Councillor Tony Randle
[email address]; Chris Bishop; [email address]
WCC Notice of motion - Golden Mile to be part of an Integrated Plan
Wednesday, 8 May 2024 5:14:00 pm
Notice of motion - Golden Mile to be part of an Integrated Plan (Signed).pdf
Hi Simeon, Chris, and Nicola
For your information.
Following last Thursday’s WCC Transport Briefing, a number of councillors expressed concern
After seven years, LGWM never developed an integrated transport plan that the city can
use. Council officers are now working on such a plan.
The Council plans to proceed with constructing the Golden Mile without completing any
work on who it will integrate with other plans for bus lanes and cycleways.
As a result, seven Councillors have now signed a Notice of Motion to ask the Council to progress
the Golden Mile Project as part of an integrated plan. A copy of the signed Notice of Motion is
Tony Randle
Tony Randle
Kaikaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Councillor
Takapū/Northern Ward
E [email address] | P
| W
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Out of scope
Out of scope
From: Councillor Ben McNulty <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 8:21 PM
Subject: Thank you
Kia ora Simeon,
I just wanted to send a quick thank you for your strong media comments regarding access
to information in local government, particularly in the WCC context.
I've asked our officials tonight whether their decision to decline releasing legal advice
around the sale of Wellington Airport still stands given your comments.
I'm certainly more than happy to discuss or meet with your officials to provide any input as
they review the issue of transparency in local government.
Ngā mihi,
Cr Ben McNulty
Takapū/Northern Ward
Wellington City Council
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Councillor Tony Randle
[email address]
Pedestrian Raised Platforms and NZTA Safety & Audit Standards
Tuesday, 20 August 2024 9:31:00 am
Hi Simeon
Thank you for changing the direction of road design away from just focussing on slowing traffic
towards a more balanced approach. You are aware this positively impacted the installation of
raised platforms on five signalised pedestrian crossings on Thorndon Quay, Wellington.
I can see that the NZTA funding of raised pedestrian crossings change was connected to your
2024 GPS-Transport. Your follow-up comments supporting Fire & Emergency is also
The problem is that WCC Officers still claim they must keep on proposing speed bumps and
raised pedestrian crossings because slowing traffic to 30kmph is still required under NZTA road
design standards.
Of particular concern is the NZTA "Safe System audit guidelines for transport
projects" against which all major road changes are assessed. Under these audit standards, a
pedestrian crossing, even a signalised pedestrian crossing, on a road where the traffic is
travelling faster than 30kmph
must be assessed as "a high severity risk". THIS is why Thorndon
Quay and other crossings all have raised platforms ... to slow all vehicles down to 30kmph.
I have
written about this in a LinkedIn article.
WCC officers tell me that
NZTA have told them there are currently no plans to change these
road design and audit guidelines and, for this reason, they must continue to propose speed
bumps and raised platforms on crossings across Wellington City.
The 2024 GPS-Transport does specify that road safety is to become more balanced. Can you
please confirm that the changed NZTA policy on funding raised platforms will be followed by
equivalent changes to NZTA road design and audit guidelines?
Tony Randle
Tony Randle
Kaikaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Councillor
Takapū/Northern Ward
E [email address] | P
| W
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Nicola Willis
Councillor Diane Calvert
FW: Treasury Advice on sale of Wellington Airport Shares re WCC
Monday, 21 October 2024 11:25:37 am
Diane Calvert.pdf
Letter from Hon Nicola Willis, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary |
Office of Hon Nicola Willis
Minister of Finance | Minister for the Public Service | Minister for Social Investment
Associate Minister of Climate Change
Private Bag 18 888 |Parliament Buildings |Wellington 6011
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with the Minister in your personal capacity, your name may also be released. The location of the meeting will be released,
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From: Councillor Diane Calvert <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 12:29 PM
To: Paula Oliver <[email address]>; Grant Johnston
<[email address]>; Rachael Bowie <[email address]>
Subject: Treasury Advice on sale of Wellington Airport Shares re WCC
Sorry for mass emailing all three but I don’t know who best to contact. I see from a recent news
article that the Mayor met with the Minister of Finance on May 8 2024
Nicola Willis’ candid advice to Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau ahead of airport share sale
meeting - NZ Herald
I would like to get a copy of the treasury briefing and or other notes which I understand was
used to brief the Minister on the matter. Are you able to provide this information to me?
Councillor Diane Calvert
Wellington City Council | Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward
| E
[email address] | W | F dianecalvertnz | T dianecalvertnz | W
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intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents.
If received in error, you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.
20 October 2024
Diane Calvert
Wel ington City Council | Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward
[email address]
Dear Diane
Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received on 27 September 2024. You
I see from a recent news article that the Mayor met with the Minister of Finance on
May 8 2024 Nicola Wil is’ candid advice to Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau ahead of
airport share sale meeting - NZ Herald
I would like to get a copy of the treasury briefing and or other notes which I
understand was used to brief the Minister on the matter. Are you able to provide this
information to me?
Information publicly available
The fol owing document is covered by your request and will soon be publicly available on
the Treasury website:
Document Description
Website Address
7 May 2024
Aide Memoire T2024/1282: Meeting
Soon to be publicly available in OIA request
with the Mayor of Wellington on 8
May 2024
Accordingly, I have refused your request for the documents listed in the above table under
section 18(d) of the Official Information Act, as the information requested is or wil soon be
publicly available.
In addition, some relevant information has been removed from documents listed in the
above table and should continue to be withheld under the Official Information Act, on the
grounds described in the documents.
Please note that above report (T2024/1282), referenced in the article, did not provide
advice on the sale itself, but the risk position of the council and Crown balance sheet.
This reply addresses the information you requested. You have the right to ask the
Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision.
Yours sincerely
Hon Nicola Wil is
Minister of Finance
Out of scope
From: Councillor Tim Brown <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2024 11:15 PM
To: Nicola Willis <[email address]>
Subject: Wellington City Insurance Fund
Outstanding performance last night. I bet no one disputed the key message about the
need for step-change.
That certainly extends to Wellington. Amongst other things Council faces crucial
decisions about housing and water.
We simply must find ways to improve the availability of affordable and social
It's critical that we make wise decisions with our water infrastructure and operations
to minimise the cost to Wellingtonians.
But, before they become centre stage, Council's finances!
With a particular focus on the establishment of an Insurance Fund capitalised with
the sale of Wellington based assets (land and airport company shares).
It would be incredibly helpful if you were willing to announce the following in your
capacity as a Wellingtonian and MoF.
Wellington ratepayers need Council to make prudent sensible financial
decisions. This isn’t just about wasteful spending, it extends to good
management of Council's assets.
For Wellington, the choice between owning land and airport shares or a
professionally managed diversified investment fund should be obvious. The
latter will involve far less risk and almost certainly higher returns.
Treasury has estimated that the cost to the Christchurch Council of rebuilding
after the 2011 earthquakes is in the vicinity of $14 billion (in 2024 dollars) While
Wellington City Council is investing in earthquake strengthening its properties,
it needs to also prepare for rebuilding. Council's finances are stretched and
crucially it only has about $800 million of insurance cover. Its ability to fund
reconstruction is severely inadequate. Central Government would of course
play a part in rebuilding the Capital after a natural disaster, but much of the
cost will be borne by Council and the people of Wellington. Wellington City
Council has an unarguable need to establish an insurance fund. It really has no
alternative if it is to have any chance of restoring the City after a natural
disaster and giving private investors confidence to also invest.
Recognising the concerns of Wellingtonians that the money put aside in an
insurance funds could be either invested poorly or spent on vanity projects
Government will help by:
Assisting with locking the fund up so that the principal can only be used
for disaster recovery. This includes passing legislation if that is desirable
to provide certainty.
Requesting that the NZ Superannuation Fund investigate undertaking the
management of council investment funds (not just for Wellington). So
that residents can have confidence that their capital is being managed by
a world class fund manager.
Requesting that Treasury undertake further work on a framework to help
councils better understand their disaster risks and who would have to
pay for restoration.
A statement from you with some or all of the above points would be very helpful. To
support and encourage councillors to make sensible decisions, and to remind the
public of what is in their best interest.
I'm available to sit down with your officials to explain the details of what is now
Councillors are to redebate and vote on this matter on 10th October and it would be
very desirable for your position to be made public before then.
Document Outline