DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 01
Peter Gluckman
Prue Williams
FW: In confidence - science review New Zealand - from Sir Peter Gluckman
Monday, 18 December 2023 2:44:37 PM
Nadia is happy to br a member of the resae5rch review process
Sir Peter Gluckman ONZ KNZM FRSNZ FMedSci FISC FRS
University Distinguished Professor
Koi Tū; The Centre for Informed Futures
President; International Science Council
Cell s 9(2)(a)
PA Emily [email address]
University of Auckland
[email address]
Level 7, Building 804, 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Central 1010
: Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142
From: Nadia Levin s 9(2)(a)
Date: Monday, 18 December 2023 at 2:39 PM
To: Peter Gluckman s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: In confidence - science review New Zealand - from Sir Peter Gluckman
Peter hello and how are you,
I was actually thinking I needed to connect with you just the other day and then your email
I would be honoured to work with you in the capacity you suggest Peter. Thank you for the
Evaluating a system is always a tremendous opportunity, particularly when it is or should be tied
to economics and productivity. I am still pushing the Australian government to conduct a
“stocktake” of sorts as part of the national strategy which is finally coming to fruition. That only
took 6 years of repeat repeat repeat!
I look forward to further conversations about this and more broadly. Perhaps we can have a brief
call in the next week or so - but regardless - I’m in!
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 01
Warm regards
Nadia Levin
Chief Executive Officer
Research Australia
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 02
Peter Gluckman
Prue Williams
FW: Names for reviews
Monday, 18 December 2023 12:47:57 PM
The note to Min Collins
Sir Peter Gluckman ONZ KNZM FRSNZ FMedSci FISC FRS
University Distinguished Professor
Koi Tū; The Centre for Informed Futures
President; International Science Council
Cell s 9(2)(a)
PA Emily [email address]
University of Auckland
[email address]
Level 7, Building 804, 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Central 1010
: Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142
From: Peter Gluckman s 9(2)(a)
Date: Sunday, 17 December 2023 at 7:46 PM
To: judith collins s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Names for reviews
Potential agritech-agricultural sector names for the research review
William Rolleston (pretty obvious when one thinks it through) – also was a previous head of the
science board
A more traditional academic would be s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 02
But WR seems an obvious person in retrospect
Potential Māori names
s 9(2)(a)
They are all male
But a senior Māori with operational experience and policy experience would be s 9(2)(a)
might be better on Penny’s review.
In summary a review panel might be selected from
Mark Ferguson (Ireland)
Nadia Levin (Sydney)
Hermann Hauser
5. s 9(2)(a)
William Rolleston
7. Hamish Spencer (Otago – a wise zoologist, ex science advisor)
8. Barbara Haydon (NIWA)
9. s 9(2)(a)
10. s 9(2)(a)
11. s 9(2)(a)
12. s 9(2)(a)
11 is too many but credibility may require some of these constituencies to be there. s 9(2)(g)
FYI - I am suggesting to Penny on the Higher Education side
Selecting from:
1. Gluckman
2. Alistair MacCormick
3. s 9(2)(a)
4. John Allen
5. Sir David Skegg
6. s 9(2)(a)
7 s 9(2)(a)
8. s 9(2)(a)
9. s 9(2)(a)
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 02
Sir Peter Gluckman ONZ KNZM FRSNZ FMedSci FISC FRS
University Distinguished Professor
Koi Tū; The Centre for Informed Futures
President; International Science Council
Cell s 9(2)(a)
PA Emily [email address]
Peter Gluckman
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 03
Peter Gluckman
Richard Walley
Lee Robinson; Landon McMillan
Re: Advisory Group [UNCLASSIFIED]
Thursday, 18 January 2024 6:10:18 PM
s 9(2)(g)(i)
Given our discussion yesterday I think it will be very helpful if there are two CRI related
people – one as a scientist, one as an ex-director/chair
Sir Peter Gluckman ONZ KNZM FRSNZ FMedSci FISC FRS
University Distinguished Professor
Koi Tū; The Centre for Informed Futures
President; International Science Council
Cell s 9(2)(a)
PA Emily [email address]
University of Auckland
[email address]
Level 7, Building 804, 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Central 1010
: Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142
From: Richard Walley <[email address]>
Date: Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 5:56 PM
To: Peter Gluckman <[email address]>
Cc: Lee Robinson <[email address]>, Landon McMillan
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 03
<[email address]>
Subject: Advisory Group [UNCLASSIFIED]
Dear Peter,
Many thanks for spending time with us yesterday. We’re nearly ready to tie the bow on this
We spoke to Michael Ahie today, and he’s willing to be put forward, which is excellent. I wanted
to check back with you whether you would also like us to carry on and contact Dr Barb Hayden.
You’ll remember we spoke yesterday about the desirability of having somebody with CRI
experience on the group – now we have Michael, he will obviously bring that. The advantage of
having Dr Hayden in addition will be a CRI voice from a practising scientist, and further
improvement to the gender balance of the group. The disadvantage will be the group will by that
point be ten members, including you, which feels a little large, and which you might consider
unmanageable for this kind of exercise.
Just as a reminder, the group is now –
William Rolleston
Nadia Levin
Hermann Hauser
Mark Ferguson
s 9(2)(g)(i)
Hamish Spencer
Tracey McIntosh
Michael Ahie
Once you’ve let us know whether or not to proceed with Dr Hayden, we’ll need to do a final pass
with Min Collins and then we should be underway, hopefully issuing invitations by the end of
next week at the latest.
I will be out of the office for most of tomorrow, but my colleagues Lee and Landon (cc’d) will be
around; I’d be very grateful if you could copy them into your response so they can keep working
tomorrow. Hopefully Lee will also be in a position to share some revised terms of reference with
you tomorrow so we can also get those checked through with the Minister next week.
Many thanks,
Richard Walley
Pou Kaupapa Here
Policy Director Science, Innovation and International
Labour, Science and Enterprise
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[email address] | Mobile: s 9(2)(a)
15-21 Stout Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 04
Out of Scope
From: Richard Walley <[email address]>
Date: Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 04:31
To: Peter Gluckman <[email address]>, Hema Sridhar
<[email address]>, Lee Robinson <[email address]>
Cc: Abi Wood-Bodley <[email address]>, Prue Williams
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Updated timeframes [UNCLASSIFIED]
Yes, the delays are frustrating. They are to do with the new coalition government firming up its
processes for consultation between the coalition partners. These processes did not exist when
we started setting up this group, but they do now, and we’ve been caught in the transition.
To your questions, the panel have all been contacted, but they do not yet know the terms of
their engagement, which would follow once the process is officially confirmed. The final list is –
William Rolleston
Nadia Levin
Hermann Hauser
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 04
Mark Ferguson
Michael Ahie
Hamish Spencer
Tracey McIntosh
Barb Hayden
I suggested to Hema that you would be ideal to contact the members as you already have
relationships with them. However, if you’re not comfortable, we are more than happy to make
the calls at this end. We may also be better placed to apologise for the wheels of bureaucracy
grinding slowly &c. But we will be less across informally bocking out some dates; although Hema
could provide those if you have them mapped out.
Let us know how you’d like to proceed.
Many thanks,
From: Peter Gluckman <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 8:32 PM
To: Richard Walley <[email address]>; Hema Sridhar
<[email address]>; Lee Robinson <[email address]>
Cc: Abi Wood-Bodley <[email address]>; Prue Williams
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: Updated timeframes [UNCLASSIFIED]
I am happy to start contacting the review team members and getting some diary slots in place
especially re the offshore members.
Before I do and to ensure I make no faux pas. And we do not look like amateur hours as we
increasingly do with these dealys
1. Can we confirm the final list of panel.
2. Have they all been contacted by MBIE
3. They know the terms of their engagement
My priority has to be dates for in person meetings in April /May
Sir Peter Gluckman ONZ KNZM FRSNZ FMedSci FISC FRS
University Distinguished Professor
Koi Tū; The Centre for Informed Futures
President; International Science Council
Cell s 9(2)(a)
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 04
PA Emily [email address]
Peter Gluckman
Out of Scope
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 04
Out of Scope
From: Lee Robinson <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 9:58 AM
To: Lee Robinson <[email address]>; Hema Sridhar
<[email address]>; Peter Gluckman <[email address]>
Cc: Abi Wood-Bodley <[email address]>; Prue Williams
<[email address]>; Richard Walley <[email address]>
Subject: Updated timeframes [UNCLASSIFIED]
Kia ora Hema and Peter
Our Minister’s office has provided us with updated timeframes for the cab paper where the two
DOIA-REQ-0006868-K Email 04
Minister’s seek their colleagues OK about the two advisory groups.
Unfortunately, they are required to work through a full cab paper process. This means we can’t
get on with appointing members or announcing the advisory groups until after either the 18th of
March or the 25th, depending on the pathway through the process.
We’ll talk to the Minister about the knock on effects to the report back dates when we meet
with her at next week’s officials. In the meantime, we’ll keep working on the project plan and
budget with you. Hema, did you receive an email from me yesterday with suggested changes to
the project plan? I am concerned it may have managed to get caught in seemail. If so, I’ll work
on finding a way to get it through.
Noho ora mai
Lee Robinson (She/Her)
He aroha whakatō. He aroha ka puta mai / If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive
Policy Director, Future Research System
Hīkina Whakatutuki / Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Email / Īmera: [email address] |
Mobile / Waea Pūkoro: s 9(2)(a)
Website / Pae-ipurangi: |
Postal / Poutāpeta: 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140