Hon Chris Penk
Minister for Building and Construction
Minister for Land Information
Minister for Veterans
Associate Minister of Defence
Associate Minister of Immigration
P Robins
[FYI request #28883 email]
Tena koe P Robins,
Thank you for your email on 24 November 2024 requesting, under the Official Information Act (the
Act, OIA), for the following information:
"I request any and all communications in any form regarding OIA24 175."
See enclosed a binder containing information found to be within scope of your request. As indicated,
I have decided to withhold some of the information as out of scope, and in accordance with:
• Section 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of natural persons, and;
• Section 9(2)(g)(ii), to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the protection of
such Ministers from improper harassment
I have considered the public interest in accordance with section 9(1) of the Act and have found
none that outweigh my decision to withhold this information.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under section
28(3) of the Act.
Naku noa, na
Hon Chris Penk
Minister for Building and Construction
Minister for Land Information
Minister for Veterans
Associate Minister of Defence
Associate Minister of Immigration
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand I +64 4 817 6816 I [email address]