1 November 2024
Jane Shearer
[FYI request #28954 email]
Tēnā koe Jane
Thank you for your email of 29 October 2024 requesting the following under the Of icial
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
I am requesting the entirety of the proposal submitted by the Town Planning Group
for Gibbston Vil age in the Otago Region as listed in the Beehive press release
Ministers recently received a report from an independent Advisory Group with their
recommendations on the suitability of projects for inclusion in Schedule 2 of the Bil . Due to
the high public interest in the Bil , the Ministry has proactively released the report on our
website at the following link:
https:/ environment.govt.nz/acts-and-regulations/acts/fast-track-
approvals-bill/. The report includes an overview of the terms of reference for the Advisory
Group, and a summary of all assessed project applications, both successful and unsuccessful.
I would also encourage you to review the information that the Minister Responsible for RMA
Reform, Hon Chris Bishop, has released on the Beehive website relating to the Bil . Hon Chris
Bishop’s press releases can be found at:
https:/ www.beehive.govt.nz/minister/hon-chris-
bishop. Due to the public interest in the Fast-track Approvals Bil and projects that applied to be
considered for inclusion within the schedules of the Bil , the Ministry plans to proactively
release material we hold relating to all applications on our website by 28 November 2024. This
proactive release wil include the advice that the Ministry has provided to Ministers regarding
the projects recommended for inclusion in Schedule 2 of the Bil . Once published, you wil be
able to navigate to the information through our website at:
ht ps://environment.govt.nz/acts-
and-regulations/acts/fast-track-approvals-bill/. Therefore, the Ministry must refuse your request at this time under section 18(d) of the Act, as
the information requested is soon to be publicly available.
Please note that the material proactively released on our website is likely to include redactions
made under section 9 of the Act, particularly under the following withholding grounds:
to protect the privacy of natural persons.
to protect information where the making available of the information
would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of
the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.
Cabinet has approved the inclusion of 149 projects in Schedule 2 of the Bil . Once the Bil is
passed into law, these projects wil be required to seek consent through Expert Panels (the
PO Box 10362, Wel ington 6143 | Freephone 0800 499 700 | environment.govt.nz
The fast-track process streamlines multiple approval steps for infrastructure and development
projects that provide significant national or regional benefits. This process offers a
consolidated, ‘one-stop-shop’ approach, ensuring more ef icient decision-making. The Panels
wil have the authority to make final decisions on approvals for these projects and can impose
conditions, including to manage environmental impacts.
The Ministry for the Environment is responsible for the Bil , while the Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA) wil provide secretariat and administrative support to the Panels. Further
information on the projects in the process of going through the Panels wil be made available
in due course on the EPA’s website
: https://www.epa.govt.nz/fast-track-consenting/.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Office of the Ombudsman of my
decision to refuse this request, in accordance with section 28(3) of the Act. The relevant details
can be found on their website at:
ombudsman.parliament.nz. Please note that due to the public interest in our work the Ministry for the Environment
publishes responses to requests for official information on our
OIA responses page shortly
after the response has been sent. If you have any queries about this, please feel free to
contact our Ministerial Services team:
[email address]
Nāku noa, nā
Max Gander-Cooper
Acting Manager – Fast Track Consenting
Ministry for the Environment | Manatū Mō Te Taiao
PO Box 10362, Wel ington 6143 | Freephone 0800 499 700 | environment.govt.nz