This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Playground equipment'.

25 November 2024 
File Ref: IRC-7365  
[FYI request #28938 email] 
Tēnā koe James 
Thank you for your email of 29 October 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council (the 
Council) requesting the following information: 
•  Under the OIA please provide the itemised cost of the recently installed playground 
equipment located at Franks Kitt Park. 
A dual flying fox, a large climbable tower, three long slides and an all-ages swing set, an 
interactive waka, a transferable carousel, talk tubes, musical panels and a sensory play 
Your request has been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act 
1987 (LGOIMA). 
Play Equipment 
Total Cost 
Lighthouse (including two slides) 
Wetpour play matting 
Climbing Frame 
Accessible Carousel 
Swing (Metal Frame) 
Sound Element Post 
Swing (Timber Frame) 
Talk Tubes 
Accessibility Board 
Some of the playground items mentioned in your query were not installed, as the original design    
contained a larger list of play equipment was not fully implemented.  

From the listed items provided in your request, I can confirm that the flying fox, one slide, musical 
panels and sensory play module were not installed, as they were not included in the chosen design of 
the playground.  
If you require further information, please contact [email address].  
Nāku noa, nā 
Danika Morris-Brown 
Senior Advisor Of icial Information 
Official Information & Privacy 
Wellington City Council 
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