which you have asked for a range of information. I respond to each part of your request as follows:
1. How are conflicts of interest handled by Massey?
Conflicts of interest are managed in accordance with our Conflicts of Interest Policy, publicly available
online here
: Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy
2. What is the process of declaring conflicts of interest?
Please refer to the following publicly available documents:
Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy
Conflict of Commitment and Interest Disclosure Form
Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy Manager Guidelines
3. What are the current conflicts of interest declared within the University Services team?
There are two current recorded conflicts of interest for staff employed with the University Services
reporting line. One relates to a disclosure regarding a personal relationship with another staff member,
and the other is a disclosure regarding line management of a relative.
(Note that conflicts of interest may also be declared by members of internal committees and boards in
relation to specific agenda items, from time to time. Those conflicts (whether real, perceived or potential)
are managed at the time of disclosure by the Chair of those committees/boards and are not recorded
4. What are the current conflicts of interest declared within the People and Culture team?
The People and Culture team sits within the broader University Services reporting line. Noting the small
number of current conflicts of interest declarations for the reporting line, providing information for a
smaller cohort of staff could identify individuals. This information is withheld to protect the privacy of
individuals in accordance with section 9(2)(a) of the Act.
5. What is the relationship of the legal counsel Paul Gillespie with the Pro Vice-Chancellor Margaret Petty?
6. Is Paul Gillespie the boyfriend of Margaret Petty?
7. Has this conflict of interest been declared?
Information requested under questions 5, 6, and 7 is withheld to protect the privacy of those individuals in
accordance with section 9(2)(a) of the Act.
8. What committees do Paul Gillespie and Margaret Petty serve on together?
Paul Gillespie and Margaret Maile (nee Petty) do not serve jointly on any university committees.
9. What are the conflicts of interest declared by Ray Geor?
10. What is the relationship of Ray Geor with Jill McCutcheon?
11. Has the relationship between Ray Geor and Jill McCutcheon been declared?
Information requested under questions 9, 10 and 11 is withheld to protect the privacy of those individuals
in accordance with section 9(2)(a) of the Act.
12. What is Massey’s position on corruption?
Please refer to Massey’s Fraud and Corruption Policy, publicly available here:
Fraud and Corruption Policy.
13. What is Massey position on the effect of conflicts of interest on corruption?
The OIA enables people to request official information from agencies, including Massey University.
However, the OIA only applies to information that is already held by Massey University. There is no
obligation on Massey to create information in order to respond to a request. The information you are
seeking in this part of your request is not held but would need to be created in order to respond to this
part of your request.
I trust this is the information you require.
Ngā mihi,
Jodie Banner
Director Governance and Assurance