Out of Scope
From: Melleny Black <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 10:37 AM
To: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Cc: Anya Henarath <[email address]>; Marina Barnett <[email address]>; Melanie
Porter <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Funding approval - Pakeha Project development programme [UNCLASSIFIED]
Thanks Daksha – well done. s 9(2)(a) will be very happy and we’ve already discussed the conditions on the funding
support – although you meeting with her to make clear what L&D need will be important.
I’ll also be setting an expectation that s 9(2)(a) shares some specific learnings with people in SPP – possibly at SPP
wider LT or something like that (Mel – let me know what you think).
From: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 20 January 2022 9:36 AM
To: Melleny Black <[email address]>
Cc: Anya Henarath <[email address]>; Marina Barnett <[email address]>; Melanie
Porter <[email address]>
Subject: Funding approval - Pakeha Project development programme
Morena team,
I am pleased to advise that L&D have agreed to contribute $5850 + gst, so half of he costs towards s 9(2)(a)
participating in the Pakeha Project Development Programme.
This will come from the L&D budget directly, i.e. not from Skills Pledge or Development Fund allocation. The cost
centre for L&D’s contribution will be 3923.
This is on the agreement that s 9(2)(a) will work with me/our I&D leads to provide feedback on the programme
throughout, as noted below, to help us assess how it fits within our I&D strategy – I will be in touch with s 9(2)(a) to
put some structure around in advance of the programme commencing.
I am very pleased we were able to make this happen, and look forward to hearing of s 9(2)(a) experiences.
Daksha Patel (She, Her)
People & Culture – Tikanga Tangata
Corporate, Governance & Information - Ngā Pou o te Taumaru
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment - Hīkina Whakatutuki
Email – Īmera: [email address] |
DDI – Waea Tōtika :+64 4 897 5273 |
Website – Pae-ipurangi: www.mbie.govt.nz |
Postal – Poutāpeta: 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140
NZBN 9429000106078
From: Sarah Ball <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 20 January 2022 8:52 AM
To: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Cc: Marina Barnett <[email address]>; Sripriya Somasekhar <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Skills Pledge funding consideration - Pakeha Project development programme
Kia ora Daksha,
Individual attendance at learning programmes is generally funded through branch and group L&D budgets, or
alternatively, the Development Fund, however we have made an exception on this occasion due to the close
alignment of this programme with our current I&D priority initiatives and the opportunity it provides us to assess
the suitability of this programme for MBIE, via feedback from s 9(2)(a) on her experience.
To provide the necessary rigour to this evaluation, can you please meet with s 9(2)(a) before, during and after the
programme to identify her learning goals and to assess how the programme supports her to achieve them, and
report back to Priya on this.
The cost centre for L&D’s contribution will be 3923.
Ngā mihi,
Sarah Bal (she/her/Ms*)
People & Culture, Ngā Pou o te Taumaru
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[email address] | Telephone: +64 (0) 4 901 6198 | Mobile:
s 9(2)(a)
Level 3, 15 Stout St, Wellington 6011
*Find out more information about how sharing pronouns can help to create a sense of belonging and respect here
From: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 1:53 PM
To: Sarah Ball <[email address]>
Cc: Marina Barnett <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Skills Pledge funding consideration - Pakeha Project development programme
HI Sarah
Mel has since suggested that SPP and L&D could go halves on the costs - so up to $5,850 plus GST?
the SPP contribution would come from her own cost centre 1260.
From: Sarah Ball <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 11:23 AM
To: Daksh
a Patel <[email address]>
Cc: Marina Barnett <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Skills Pledge funding consideration - Pakeha Project development programme
Thanks Daksha. So what does that mean in terms of what they are asking from L&D – what actual dollar amount do
they need?
Ngā mihi,
Sarah Bal (she/her/Ms*)
People & Culture, Ngā Pou o te Taumaru
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[email address] | Telephone: +64 (0) 4 901 6198 | Mobile:
s 9(2)(a)
Level 3, 15 Stout St, Wellington 6011
*Find out more information about how sharing pronouns can help to create a sense of belonging and respect here
From: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 11:21 AM
To: Sarah Ball <[email address]>; Marina Barnett <[email address]>
Cc: Suzy Stubbs <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Skills Pledge funding consideration - Pakeha Project development programme
HI Team, I have checked with the finance business partner again and the relevant branch is currently on track with
their forecast spend, and anticipated to meet or exceed this over all for the year.
From: Sarah Ball <[email address]>
Sent: Monday, 17 January 2022 2:51 PM
To: Daksha Patel <[email address]>; Marina Barnett <[email address]>
Cc: Suzy Stubbs <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Skills Pledge funding consideration - Pakeha Project development programme
Kia ora Daksha,
Do you know what level of funding support SPP is looking for?
As you know, we can’t use the Skills Pledge funding for this, however we could look and see whether we have an
underspend elsewhere in the L&D budget that we could use for this, but we’d need to know the level of support
being sought.
I assume you have already looked at the SPP L&D budget and that there is no underspend there?
Ngā mihi,
Sarah Bal (she/her/Ms*)
People & Culture, Ngā Pou o te Taumaru
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

sarah.ball @mbie.govt.nz | Telephone: +64 (0) 4 901 6198 | Mobile:
s 9(2)(a)
Level 3, 15 Stout St, Wellington 6011
*Find out m ore information about how sharing pronouns can help to create a sense of belonging and respect here
From: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Sent: Monday, 17 January 2022 2:33 PM
To: Marina Barnett <[email address]>; Sarah Ball <[email address]>
Cc: Suzy Stubbs <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Skills Pledge funding consideration - Pakeha Project development programme
Kia Ora team,
are there any options to have partial funding for s 9(2)(a) to participate in the Pakeha Project development
programme come from either the L&D or T&D budget, with SPP funding the remainder from their L&D budget
I have had a catch up with Suzy and we agreed it would be unfair/inconsistent for other applicants, if we were to
consider the Development Fund early, to assist with the cost of
s 9(2)(a) attending the Pakeha Project
development programme this year.
It would also be a missed opportunity to have s 9(2)(a) wait to for the Development Fund to open in August and
then attend the programme a whole year from now, in 2023.
The benefits of having an MBIE participant would be far reaching. As outlined earlier, an MBIE participant would be
a great way to ‘pilot’ the programme and get insight in to its suitability for ongoing leader development as part of
MBIEs I&D strategy, an idea that is endorsed by our I&D leads.
If SPP were to self-fund the programme entirely, there would be no obligation for the participant to provide
feedback and insights to us about their experience.
I believe the benefits of us contributing to funding of this programme are well outlined in the correspondence
attached, however, please don’t hesitate to reach out should you require further information.
thank you
Daksha Patel
Wednesday, 23 March 2022 5:45 pm
Suzy Stubbs;Gayla Falvey;Antonia Hunt
Pakeha Project Learner experience evaluation - first draft
Hi team its been a while we since we talked about this, but I’ve finally pulled together a first draft evaluation for
s 9(2)(a)
experience in the Pakeha Project.
I’ve split this across initial lost learning/reactionary evaluation, and longer term, application/org relevant evaluation,
with the intention that I share both sets of questions with s 9(2)(a) so that s 9(2)(a)can provide initial feedback after
each event, and longer term feedback as s 9(2)(a)goes on the journey, processes and appliess 9(2)(a)learning.
Given its Just one person I’ll likely just send it in word format or save in mako somewhere rather than set the whole
thing up in Survey Monkey.
Pakeha Project Learner Experience Evaluation Draft .docx
When you have a chance, please take a look and let me know your suggestions/thoughts etc – the first workshop is
next week :)
Nga mihi o te po,
Daksha Patel (She, Her)
People & Culture – Tikanga Tangata
Corporate, Governance & Information - Ngā Pou o te Taumaru
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment - Hīkina Whakatutuki
Email – Īmera: [email address] |
DDI – Waea Tōtika :+64 4 897 5273 |
Website – Pae-ipurangi: www.mbie.govt.nz |
Postal – Poutāpeta: 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140
NZBN 9429000106078
P akeha Project Learner Experience
The purpose of the evaluation is to take feedback from s 9(2)(a) participation in the
program to assess the experience (not the learner) for its suitability to be part of the
I&D journey for MBIE leaders.
Post event evaluation survey – to be competed 1-2 weeks after each event in the
My learning was enhanced by the knowledge and experiences shared by the facilitator or in the
online learning.
Not at all
I have observed a notable behaviour change in myself as a result of this learning.
Scale: 1: No > 5: Yes
The learning gave me new insights in doing my job differently to get to better outcomes.
Not at all
The events and resources catered for diverse learning styles and ability
Scale: 1: Not at all > 5: Definitely
Not at all
I’m still in the stage of working out the ‘what’ of the work – though I am currently focused on how to
introduce alternative/Te Ao Maori frameworks to my team and branch, which I would not have
focused on if I hadn’t been doing this course.
What did you find most useful about the learning, and why?
Opening my eyes to new world views, as well as clarifying my own.
What did you find least useful about the learning, and why?
Not ‘least useful’ but recognising the challenge of this type of work and wondering how I keep
myself safe during it.
What challenges are you facing around implementing your learning (if any)? What else do you need,
to make the most of your learning?
Programme suitability evaluation questions – to be shared early on, reflected on and
discussed ongoing throughout the programme.
Is the programme pitched well? How well does it reach the target audience?
How well does the programme deliver on its learning objectives, and what is that experience
How does the learning support your development and/or leadership journey – and is there
clear pathway ahead?
Who at MBIE would be best suited to this programme, and at what stage of a) their career B)
their leadership journey?
Is the programme an alternative/complementary option when compared to Beyond
Diversity /Wall Walk / other leadership and I&D offerings at MBIE? and in what way/s?
How useful was it to collaborate with other people from different business groups or
How does the learning align to the MBIE I&D journey, values and priorities?
Who is the programme best for, when considering the content the level of detail and the
Would you recommend the experience to others at MBIE?
Sarah Ball
Tuesday, 20 December 2022 8:25 am
Daksha Patel
RE: Pākehā project [UNCLASSIFIED]
Thanks for flagging this Daksha. I will pick this up in the New Year.
Nāku noa, nā,
Sarah Bal (she/her/Ms*)
People & Culture, Ngā Pou o te Taumaru
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[email address] | Telephone: +64 (0) 4 901 6198 | Mobile:
s 9(2)(a)
Level 3, 15 Stout St, Wellington 6011
*Find out more information about how sharing pronouns can help to create a sense of belonging and respect here
From: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2022 2:49 PM
To: Sarah Ball <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Pākehā project [UNCLASSIFIED]
HI Sarah is this something your team may be interested in joining us to hear about from
s 9(2)(a) ?
As you know, we partially funded s 9(2)(a) participation in Pakeha Project
From: Marina Barnett <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2022 1:58 PM
To: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Pākehā project [UNCLASSIFIED]
Sounds good to me but you might want to ask Sarah?
Ngā mihi,
Marina Barnett (she/her*)
Tikanga Tangata – People & Culture
Nga Pou o te Taumaru
Hīkina Whakatutuki - Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

*If you’re wondering about the use of the pronouns she/her on this signature,
read this article about how sharing pronouns in
this way can help create an inclusive and safe environment for transgender and nonbinary colleagues.
[email address] | Telephone: +64 (0)4 9011353 cellphone s 9(2)(a)
Level 3, 15 Stout St, Wellington 6011
= In the office = Working from home
From: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2022 12:38 pm
To: Marina Barnett <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Pākehā project [UNCLASSIFIED]
I think this is a great idea, perhaps with T&D as well?
s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2022 12:02 PM
To: Daksha Patel <[email address]>
Cc: Kirsty Flannagan <[email address]>
Subject: Pākehā project [UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Daksha
I shared my journey on the Pākehā project with my branch recently – it took about 45 minutes, including a bit of
engagement with people who asked questions/made contributions. I walked the branch through why I signed up to
the course, some of the things I found challenging, and what I’ve come away with – using my pepeha as a centre
piece. It seemed to go really well and people have since been coming up to me asking more or sharing more about
their own journeys to support Te Tiriti. If you’d be at all interested I would be happy to do something similar with
you and your team, or indeed any other team that you think might be interested in a view on what it takes to be a
better partner to support the Māori-Crown partnership.
Noho ora mai
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
l Strategic Policy and Programmes Group
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
My strengths: Empathy | Developer | Individualization | Connectedness | Positivity
s 9(2)(a) @mbie.govt.nz | DDI: s 9(2)(a)
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